Comparative 2011 and 2013 Chittenden Central Supervisory Union and VT Responses

2013 YRBS-Total EHS Respondents 1140 (563 Females, 567 Males)

CCSU 2011 VT 2013 CCSU 2013 (%)…as Numbers

…………………………….….……YES……………..………………..…………………SURVEY QUESTION……………

Within the last 30 days have you…?

36%33%36%410drank alcohol (9th-20%, 10th-35%, 11th-47%, 12th-47%)

21%19%22%251binge drank (5+ drinks) (9th-10,% 10th-15%, 11th-31%, 12th-32%)

27%24%28%319smoked marijuana (9th-17%, 10th-22%, 11th-36%, 12th-33%)

12%13%13%148smoked cigarettes (9th-7%, 10th-9%, 11th-18%, 12th-17%)

(new question) 7% 7% 80misused a stimulant or prescription pain reliever (9th-6%, 10th-4%,

11th-9%, 12th-10%)

22%21%19%217rode with a driver who had been drinking (9th-16%, 10th-17%, 11th-

24%, 12th-20%)

9% 8% 10%114drove after they had been drinking (9th-8%, 10th-7%,11th-10%, 12th-12%)

28%23%27%*308rode with a driver who’d been smoking marijuana (9th-14%, 10th-22%,

11th-35%, 12th-35%)

14%16%20%*228drove after they’d been smoking marijuana (9th-15%, 10th-11%, 11th-22%,


In your lifetime have you EVER…?

55%59%55%627had a drink of alcohol (more than a few sips) (9th-33%, 10th-48%,

11th-66%, 12th-71%)

21%24%21%239smoked a whole cigarette (9th-12%, 10th-15%, 11th-26%, 12th-29%)

37%39%40%456tried marijuana (9th-23%, 10th-34%, 11th-48%, 12th-52%)

11% 9%15%171used hallucinogens (LSD/acid, PCP/angel dust, mescaline, mushrooms)

(9th-9%, 10th-11%, 11th-18%, 12th-19%)

5% 3% 4% 46used methamphetamines (9th-2%, 10th-3%, 11th-5%, 12th-6%)

10% 7% 7% 80used inhalants (9th-7%, 10th-7%, 11th-9%, 12th-5%)

4% 2% 4% 46used heroin (9th-2%, 10th-3%, 11th-4%, 12th-5%)

16% 13% 15%171used prescription drugs not prescribed for you (Rx stimulant or Rx pain reliever)

(9th-9%, 10th-11%, 11th-19% 12th-21%)

(2011-used in last 30 days: 7%) 5% 7% 80used cocaine (9th-3%, 10th-5%, 11th-8%, 12th-12%)

In the past 12 months have you been …?

27%18%23%262offered/sold/given an illegal drug on school property (9th-18%,

10th-18%, 11th-31%, 12th-25%)

24%20%18%205been in a physical fight (9th-21%, 10th-20%, 11th-16%, 12th-16%)

CCSU 2011 VT 2013 CCSU 2013(%)…as Numbers

………………………………………YES……………………………..………………SURVEY QUESTION……………

9% 8% 7% 80been in a physical fight on school property *

7% 5% 4% 46been threatened or injured with a weapon on school property *

Within the last 30 days have you …?

15%18%13%148been bullied (9th-18%, 10th-13%, 11th-13%, 12th-9%)

14%14%10%114bullied someone (9th-11%, 10th-8%, 11th-9%, 12th-9%)

15%16%12%137been electronically bullied (email, chat rooms, instant messaging,

web sites or texting) (9th-13%, 10th-11%, 11th-10%, 12th-12%)

4% 5% 3% 34not gone to school because of feeling unsafe *

7% 9% 7% 80carried a weapon such as a gun, knife or club on school property

(9th-5%, 10th-6%, 11th-10%, 12th-8%)

(new question)35%33%376texted or e-mailed while driving a car or other vehicle (9th-9%, 10th-14%,

11th-36%, 12th-52%)

In the past 12 months have you …?

19% 21%20%228felt so sad or hopeless for at least 2 weeks that you stopped doing

some usual activity *

14%16%16%182purposely hurt self (cut, burned) without wanting to die *

9%11%10%114made a suicide plan *

4% 5% 4% 46actually attempted suicide *

In your lifetime have you …?

40%43%40%456ever had sexual intercourse (9th-16%, 10th-26%, 11th-50%, 12th-61%)

46%44%43%490ever had oral sex (9th-22%, 10th-33%, 11th-52%, 12th-61%)

(new question) 5% 4% 46report same-sex sexual contact (9th-3%, 10th-2%, 11th-5%, 12th-5%)

(reformatted question) 9% 8% 91identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or unsure (9th-7%, 10th-5%, 11th-10%,

12th- 8%)

12%12%13%148have had sexual intercourse with four or more people (9th-3%, 10th-9%,

11th-16%, 12th-23%)

(new question)85%80%912of sexually active students, those who used a condom or prescription

birth control the last time they had sex (10th-72%, 11th-83%, 12th-80%)

29%22%29%331used drugs/alcohol before most recent sexual experience (10th-33%,

11th & 12th-28%)

7% 6% 5% 57ever been forced to have sexual intercourse (9th & 10th-3%, 11th & 12th-7%)

8% 9% 7% 80percent of students who dated in the past 12 months and were

physically hurt by someone they were dating or going out with

(9th-6%, 10th-7%, 11th-10%, 12th-5%)

*grade percentages not noted if not significantly different