Arizona Cultural Academy& College Prep

Pledge of Loyalty, Compliance, Confidentiality, and Return of Property

All employees of Arizona Cultural Academy (hereby called ACA) full time, part time and temporary, shall upon signing an employment contract with ACA give and sign the following oath of loyalty, Compliance and confidentiality


A- I hereby agree to remain faithful to ACA, and its mission, throughout my employment in the following terms

  • Do my best to help ACA achieve its mission, and reach its goals
  • Execute my tour of duty and fulfill my job description to the fullest
  • Promote ACA student enrollment, and refrain from discouraging prospective families from joining ACA
  • Refrain from helping other institutions to directly or indirectly compete with ACA for students enrollment, funds or in hiring employees

B- I also agree thatfrom the date of employment on, to do the following, even after leaving ACA

  • Refrain from testifying against ACA, as a material or expert witness in any law suite, without prior authorization by ACA authorities
  • Refrain from any defamation, slander or misrepresentation of facts about ACA to any party


  • I herebytestify that I have read and understood ALL ACA operation and procedure manuals including but not limited to Employee Handbook, Parents and Student handbooks, PTA procedures, Honor society, School Council, NCA accreditation compliance requirements and student Council, where applicable.
  • I hereby agree to comply with all the rules, regulations, and procedures as outlined by manuals handbooks and other publication, both established and new.


I agree to hold confidential and not share with any other parties what is required and deemed confidential by ACA including but not limited to

  • Exercise good judgment and discretion in sharing contents of my individual contract including salaries benefits and other provisions.
  • Any confidential information about other ACA employees, such as salaries benefits, health or performance. All such inquiries must be directed to the Human Resource Committee or ACA Administration
  • Any privileged student or parent information such as performance, scores disciplinary action, or health information.

Return of property

I agree that at the end of my employment I shall return to ACA ALL of its property such as: ACA funds in my custody, manuals, student files, books,computers, equipment and teaching tools, except what is given to me by ACA Administration, by a written authorization.That also includes turning over to ACA any intellectual property I created for ACA as part of my assignment and scope of work such as books curricula and other publications

I haveread this pledge, understood it. I fully understand that any breach of the provision and contents of this auth may be grounds for terminating my employment at ACA. (Allah is witness over all)

Employee’s Name ______Date______

Sig. ______