MINUTES OF MEETING 007-03/17/2016
Name and Surname / Organization1 / Ivan Turok - Chairperson / Human Sciences Research Council
2 / Thato Tsautse / Durban Chamber of Commerce
3 / Akash Singh / Durban Chamber of Commerce
4 / Urmila Bob / UKZN –Dean of Research Full Professor in Geography
5 / Glen Robbins / KZN Provincial Planning Commission
6 / Yasmin Rajah / Civil Society
7 / Malcolm Mitchell / Civil and Transportation Engineer
8 / Eric Mtshali / Civil Society
9 / Adrian Peters / Strategy Office
10 / Shivani Singh / Investment Promotion Unit
11 / Jo Douwes / Environmental Planning and Climate Protection Department
12 / Jacquie Subban / Strategy office
13 / Helen Epstein / Framework Planning
14 / Soobs Moonsamy / Development Planning
15 / Ken Breetzke / Engineering Unit
16 / Pamela Moonsamy / Strategy Office
17 / Puvendra Akkiah / Corporate Policy-Strategy Office
18 / Sogen Moodley / Corporate Policy-Strategy Office
19 / Phumelele Sokhela / BPCC
20 / Vijay Punchee / Treasury
21 / Brian O’Leary / Strategy Office
22 / Ajiv Maharaj / Economic Development Unit - Policy And Strategy Info & Research
23 / Bongumusa Zondo / Strategy Office
24 / Musa Gumede / DCMEconomic Development & Planning
25 / Mimi Ndokweni / Economic Development DCM Support
Item no. / Comment / Resp. Person / Due Date
The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed all present. He advised that the objectives of the day were to :-
a) Decide on the storyline and publication thereof
b)Take the 3 themes identified forward to inform the City Development Plan
c)Discuss Research gaps
d)Obtain an update on the 100RC process and associated alignment.
Apologies were received from:
Commissioner Zibula
Commissioner Wilkinson
Commissioner McMenamin
Commissioner Moloi
Commissioner Mkhize
The notes of that last meeting were approved with an offer from Commissioner Bob to proof-read the notes prior to final circulation.
The agenda was agreed with the addition of the “100 RC” feedback item. / Adrian / Ongoing
3.1 Commission Vacancies- Adrian advised that this matter has not yet been resolved and is with the City Manager’s office. Matter to be carried forward.
3.2 The Chair requested Commissioners to submit electronic suggestions which he will submit to the City Manager’s office via the Secretariat.
3.3 SecretariatResourcing Plan- Adrian advised that Organogram has been approved and we are now going through a process of prioritizing posts on the organogram. During telephonic discussions with the Chair it was agreed that a working group be formed for each of the Themes which will be dealt with under Item 5 of the Agenda. The intention is to build multi-sectoral Working Groups around each theme including representation of Commissioners.
3.4 It was noted that Commissioners have been invited and have attended the 100 RC engagements.
3.5 Request at SAPOA and Construction sector consultation for a follow up meeting- The Economic Development Unit is dealing with this request. There has been a specific engagement with SAPOA around Precinct Management. There have also been requests from other sub-sectors for further engagement which Economic Development Unit will deal with. It was agreed that Shunnon should continue with consultations with economic stakeholders and provide feedback at the next CPC Meeting.
3.6 Adrian advised that following the World bank Sub-National Doing Business Report the Municipality has been tasked to prepare an action plan which responds to item b) on page 4 of the minutes of the last meeting. Musa Mbhele is dealing with this and will be requested to present an action plan at the next CPC meeting. This also relates to the BPCC mandate of the Commission.
3.7 CommissionerSingh requested that further engagements be prioritized. There should be a commitment to enhanced engagement.
3.8 Adrian advised that items for further research will be slotted in future meeting agendas. / Adrian
All Commissioners
Musa Mbhele
Adrian / Next meeting
03 June 2016
Next meeting
Next Meeting
Adrian advised that the first draft desktop publication was circulated. The intention was to solicit comments on the presentation rather than the content but lots of substantive comments emanated from that process which have since been considered. Version 2 will be circulated shortly. Members wererequested to look at the presentation this time round rather than the content. In terms of timing of the publication, the document should be ready within2 weeks with a further week for comment and scrutiny. / Adrian / End of April 2016
A brief presentation on the 100 RC process was made by Jo Douwes
A meeting to update all Commissioners on the process was held where areas of potential alignment were looked at. Jo confirmed that a Webex will be set up for the Commissioners that couldn’t attend the last 100RC meeting including the Chairperson and Secretariat.
It was agreed that that the issue of implementation was critical. The Commission was previously of the view that the Economic sector was inadequately covered.
