St Fillan’s Parent Council

Minutes of Meeting

Monday, 22 September 2008


John Hutcheson (JH) Head Teacher and Adviser to the Council

Julia McKeown (JM) Parent Council Member

Audrey Harrison (AH) Parent Council Member

Eileen Tompkins (ET) Parent Council Member (Vice Chair)

Stephen O’Donnell (SO) Parent Council Member

Liam Coyle (LC) Parent Council Member

Margo Brennen (MB) Parent Council Member

Elizabeth Nugent (EN) Teaching Representative


Elizabeth Stewart (ES) Clerk to the Board

Monica Sweeney (MS) Community Representative

Eileen Cawley (EC) Parent Council Member

Margot Brady (MBB) Parent Council Member

Monica McNulty (MM) Church Representative

Agenda /


1.  / Minutes of last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
2.  / Football Pitch Issues
Ø  Following some issues over the summer holidays with youths at the football pitch – the situation has been closely monitored. Since the start of term in Aug no further complaints have been received or issues highlighted.
Ø  JH to liaise with Gil Garuth / Linda McIlroy to arrange padlock for inside the pitch to deter youths climbing in. This will not stop but hopefully it will prevent pitch activity when not used for let.
Ø  There is concern that the CCTV is not relayed to Community and Safety Services at Blochairn but is in fact recorded in the Janitors office. David McEwan had indicated that the CCTV was fully operational from beginning of August but that Blochairn watch for fire and theft and not disruptive behaviour. There still appears to be a problem with the BT line which operates the lock-down system.
Ø  ET co-incidentally met with the Community Police during the CtK family day which halted the action to write to Chief Constable House asking for the Police to up their surveillance in the area. Incidents in and around the school have greatly reduced and will be continually monitored. / JH
3.  / Head Teacher’s Report
3.1  HMI update – Final report will be issued 21st October 2008. Draft report has been reviewed and comments submitted. No further detail can be given.
3.2  School Improvement Plan – This was issued to Parent Council for with particular attention to point 3 or revised Priorities 08-09 – “To review and implement a revised Homework Policy”.
It was agreed that a clear picture of homework expectation was to be sought from pupils, teachers and parents. All should be encouraged to feedback by means of a questionnaire. The teachers will address at next In-service day 29/09 : Pupil Council will co-ordinate pupil input and Parent Council will manage wider Parent forum. It was hoped this activity would be in place by November parents night.
3.3  Standard & Quality Report – This was issued for Parent Council review
3.4  Staffing - JH announced that Ms Jackson has returned to school following a period of sick leave.
3.5  Viment – proposed viment from JH reviewed and agreed by Parent Council / JH
4  / Crossing Patrol issues / Congestion
EC not in attendance to provide update – item carried over to next meeting.
Ø  Congestion at school gate
Ø  Crossing at Aitkenhead Road / Kings Park Ave
Ø  JH to include in next newsletter / EC
5  / St Mirrins Correspondence
Following correspondence from St.Mirrins Parent Council raising concern with the number of placement requests primarily for P1 St.Fillans. JM has responded to this – with sympathy and agreement that this is unacceptable and highlights issues year on year. St.Fillan’s PTA member in attendance at St.Mirrin’s PC meeting to express St.Fillans concerns. JM to correspond with Educational officials, MSPs and Councillors to highlight issue for both schools. / JM
6  / Art/Garden Project
Ø  Meetings arranged with Kelvinclyde Greenspace
Ø  New guidelines released for Scottish Arts funding
Ø  Awards for All – to be progressed with MTJackson ; JM
Ø  Woodlands Trust offered 30 shrubs – St.Fillan's have accepted – await delivery
Ø  Further funding available via Glasgow Tree Lovers
Ø  £8k confirmed to be in place for St.Fillan’s development from build budget
Ø  Access Policy – drafted and distributed for Parent Council review – this will be included with each Funding/grant application
Ø  JM dealing with all activity / JM
7  / School Website
Ø  School website in need of review and revamp due to lack of support with current version from Gateway
Ø  EN has been progressing with Gateway the new look and feel of site templates and content migration
Ø  Minor ongoing issues currently with Gateway for fix
Ø  A meeting tba with EN ; SO & AH to review new templates and site content
Ø  EN hopes to launch site by Oct break / EN
8  / Any other businesses
Ø  EC said that she knows someone who is keen to run a hip-hop style group for kids after school. EC asked JH if he could get an idea of how many kids might be interested.
Ø  Youth Club – due to lack of parental volunteers – it was suggested we introduce a rota system – ie. if kids attend – parents take turn
Ø  YC - ongoing developments with setting up requirements such as Policies ; Bank Account ; Constitution etc
Ø  ET raised Reflection Group purpose and proposed meeting following Oct rosary Tues7th.
9  / Next meeting
The next meeting will be Monday 22 October at 7.15pm in the School. / ALL


Oct 2008