October 2014 October 2014 October 2014
St John’sCEVAPrimary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Registered Charity No. 1029230
PTA Contact: Julie SmithEmail:
St John’sCommunity Fireworks!!
Friday 7thNovember 2014
Thank you so much if you have already volunteered to help with our forthcoming Fireworks Display. You will be hearing from us shortly via a letter in your child’s book bag! We still need more help please, especially stewards on the night, for the event to be able to go ahead safely. Please return your yellow slip asap if you can help in any way!
Posters are now available from the school officeif you are able to display one prominently, either at home or at a local venue to help us publicise the event in the wider community. This is a community event to which all are welcome, so please spread the word!
As you know, we are holding our Fireworks Displayat Ransomes Sports & Social Club, Sidegate Avenue IP4 4JJ,there will be limited parking for Blue Badge holders onlyat Ransomesbutwe would urge those wishing to do so, to arrive early. Spectators can park for free at St John’sChurch car park on Cauldwell Hall Road IP4 4QE.
Our tickets are cheaper if you buy them in advance, so please complete the form below and bring it along to ‘The Hut’ in the playground, with payment, to buy your tickets. We will be in ‘The Hut’ selling tickets after school on Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd October, then again from Monday 3rd to Thursday 6th November. Tickets are also now available from Taste Community Café, 426 Woodbridge Road; Co-op, 111 Cauldwell Hall Road; Co-op, 335 Woodbridge Rd (corner of Brunswick Road); Spar, 777 Woodbridge Road; and Premier Store (was Spar), 142 Freehold Road, as well as at school.
Once again, refreshments and glowstick necklaceswill be on sale on the night. Glowsticks will also be on sale in the playground at drop off and pick up on Friday 7thNovember- unless it is raining - so your childrencan wear them to the eventin the dark!We have had external vendors selling these outside the gates at Ransomes in the past, so make sure you buy them either at school or inside the grounds at Ransomes on the night!!
Please complete and return this form, with payment, to ‘The Hut’’ in the playground.
Child(ren)’s Name(s) ……………………………………………………………………
Class(es) ………………………………………..
I would like ……………… adult tickets @ £3.50.
I would like ……………… child (4-18 years) tickets @ £2.50. (Children aged 3 & under are free.)
I enclose cash/a cheque made payable to St John’s School PTA for £…………………..
Contact no. or email in case of query …………………………………………………………………………………………………….