The Commission needs to understand 3 broad issues identified viz:-
It was noted that there is also a need to align to the IDP cycle. The starting point is the themes. The 3 CPC Themes are in fact covered in the 100 RC themes. The issue is whether the themes are adequately scoped.
We also need to determine if:
- There is a need to engage with Dalberg to get agreement of what the scope of the 3 themes should be at the outset or
- Go it alone and at some time get together with Dalberg and align
100 RC process. By aligning we can ensure a positive impact for the City together with a commitmentto this constructive process.
In closing Jo advised that engagements will be continuing and inputs are valued. The next engagement will be scheduled in the 2nd half of April. She also acknowledged that there are gaps which need to be highlighted and is happy to take on board additional comments and acknowledged that at the end of the Dalberg process engagements will continue.
At the workshop in February 2016, it was agreed that this theme will comprise the following sub-themes:-
- Consistent Spatial development priorities
- Spatial integration
- Coherent area based management
- Identifying and analyzing spatial priority areas such as the Port, Dube Trade Port, Strategic Industrial areas etc.
- Livability
- Chairperson
There is certainly a need for a single spatial strategy
The work must continue
We need to elaborate and be more specific about the Spatial Plan
The working group must be extended to include some Commissioners
The underlying issues are about productivity of spaces , infrastructure and livability
- Commissioner Singh
We need to consider the virtual impact eg. Working from home
We need to look at the plan through a future lens
We need to consider the impact of a Smart City
Officials must not be scared to present their honest assessment and views as the plan must be the best plan
- Commissioner Tsautse
The issues may be similar for other themes eg. Common constraints
We need to isolate the common causes and effects
We need to plan for a Smart City and incorporate the port as a driver of the economy.
These are structural problems that contribute to the leadership problem
The correct leadership is not pushed for
There is an inability to exercise what is seen as correct
We need information to make correct decisions and this information is not there.
- Commissioner Mitchell
- Commissioner Bob
We need to understand the causalities such as soft issues, technological issues, mindset issues political issues, structural issues etc.
Consideration must be given to how knowledge is stored, produced and used in terms of knowledge management
- Commissioner Robbins
Issues may go beyond municipal services eg. Neighbourhood solidarity, aesthetics, dysfunctional schools etc.
Local government must be the face of government and not hide behind the “it is not our mandate”cloak.
- Helene Epstein
We need to consider the quality of public open spaces
We need to look at the spatial integration of residential and commercial nodes
There is more of a problem with implementation as there is a lot of planning work that does not get implemented.
- Chairperson
We may have to identify what is relevant for Durban and what choices need to be made
We must engage with the Commission where clarity is required
The work is delegated to the officials who must involve the Commission
Working groups must think hard about the causes and take a systemic view
The analysis must be sound
The work must be strategic, broad in perspective, long term in vision and stand out from the clutter
The working groups must think about how we get the other spheres of government on board
The working groups must identify what is required from critical stakeholders.
The Chairperson then summed up as follows:-
- This is work delegated to officials which will also ensure that the outcomes are embedded in the Municipality in terms of decisions and actions.
- The Commission wants to be involved in these groups and it is vital that the working group takes the lead. The working group is to come up with a systemic view which is essential to avoid silo type plans
- Strategic work has to address underlying issues. It has to be broad and stand out in detail in order to be strategic.
- Spheres of Government issue- We need to consider how weget buy in from other spheres of government and how we influence other sectors.
- Setting up of working groups is key so that inputs from other departments are also obtained.
6.2 Theme 2- Bold & Participatory Governance
At the workshop in February 2016, it was agreed that this theme will comprise the following sub-themes:-
- Bold, visionary and capacitated leadership – accompanied by active citizenry
- Government needs to be accessible, accountable and co-ordinated
- Government needs long term decision making, consistency, clarity and be goal driven
- Government needs professionalism, competence, efficiency and productivity
- Need effective communication, responsiveness, two way relationships and partnerships
- Chairperson
We require a paper or document that unpacks these complexities, identifies causal factors and systematically interrogated all issues identified
The analysis must be strategic, not too detailed , evidence based and must identify the real gaps
- Commissioner Mitchell
Two different forms of Local Government are provided forviz. The Executive Mayor form and the Executive Committee form
Both of these forms provide for Administrative Structures
The problems arise when there is blurring of the roles and responsibilities between the political and administrative functions
- Commissioner Bob
Participatory must be more than just consultation
Governance is about who makes decisions, how do they consult, are they being inclusionary or exclusionary, is it party political etc.
