St Croix Valley Master Gardener Assn.
2013Monthly Programs
Date / Speaker and subject / NotesJan 24
6:00 PM / Carrie Hanten Larson - What's new in the garden world with container plant options. Carrie's presentation will be a winter time day brightner with all those beautiful flowers. Carrie works for Proven Winners and her catalog pictures are the greatest. / Unitarian
Hwy 65
Feb 28 / Sam Tauchen- Nat'l Collegiate Ag Ambassadors - UW RF is part of an ag program that does presentations about modern agriculture. Not necessary for some of our members, but I'm hoping others will enjoy San Tauchel's presentation on some of the issues facing agriculture in today's world. A different perspective than our home gardens / Unitarian
Hwy 65
Garden U
March 16
9 am - 3pm / Joel Karsten - Straw Bale Gardening
Carol Cox - Garden Art - Eau Claire
Things we know that we forgot we knew: Pauline on pruning; Diana - what to look for in picking a plant; - increasing yield in gardens;
Garden Marketplace with our favorite vendors. Lunch provided. $30.00 / Ready Randy's - Hwy 65 & Co Rd G,
March 28 / Dr Brian Hudelson - UW-Madison - Diseases of Vegetable Gardens, their Prevention and Control.- Dr. Hudelson's annual trip to UWRF coincides with our meeting night. Please call the UW-EX office to reserve your space: 715-273-6781 / River Falls Library
April 25 / PaVueVang - Hmong gardening - Pa and her family sell their locally grown produce at the River Falls Farms Market. She has agreed to talk about their gardens and some of the beneficial attributes of the vegetables.
The Vegetable Trial tomatoes and seeds will be handed out at this meeting, too. / Unitarian
Hwy 65
May 23 / Karen Olson - therapeutic gardens - Karen gave a statewide presentation last fall on Therapeutic gardening. She is an Eau Claire MG. / Unitarian
Hwy 65
June 1 / Plant Sale / Octagon House, Hudson
June 27
July 17-21 / St Croix County Fair / G C
July 25 / PaVueVang: Visiting the Hmong garden in the Woodvillearea / TBD
Aug 8 to 11 / Pierce County Fair / Ellsworth
August 22 / TBD
Sept26 / Wayne Huhnke - SeedSaving Wayne owns Kinnic Natives, a local nursery specializing in native prairie plants grown in our area. Active in Prairie Enthusiasts, and responsible for seed saving, as well as maintaining prairie remnants in our area. He'll tell us the proper way to save those special seeds. / Unitarian
Hwy 65
Oct 24 / - / Unitarian Church
Nov 21 / Annual meeting- small group discussions - election of officers, adopt budget; grant recipients - / Unitarian Church
Meetings are always subject to change - call or look for most recent edition of meeting schedule
**Possible tour of Hmong Garden in Woodville for summer
TPE/rain gardens Pete Morsch - Habitat for Humanity - River Falls - rain gardens