Newsletter No.8 (23rdOctober 2015)

Dear Parents

Welcome to the last newsletter of this half term. It has been a busy half term and the time has flown by! It is lovely to see how well the children have settled into their new classes and routines, especially the children who have joined us in Reception.

This half term we have really enjoyed being able to take the children swimming in our lovely pool, but it is now time to close the pool for the Winter so the children will not be swimming at school until the Spring.


The staff and I would like to say a BIG thank you to the PTA members for organising the Disco. The children really enjoyed the dancing and the various ‘dancing games’!

GOLDEN ASSEMBLY –For Our Shining Stars!

Last Tuesday children received ‘Golden Awards’ for:

  • Being brilliant in our Harvest Service in Church!
  • For always being helpful and making the right choices!
  • For being really brave about joining in with swimming and having fun in the pool!
  • For amazing progress in writing – joining her handwriting beautifully and using correct punctuation!
  • For trying really hard in phonic sessions!
  • For amazing reading!
  • For being so enthusiastic to read – even in their spare time!


A new parent asked: My friend’s child is in the same year group as my child but they seem to do different activities and sometimes have different routines.

Answer: The teacher’s plan together and they cover the same themes and broad learning objectives taken from the Early Years or National Curriculum. However, the teachers will always tailor the teaching to the needs of their class and the class timetable. For example all classes swim on different days, so if they had planned to visit the Abbey they may visit on different days to other classes in the same year group. All children receive the same enriching and creative experiences to accelerate learning.


We shall be holding Parents’ Evenings the second week back after the half term break, week beginning 9th November 2015. Class teachers will be sending out letters with further details after the half term holiday.


Please may we ask parents to send in their Tempest School Photograph order by Wednesday 4th November.

ATTENDANCE – Please help us achieve our target this term!

The national average is 95%. Our aim is 97% or better!

Best attendance this week has been achieved by Reception. They have achieved 96.82% attendance, so well done to them!

Year 2 have achieved 95.69% andYear 1 have achieved 92.24%.

The Class with the best attendance this week, has been achieved by Class 1 ‘Hedgehogs’! They achieved97.37%! Well done to them!!

‘DROP IN’ SESSIONS FOR PARENTS – First Monday in every month!

We would like to invite you to ‘drop in’ sessions, on the first Monday of every month, from 3.05pm – 3.30pm. This will be an opportunity for your child to share their learning with you, to look at their work and the classroom displays. Children really enjoy showing their parent/carer a piece of learning they are particularly proud of!

The ‘drop in sessions’ for the rest of this term will be on the following dates:

Monday 2nd November 2015

Monday 14thDecember 2015

( REMINDER FOR NEXT HALF TERM – please note the first ‘Drop in Session’ is on the first day back!)


This will begin on Monday 26th October 2015 until Friday 30th November 2015.

Monday 2ndNovember 2015– School re-opens at 8.50am.

Finally the staff and I wish you all a fun filled holiday and look forward to seeing all the children refreshed next half term.

Best wishes to all our families

Wendy Turner
