St Jacob’s United Church of Christ, Blue Creek, 8am

Combined Sunday School at St. John’s, 9:30am

St John’s United Church of Christ, Penntown, 10:30am

We extend a warm welcome to each of you!

We lift in prayer those who are unable to be here

and all who join us for worship.

Pastor Lynne: (812) 623-0354 or (319) 830-4048 or

Church office: (812) 623-3410 or

March 12, 2017

2ndSunday of Lent

Roll Down, Justice!

“How Long: Renouncing Evil”




Call to Worship

There’s a voice, strong and clear,ringing out far and near,

“Let justice roll down, let justice roll down!”

Like the rush of a stream,

comes a powerful dream,

let justice roll down, justice roll down!

Words of Lent

…and injustice, and until that time, we cry out with the psalmist, “How long?”


Roll down! Roll down, justice!

Roll like an ever-flowing stream.

Roll down! Roll down, justice!

Roll like an ever-flowing stream,

flowing stream, roll down!

Holy and Living God, we long for your justice, for your peace.

May peace flow. Let justice roll.

We long to be released from the shackles of fear and injustice.

May peace flow. Let justice roll.

We wait O God, crying “How Long?”

May peace flow. Let justice roll.


Pastor: Peace be with you!

People: And also with you!
Please pass the peace of Christ with those around you.

Opening Hymn

“We Need Thee Every Hour” #476


Come as a Child

A Word for Humanity


Psalm 13

“How Long”

see insert

Prayer Poem


Perfecting God,

As we walk further into your light

and your Word manifests more deeply within us,

may we come to understand

that absence is not always enough.

The absence of hate is good,

but the presence of love perfects what is good.

The absence of evil is good,

but the presence of righteousness perfects what is good.

The absence of violence is good,

but the presence of peace perfects what is good.

The absence of scarcity is good,

but the presence of abundance perfects what is good.

The absence of discrimination is good,

but the presence of justice perfects what is good.

Transform us as only you can, Perfecting God.

Mold us and make us after your will,

while we are waiting, yielded and still. Amen.

“How Long”

see insert – sing refrain only


Turn to someone near you, and say this to them,

“God is good, all the time

and all the time, God is good.”


Morning Prayer/Lord’s Prayer




[Tune: Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow, #147]

For death-defying hope, we praise;

for love what conquers all, we raise

Alleluia’s! Alleluia!

For justice here on earth we sing

and righteousness as if a stream.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Prayer of Dedication

For the gift of righteous indignation that can fuel our compassion,

we give thanks.

For these offerings which can become ways to alleviate injustice,

we give thanks.

For the gift of this community bound and working together,

we give thanks.

Closing Hymn

“There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy”#61


As counterintuitive as it may seem, may the work of lament

be the fuel for your empathy.

Remember, you have the freedom and power to name injustice

and in that crying out, expose it to the Light in which it cannot survive.

Let the act of grief move us, rather than stymy us.

I invite you make a connection with those around you–

one hand on someone’s shoulder works well for

holding your worship guide in the other hand!

and to bless one another with these words:

May the song you sing in your heart

be pleasing to God,

moving you to the passion and compassion of Jesus,

uplifted by a Spirit

that keeps you humming life’s tune of love.


Benediction Response

“May Peace Flow”

May peace flow through me

as music through an instrument,

let it flow through me

like the warmth from the sun

may peace flow through me

so that I may be a vessel

of the love of God for everyone,

for everyone.


Worship Notes: Design, leader parts and liturgy © Marcia McFee, Used with permission. Opening and Closing Prayer/Poems © Bishop LaTrelle Miller Easterling. Used with permission for “Roll Down Justice” Lent series by Worship Design Studio. “Dust and Ashes” words by Brian Wren. Additional stanza © 2012 Hope Publishing Company. CCLI #3100743

Volunteers / Today / Mar 19 / Offerings / Capital Campaign
Front Door Greeter / Please sign up to share your talents! / Budget $2127/wk / Pledges:
Side Door Greeter / 3/5 offering: $1572 / $103,050
Liturgist / OCWM $105 / Received:
Organist / Sylvia Gesell / Dee Hutson / Attendance 47 / $86,569

Next Week’s Scripture Focus: Matthew 25:31-40


*March 12 – Morris Volunteer Firemen’s Breakfast, 7 am – 1 pm, St. Anthony’s Schad Hall. Whole hog sausage, pancakes, biscuits & gravy, applesauce. Free will offering.

*March 19 – St. Jacob’s UCC Blue Creek Sausage & Pancake Breakfast, Bake Sale & Raffle – 7:30am-12:30pm in the church hall. Contact Janice at 623-3578 if you can help.

*March 27-31 Merom Work Camp –multi-generational opportunity, talk with Louie & Jim if you can come. Lots of fun, lots of hard work! Come make a difference with us.

Lenten Small Group Study – 7pm

Thursday March 16: Whiteness as the Norm – with Da Vita D. McCallister

Thursday March 23: Whiteness as Cash Value – with Traci Blackmon

Thursday April 6: On Being an Ally – with Stephen Ray

This webinar series offers a solid foundation on the subject of white privilege while also serving as a preview for the "White Privilege: Let’s Talk" adult education curriculum, part of the United Church of Christ's ongoing commitment to engaging communities of faith in Sacred Conversations on Race.

Please let Pastor Lynne know if you’ll be coming and haven’t already signed up.

It’s not too late to join us!


Sunday School invites you to help us support Brooklawn, a UCC sponsored Children's Home in Louisville.

Brooklawn currently serves about 175 children on campus. Last summer, one of their speakers shared from the pulpit of the needs of these young people.

This week, we are asking for swimming items: Goggles, sunscreen, and beach towels. Again, any items on the list are needed and appreciated.

Sunday School will be collecting through Easter. Please join us in being the Hands and Feet of Jesus here in our own Indiana-Kentucky Conference.