St. James the Greater

Pastoral Council Minutes

Wednesday January 11, 2017 @ 7:45 pm

1.Opening Prayer – Ron Hartmus

2.Roll Call Attendance

Msgr. John KaszaFather Greg Deters

Deacon Glenn MelenykGene Bigi

Erica Bledsoe - AbsentLisa Coughlin

Angelina EstebanGregg Garner

Ed Hart - AbsentRon Hartmus

Aaron KlenkeKen Krause

Julie Smith - AbsentEd Roney Wendy Wilber - Absent

3.Minutes from November 9, 2016 meeting approved.

a. Discussion of more fellowship prior to mass by hospitality committee.

b. Each council member needs to check in at the office to have their

photos taken for the bulletin.

4.Commission Reports


1. Still looking for youth minister.

2. No changes to report.


1. We have 902 children registered for the Regions Education program.

2. We have 125 children scheduled for First Communion this year.

3. We have 152 volunteers in the Religious Education program currently.

4. There will be catechist training in late January.

5. There will be a Confirmation Retreat in March.

c.Christian Service

1. We had great participation for all the Christmas Projects.

2. Discussion of thank you notes for Holiday Adopters in the bulletin.

3. Discussion of publishing the summary of the holiday projects.

4. Minutes will be sent to Fr. John for publishing on the website.

5. Discussion of website metrics.


1. Discussion of Required Minimum Distributions.

2. Real brick replacement would require roof extension.

3. Discussion of the capital projects.


1. Volunteer database is near completion.

2. Opening of Volunteer Office is expect soon.

3. Starting next month we will be having meetings.

f.Worship – no report


1. Living the Eucharist will start March 1st.

2. Hoping to get 70 participants this year.

3. They will be held on Thursday’s and Saturday’s during lent.

5.Old Business / Ongoing Business

a.Youth Mass (celebration) – how can we move this forward?

1. We have 900 religious education students, about 200 attend mass.

2. Youth group in struggling to keep student interest.

3. Discussion of extending Middle School Nights to the youth mass.

4. Discussion of possibility of holding Sunday evening youth events.

5. Discussion of the possibility of identifying youth to lead the youth group.

6. Possibility of surveying the Table Leaders to find new direction for youth


b.Update from AOD Synod Nov 18-20

1. Synod discussed how the church can be more responsive to followers.

2. Synod discussed how small groups can be more open to parishioners.

3. They will meet again to have more small group discussions.

4. Result should be available in May or June of this year.

5. How can the church attract members into the parish.

c.Finance committee building projects

1. Discussion of brick walls replacement project.

2. Discussion of a fundraiser for the brick project.

3. Fundraiser could build more ownership in the church.

4. Discussion of best way to get more information to the parishioners.

5. Possibility of Town Hall regarding the bricks in May.

6. Ken will speak on the brick project at mass.

d.2017 Council goals for St. James Parish

1. Possibility of exploring the starting of an elementary school.

2. Possibility of splitting a new school with OLV.

3. Should we survey the parish about the feasibility of a school.

4. Each council member needs to write a survey question.

5. How can we drive up membership and attendance?

6. How can we build more after mass events?

7. Possibility of tours of the church and history.

a. Script, tour, and history.

b. Aaron will run the first tour.

6.New Business

a.April 8th, Easter Egg Hunt activity – proposed

1. There are currently 6 members on the Activities Committee.

2. Activities Committee will fall under Stewardship Commission.

3. Movie Nights for the youth.


1. Audio/video tour of Oakpointe Church is planned.

2. Discussion of upgrading our audio video equipment.

3. Possibly find high school students to run the A/V dept.

4. Parish social outreach is needed.

7.Open Forum

a.Discussion of the history of Saint James the Greater

b.Discussion of how to best teach the parish about our history.

8.Closing Comments

9.Next Meeting Wednesday March 8, 2017, 7:45 pm

a.Opening prayer - Gregg Garner

b.Closing prayer - Julie Smith

10.Closing Prayer - Deacon Glenn