Sam Livingston School Council (SLSC)
Meeting January 19th,2016, 6:30pm - Library
Chad N.,Michelle T., Mme. Susan Wright, Mme. Susan Westgate, Natasha R., Michelle S., Roxanne M., Kristine N., Sarah M., Sheila H., Stacey S.-S., Raina W., Audrey A.
The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm.
- One edit with a hanging sentence; a link to be added
- Kristine moved to accept the revised Minutes. Sheila seconded. Carried.
- Rainamoved to accept the revised Agenda. Kristine seconded. Carried.
Report from Administration
Mme. Susan Wright, Principal and Mme. Susan Westgate, Assistant Principal
- Six weeks on the job! Loving the school, the teachers, the students!
- Super proud to have a new secretary, Lori Smith
- Very impressed with the Planete des Alphas program
- More teachers are being trained in this program
- Focus on Grade 1, a little in Grade 2
- Added focus on high needs in later grades where there may be gaps
- If needs are identified these may be able to be addressed
- LaboCreo (a.k.a. Learning Commons) update – Mme. Susan Westgate, Assistant Principal
- Books and shelves are rearranged, more books on
- Maker spaces in progress
- Screen moved
- More open space for kids movement
- New grower station with fish eggs, some have hatched
- Magnetic wall coming
- This is the “Fifth Corner” of the classroom
- Next professional development day will be focused on Design Learning – solving real problems, critical thinking, continual learning
- Update on Book Purchases - $10,000 was given from School Council funds
- $1400 has been spent for Grade 4s – 3 more sets of a popular series of books
- $2,500 has been spent approximately with the
- During Teacher’s Convention, Mme. Wright will work with all the teachers to select the books for their classrooms from the publishers there
- There are sets of school books as well as sets of books used at/sent home
- Mathletics
- There are now usernames and passwords for all kids
- A trainer has been in to the school to train all teachers on what you can do and how you can use it
- Teachers will start using this as they can (i.e. after report cards!)
- The tool should be able to be used on Ipad’s as well; there is an app, more info will be communicated
- 2017-2018 Calendar for all system wide CBE breaks is out; there are some days off that will be added for Sam school days only
Enviro Lab
- There is a committee working through this
- There is a designer working on concepts
- Friendship benches and some picnic tables
- Some trees will be moved to the other side of the yard
COSC – Council of School Councils meeting update
- Mental Health was the focus of the last meeting
- Sheila will provide some additional information via a link
- Asked us how we thought School Councils could help in schools
- The importance of physed and recess and exercise is critical here
Community Fair Update – Stacey S.-S.
- April 8th– 10am – 2pm at the school
- Stacey demonstrated the crafts that will be done: a flower pot complete with flower bulb and a pencil pot built out of recycled materials
- CALL FOR MATERIALS: short stubby tin cans (i.e. Niblets, Pinneaple) are needed in high demand – drop off in the office please
- Theatre - Lead needed
- EnviroLab / Green Calgary workshops - Lead needed
- Auction – Raina W. and Michelle S. leading
- Booths / Fair – Kristen L. leading
- Some Food options:
- AHS tells us that we can do Food trucks OR Homemade, not both
- Consensus is to do food trucks
- Roxanne M. will lead Food
- More info will go to Facebook as needed
- Need help with Adobe Indesign or Design work
- Need help on marketing and promotion of the event
Proposed School Changes for next year – Mme. Wright
- Sam Livingston is staying K – Grade 4 for French Immersion
- Currently at 80% capacity (600 students is capacity)
- Optimal
- David Thompson will be Grade 5 – 9
- Staff, resources, books will move with the program
- Questions that have been raised:
- What about Council purchased items at Fairview (e.g. skis)
- Will bus stops be the same/same time?
- CBE needs to hear from parents
- Late French Immersion program will continue at David Thompson (Grade 7 – 8, integrate into continuing French Immersion for Grade 9)
- Options typically will be blended with all streams, in English
- Any questions about the transition should be raised via CBE Dialogue: see links on CBE website
- There is a shared play ground with Acadia school, grades 5 & 6’s go at separate times
- Grades 5 & 6’s aren’t able to join sports teams but the older kids do teach them about the sports and teams
- Good band and sports program, adding an art program
- Mme. Susan Wright will work closely with David Thompson to determine transition items including an orientation
- Capacity is at 680 students
Meeting Adjourned at 7:59pm.