

Student Name ______Date of Birth ______

School ______Grade ______Homeroom ______

Acceptable Use of District Technology Resources

  1. No material of a sexually oriented or illegal nature is to be produced, transmitted, or deliberately viewed.
  2. Appropriate language must be used in any transmission. Submitting, publishing, or displaying material that is abusive, offensive, inflammatory, inaccurate, sexually-oriented, threatening, or illegal is forbidden. False statements about any person published on the Internet constitute libel.
  3. All copyright laws must be adhered to at all times.
  4. Use of technology resources for illegal activities is forbidden. Such activities include, but are not limited to, tampering with computer hardware or software, unauthorized entry into files, servers, or databases, and vandalism or destruction of computer files.
  5. To inhibit the spread of computer viruses, software or files from remote sources should be checked for viruses before use.
  6. Student-owned software may not be installed or used on district computers.
  7. All students will be assigned a unique logon and password for their exclusive use. Logon and passwords should not be shared with ANYONE.
  8. Any student found in violation of these rules shall have his/her authorization to use computers or the Internet except in direct instructional settings revoked for a period of time to be determined by the principal. In addition, the student may be subject to further disciplinary action as indicated by the Student Code of Conduct.

I understand that e-mail and Internet transmissions and data accessed through the state and/or district is not private and may be monitored. I certify that I have read and understood the rules above as well as the state of Delaware Acceptable Use Policy and agree to comply.


Student SignatureDate

I certify that I have read the rules above and discussed them with my child. I understand that access to the district’s technology resources is for educational purposes and that my child has agreed to abide by Colonial School District’s usage rules. I accept full responsibility for my child’s compliance. If my child’s logon and password are used inappropriately, I understand that my child will be held responsible. I understand that the Internet is a collection of computer networks and its content cannot be subject to complete screening by school officials. Users must be aware that there are information and services available through the Internet that could be offensive to or unsuitable for certain groups of users. I recognize that it is impossible for Colonial School District to restrict access to all controversial materials, and I will not hold the District, the school, or school personnel responsible for materials acquired or viewed on the network. I have discussed with my child cautions concerning entry of personally identifiable information I hereby give my permission to activate technology privileges for my child and certify that the information on this form is correct.

Parent/Guardian Full Name (please print) ______

Address ______

Daytime phone ______Evening phone ______

Signature ______Date ______

For school use only:
Date Received______Authorized by______

amk 5/6/09