Minutes of the Meeting of St Breock Parish Council held at the Paddock Room, Hawksfield on Wednesday 1st March 2017 at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs. R Jarratt (Chairman), P Starling (Vice Chairman), Mrs R Harding, D Johnson, A Jones,

A Sanders, Mrs J Pratt, S Malloni.

Also attending: Mrs H Hyland (Interim Parish Clerk)

No. / Action
1 / Public Session: There were 10 members of the public present.
Mrs Lomax and other local residents addressed the Council about planning application PA16/11874 for a new residence at Barn Park, Whitecross. The Chairman informed members that this was the third time that the application had come before the Council.
The concerns of local residents centred upon drainage issues, run off and disposable waste arising from the high water table - and the fact that the proposed development is situated outside the existing development boundary for the village of Whitecross and in an area of outstanding natural beauty. The residents requested that the Council refuse the application (see below for decision).
2 / Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. G Semmens.
3 / Members Declarations of Interest: None declared at this stage of the Meeting.
4 / Minutes:
The Minutes of the 8thFebruary Parish Council Meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman. Councillor Malloni expressed concern that the minutes hadn’t been received until the afternoon of this evening’s meeting.
5 / Matters Arising:
There were no matters arising from the minutes other than actions covered elsewhere in tonight’s agenda.
6.1 / Planning Applications:
PA17/00645 Whimbrel, Treguston Road – proposed replacement of an existing dwelling.
Councillors agreed that a site visit should take place before a decision is taken.
PA17/01194 Land at Pencarrow and request to cut down trees under existing preservation order
Councillor Harding pointed out that this application lies outside the Parish and the Council decided that there was no need to express a view.
PA16/11874 Barn Park, Whitecross
Councillors unanimously refused the application for reasons expressed above, the Chair pointing out that the Council had previously supported the application but without the information received this evening.
Planning Matters: Cllr Jarratt reported on the following decisions:-
PA16/11457and PA16/11520 - Pawton Farm Bio-secure cattle housing.
Planning approval has been granted.
PA17/00129 – Tollgate Service Station – Display of illuminated signs.
Planning approval has been granted although members expressed surprise that a Marks & Spencer franchise had suddenly appeared as part of the re-development of the filling station.
PA17/00645 – Whimbrel Road Farm – proposed replacement dwelling.
7 / Highway Issues:
The Clerk informed the Council of a couple of road closures.
Councillor Jones informed colleagues that the speed warning sign on the A39 at Whitecross will be put in before the end of the financial year.
Councillor Malloni informed Cllr Jones that parishioners had complained about lack of cutting back of vegetation on the sharp bend on the road from Burlawn to St Breock Downs.
Councillors also discussed the landslips from land belonging to Myrtle Cottage below Burlawn. Councillor Jones told colleagues that this matter is in hand and discussions had already taken place with Oliver Jones of Cornwall Council. / AJ
8 / Burial Ground:
A start date for the work is still awaited. The Clerk will follow this up.
The previous Clerk has still not returned the burial registers. Cllr Starling has spoken to David Bray (Undertaker) about obtaining a list of historic burials at the site.
The Chair said that a decision needs to be taken about buying a new set of registers, which will cost about £200 - £300.
It was resolved that the previous Clerk will be sent a letter enclosing a copy of the original invoice for the registers and requesting, again, their immediate return to the Council. At present there’s no need for a solicitor’s letter but such a course of action might be required eventually. / Clerk
9 / Burlawn Playing Field:
The Chair informed the Council that the bark in the play area will require replacing in the near future. He asked the Clerk to talk to the contractor about the overdue installation of wheelchair access to the field. / Clerk
10 / Neighbourhood Plan
Councillor Malloni informed colleagues that the consultation of the draft has now completed and that all comments have now been collated. Overall the Plan has been received quite favourably. There are major disputes arising around the development pressure concerning the Church Park development in Egloshayle. Plan writers are working hard to resist this pressure and retain policies that would stop the development. Cornwall Council are holding a strategic planning meeting on this application later in the week – it’s expected to be turned down in spite of the confusing messages coming out of Wadebridge Town Council. The commitment remains that all development will occur within Wadebridge’s existing town boundaries, apart from a slight re-drawing on the northern side of the town near the football pitch.
Councillor Malloni promised to ensure that Steering Committee minutes will be circulated to St Breock going forward. / SM
11 / St Breock Windfarm Community Fund:
Papers summarising the various applications had not been circulated and were proving difficult to generate on the projector.
Councillor Jones informed colleagues that, across all of the participating councils, 36 applications had been received, totalling just over £86,000. £51,000 is available. He summarised some of the applications by way of illustration. The recreation ground and additional speed sign are among the main applications for St Breock to consider.
Councillors Jones and Jarratt are scheduled to attend the St Breock Fund Panel and the Council agreed that the primary focus will be on applications made from within the Parish. / AJ/RJ
12 / Denzell Downs Community Fund:
The Chair recounted the confusion about whether or not St Breock is due to benefit from this fund. The Clerk, The Chair and Councillor Jones attended a meeting at St Eval Community Hall, having not been told about the Parish’s involvement. They learned that other councils had agreed to a one-off payment of £20,000 at a meeting which four parishes attended, which seemed a short-sighted, financially irresponsible decision which would reduce their overall payment amounts.
The Chair expressed his disappointment that our local councillor had large input into this project without informing the Council. If the funds are available then a submission must be made by June. The Councillors involved will monitor the situation and get back to the Council, having got a sight of the original 106 agreement. / AJ/RJ
13 / Accounts & Financial Matters:
The Clerk advised that the advert for a new Clerk will cost in the region of £250 and has not yet been invoiced.
A cheque for expenses for £47 to Councillor Malloni was issued. Councillor Jarratt has also submitted an expense claim for £22.
The Chair said that Mr Hawken, the groundwork contractor, had not been paid. The Clerk will resolve this immediately.
The urgent need to appoint a new auditor was discussed and the Chair resolved to follow up with a new appointment, also consulting with CALC. / Clerk /RJ
14 / Community Network Meeting:
Dates of the next meetings were communicated to Councillor Pratt. Councillor Malloni said that he’d try to attend in her place if she couldn’t. / JP/SM
15 / Matters to be brought to the attention of the Clerk:
Nothing requiring actions other than the Chair requested a meeting of the Staffing Committee to take place in the next week to discuss the recruitment process of a replacement Clerk and to review the employment contract . / RJ/SM/JP
16 / Summary of Meeting and actions points of Councillors and Clerk:
The Chairman and Clerk gave a summary of the meeting and actions to be taken.
17 / Date of next Meeting:
To be confirmed.
23 / To close the Meeting: There being no further business the meeting closed at

Dated: 14th April 2017Signed:

St Breock Parish Council Meeting 1st March 2017Page 1