The Children & Families Public Health team and the Healthy Living team are currently exploring how we can support staff in schools to be confident in speaking with pupils about new or novel psychoactive substances (sometimes referred to as legal highs). Evidence suggests that young people are a particularly ‘high risk’ group and we want to ensure that staff feel that they have the knowledge and the confidence to talk to pupils about these substances and signpost them to support services as appropriate.
If you could take 5 minutes to complete the following survey, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Please place a CROSS in the selected box against each question.
1. Do you feel that there is a current gap in knowledge amongst staff around New Psychoactive Substances (NPS, sometimes referred to as ‘legal highs’)?(Please select one option)
Know the basics but need further information
2. Do you feel that a training event on NPS would be helpful?
(Please select one option)
Yes – a one-two hour twilight session
Yes – a half day event
No – but online resources might be helpful
3. If you feel a training event would be helpful, can you please confirm what content you would like the training to cover?
(Please select all that apply)
Gain an understanding about the different substances
Examine the impact/health harms of NPS on young people
Understand the role the internet is playing in the changing drugs culture
Explore the groups of young people at a higher risk of substance misuse and their vulnerabilities
Understand how to identify the signs of use – screening approaches
Explore appropriate harm reduction advice to give to those using particular substances
Understand where further help, information and advice is available
4. Which staff would be most appropriate to attend any training around NPS?
(Please select all that apply)
PHSE Coordinators
PSHE Teachers
Wider teaching workforce
School Nurses
If you have selected other, please detail:
5. Do you think a single lesson plan to be delivered within a school setting would be useful?
(Please select one option)
Yes – a single lesson plan focussing on NPS
Yes – a single lesson plan that looks at wider recreational drug use
No – more than 1 lesson plan would be useful
No – I don’t think delivering it as a lesson plan would be helpful
6. Would you be willing to join a working group to support the development of a lesson plan for schools across Leeds?
(Please select one option)
No thank you
Job Title/Position
Primary or Secondary? / ------
Thank you for your help in completing this survey.
If you are interested in joining a working group to help develop a lesson plan then can you please leave your details here:
Email Address: