Chapter 2 Part 2


Don’t copy/paste from this document. You must type out the code in your text editor or you will insert special characters that will not validate.

  1. Create the following paragraph to practice using quotes:

p> Thomas Edison provided us with this famous quote, <q>I have not failed.I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.</q</p>

  1. To indent text on the web page, use the blockquoteelement.

<p> Quote of the Day </p>


<p>"Today is the first day of the rest of your life"</p>


Save, view and test.

According to the book, IE does not support the <q> tag. Did #1 work?

Try taking out the <p> tag inside the blockquote. Did it validate?

  1. Next, create a sample definition list by inserting the following code after the words - heading level 3:



<ddInternet Protocol</dd


<ddTransmission Control Protocol</dd


Save, view and test.

  1. Now, create an ordered list (numbered) by inserting the following code after heading level 4:


<li>Apply to school</li>

<li>Register for course</li>

<li>Pay tuition</li>

<li>Attend course</li>


Save, view and test.

  1. Next, create an unordered list (bullets) by inserting the following code after heading level 5:







Save, view and test.

Memorize these tags and how they work.

  1. To practice using the line break < br />, <strong> andem> tag, insert them somewhere within your lists and see how they work.
  1. Create the following table:


caption>Products </caption>


th> Name </th

th> Category </th

th> Price </th


tr<td> Milk </td> <td> Dairy </td> <td> 3.99 </td> </tr

tr<td> Steak </td> <td> Meat </td> <td> 7.59 </td> </tr

tr<td> Celery </td> <td> Produce </td> <td> 2.57 </td> </tr


ADD 2 more rows making up the data to put into the rows.

  1. Create an email link at the bottom of your website.

<p<a href=”mailto:”> Email Me </a</p>

Save and Test all links to make sure they work. The default email software on your computer should open with your email address in the TO box.

Special XHTML Characters

  1. Insert a copyright statement at the bottom of your webpage. Use the copyright symbol and the small style element as follows:

<p<small> Copyright &copy; 2008 your name. All rights reserved.</small</p>

Save and test.

  1. Go to page 37 and 38 of your book. Read about the special characters and practice using several of them from Table 2.6.

Test your public server address and VALIDATE the page.