Leadership is key to governance in the holistic sense of the word
Community engagements seem to exclude business etc.
- Commissioner Singh
The City Manager has created a municipal investment forum which does not include business
Implementation is poor
We must look at our peers
We must look seriously at how we engage business
- Commissioner Tsautse
We need to identify the causal factors as the approach is limited by the environment
There is a lack of coherent strategy in the City
We need to all sing from the same hymn book
In closing Bongumusa agreed to take into consideration comments provided by the Commission and ensure that a paper on Bold & Participatory governance is drafted taking into account all key areas agreed by the Commission.
6.3Theme 1: Growing An Enabling & Transformative Economy
At the workshop in February 2016, it was agreed that this theme will comprise the following sub-themes:-
- Enabling environment for investment (including built environment)
- Relevant skills and capabilities
- SMME’s and informal enterprises
- New growth industries
- Enhancing localization
- City Image/ profiling/ positioning
- Business productivity/innovation
- Industrial revitalization
- Chairperson
Some gaps have been identified
We need to understand the impact of the bureaucracy in respect of how responsive we are so that we create investment confidence
We need to understand the demand for industrial land in respect of how much of this relates to relocation versus new development and growth.
- Commissioner Singh
We need to look at the role of agriculture as it has the potential for high job creation/absorption
We need to also consider future industries
We need to look at productivity in order to improve competitiveness
- Commissioner Robbins
We need to shift to an analytical mode
We need to understand what informs responses based on analyzing and understanding governments role/response
We need to get a sense of interventions to date and impact eg. Capital investment for the last 5 years, returns/impacts, key features and efficacy thereof. Focus on Investments and impacts
- Commissioner Bob
Require detail and evidence and we should deliberate on the main issues
We need more sophisticated understanding of informality
We need a nuanced understanding of small business
We need to look at strategies across boundaries, eg is Ballito growing at the expense of Durban
We need to look more at partnerships and good practice related thereto
We need trend analyses on investments
- Ken Breetzke
The private sector dictates where development takes place
We need to think of quality spaces, model economic growth, translate this into industrial, commercial etc. as well as key sectors driving growth eg. Port etc.
We need to identify the significant areas intended to receive growth
The Human Settlements Plan should respond to the areas where jobs are created and vice versa
What we need to guard against is unplanned economic growth
There is a lack of desire to be programmatic and to have a spatial economic strategy which sometimes translates into peripheral development
There is a limited amount of growth energy per annum and so we cannot be wasting this energy on peripheral development.
- Chairperson
We need a balance between the above 2 approaches
There is an interesting newspaper article on how Cape Town is approaching their new transit plan. There is evidence of being very systematic in respect of anticipating, understanding, guiding and steering
- Soobs Moonsamy
We need to decide whether the plan is taken as a blue print or be more flexible
- Jo Douwes
If there is specific data that the Dalberg team needs to consider, this should be passed on to the 100RC team as soon as possible.
Jo advised that the contract with Dalberg comes to an end in April and that an extension of this is not possible within the context of the 100RC programme
- Commissioner Robbins
The Economic Development Strategy should be presented to the Commission
The vacancy rates for industrial land is not high in eThekwini
In closing it was agreed that Ajiv will take into consideration comments provided by the Commission and ensure that a suitable paper is drafted. / Ken/Helene
Ajiv / Next meeting
Next meeting
At next meeting
Following a presentation by Brian O’Leary the following comments were noted:-
Next steps:
- The proposal to use a common spatial base is supported
- It was agreed to look at a 2040 forecast year
- The proposed internal working group was supported
- Agreed that the existing data should be synthesized
- Require a clear and detailed brief
- The Commission would like to see a concise brief
- Agreed to look into appointing an organ of state or other service provider
Following a presentation by Jacquie Subban the following comments were made and noted:-
- The principle of the Observatory is supported
- The progression model is supported
- A 2 page concept note is required to get in principle support
- Commissioner Bob
MILE is a possible stepping stone to an Observatory
MILE is currently looking at a research portal
- Commissioner Tsautse
- Commissioner Singh
- Sogen Moodley
Sogen Moodley / Next meeting
Next meeting
9 / WORK PROGRAMME RE: Further Research
Thematic Groups- Membership to be followed up electronically
Timelines of different processes to be circulated by Adrian
Further Research- Theme groups to reflect on this and identify for action over the next few months.
In closingthe Chairperson thanked all for their valuable contributions. It was noted that Jacquie Subban had resigned from the Municipality and that this was her last Commission meeting. She was thanked for all her inputs over the life of the Commission. / Adrian
Date of next meeting is the 23rd June 2016
Meeting terminated at 4.30pm