St. Hugh’s High School

CAPE History Unit 1

The Caribbean in the Atlantic World

Assessment test # 1 2009

Module 1: Indigenous Societies



1.  In Aztec society, only the following wore gold, copper or jade jewelry:

(a)  Kings

(b)  Peasants

(c)  Women

(d)  The wealthy

2.  The tainos ha the following means of recreation, EXCEPT

(a)  ballgame

(b)  fighting

(c)  religious festivals

(d)  drinking beer

3.  In Aztec society, women could do all of the following, EXCEPT:

(a)  Enter into contracts

(b)  Own land

(c)  Become priests

(d)  Divorce their husband

4.  Which of the following is NOT true of the tainos? They..

(a)  painted their bodies

(b)  worshipped zemis

(c)  had many female warriors

(d)  only men could be leaders

5.  An Aztec husband could divorce his wife for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT:

(a)  ill-temper

(b)  neglect of house duties

(c)  being barren

(d)  lack of ambition

6.  All of the following describe the Tainos’ agricultural practice, EXCEPT:

(a)  they were subsistence farmers

(b)  they practiced slash and burn farming.

(c)  Sweet potatoes and cassava grew on estates.

(d)  They used sucker fish to make fish hooks.

7.  In Aztec society, which of the following activities were girls NOT involved in?

(a)  weaving

(b)  fighting

(c)  schooling

(d)  cooking

8.  The cacique in Taino society was:

(1)  religious leader

(11)law maker

(111) civil maker

(1V) chief teacher

(a)  1 and 11 only

(b)  11 and 1v only

(c)  1,11 and 111 only

(d)  All of the above.

9.  Who tried important legal cases in Aztec society?

(a)  the emperor

(b)  judges

(c)  priests

(d)  women

10.  The mitaynos in Taino society were:

(a)  priests

(b)  nobles

(c)  boys

(d)  married women

11.  Which of the following is NOT true of Aztec agricultural practice?

(a)  they used fertilizer

(b)  they used large machines on their farms

(c)  each family farmed its own land

(d)  they planted crops for trade.

12.  All of the following were duties of the cacique, EXCEPT

(a)  levying taxes

(b)  deciding when to prepare land

(c)  planning for food storage

(d)  choosing his successor

13.  All of the following statement are true of the Aztec political system, EXCEPT

(a)  women often inherited power.

(b)  They had a king

(c)  Judges were sons of nobles

(d)  The emperor led religious ceremonies.

14.  The priviledges of the Cacique did NOT include:

(a)  the largest house in the village.

(b)  Part of the harvest

(c)  Special cassava cakes

(d)  House made of bricks.

15.  Which of the following is true of Aztec society?

(1)  they provided for the needy

(11)  boys and girls were educated

(111)  they had slaves

(1V) they had a market place

(a)  1,11 and 111 only

(b)  11, 111 and 1V only

(c)  1, 111 and 11 only

(d)  All of the above.

16.  The tainos agricultural practice did NOT include.

(a)farming by women

(b) hunting of wild horses

(c ) planting of corn

(d) use of fish and ash fertilizer.

17.  The Spaniards found the following Aztec leader upon their arrival in the Americas

(a)  Tenoctitlan

(b)  Ouboutou 11

(c)  Montezuma 11

(d)  Talisman 3

18.  Which of the following is believed to have been used by the tainos in agriculture?

(a)  irrigation

(b)  terracing

(c)  cloud seeding

(d)  hanging gardens.

19.  The Aztecs used the following fertilizers

(a)  urine and charcoal

(b)  offal and refusal

(c)  limestone and dung

(d)  sodiumphosphate

20.  The tainos practiced a type of intensive agriculture to support large villages. This technique was called…

(a)  cunoco

(b)  batos

(c)  zemin

(d)  oubitye


This question is compulsory

Study the documents below, on indigenous societies and Spanish settlement, then answer questions (a) to (e) that follow.


They bear no arms, nor know thereof; for I showed them swords and they grasped them by the blade and cut themselves through ignorance ... Their darts are a kind of rod ... and some have at the end a fish's tooth and others, other things.

Journal of Columbus, 1492, in F.R. Augier and S.c. Gordon, Sources of West Indian History, Trinidad and Jamaica, Longman Caribbean, 1962, p. 1.


To their god Huitzilopochtli they sacrificed hawks and quail. To Mixcoatl they sacrificed deer, rabbits and cayotes. They made daily offerings of quail to the sun, on which occasions various priests stood at dawn at the temple, with their faces turned toward the east ...

Clavigero, 16th century Spanish historian quoted in Shirley C. Gordon, Caribbean Generations, Trinidad and Jamaica, Longman Caribbean, 1983, pp 4-5.


An infinite number of people have left Spain to dwell in these countries. They generally touch at Hispaniola. " The extent of it is about 600 leagues ... there's no country in the world more populous. .. The continent, which is about 250 leagues distant from it, is of a vast extent ...

Bartolome de Las Casas, An Account of the First Voyages and Discoveries made by the Spaniards in America, 1540, in F.R. Augier and S.c. Gordon, Sources of West Indian History Trinidad and Jamaica, Longman Caribbean, 1962, p.


We shall make it evidently appear to your Majesty, that the Spaniards in about eight and thirty or forty years have unjustly put to death above twelve millions of your subjects ...

Bartolome de Las Casas, An Account of the First Voyages and Discoveries made by the Spaniards in America, 1540, in F.R. Augier and S. C. Gordon, Sources of West Indian History, Trinidad and Jamaica, Longman Caribbean, 1962, p.3.

, I

i i

(a) What does Document I suggest about this group of indigenous people of the Americas?

, ' [6 marks]

(b) What does Document II suggest about the religion of this group of indigenous people of

the Americas? [64 marks]

(c) With reference to Document III, what attracted Spanish colonists "to dwell in these

countries"? [ 6 marks]

(d) With reference to Document IV, explain the dramatic decline of the indigenous populations

of the Americas after 1492. [ 6 marks]

(e) With reference to Documents I - IV, suggest TWO ways in which Spanish settlement

had changed the Americas by 1600. [ 6 marks]

Total 30 marks



1. Examine the evidence of well-developed political and social systems in any ONE advanced indigenous group in mainland America during the pre-columbian period.

30 marks

2. Compare the agricultural practices of the Tainos and Aztecs before

the arrival of the European.

30 marks

CAPE Assessment #1 2009[1]