Chapter 2 Part 2
Don’t copy/paste from this document. You must type out the code in your text editor or you will insert special characters that will not validate.
- Create the following paragraph to practice using quotes:
p> Thomas Edison provided us with this famous quote, <q>I have not failed.I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.</q</p>
- To indent text on the web page, use the blockquoteelement.
<p> Quote of the Day </p>
<p>"Today is the first day of the rest of your life"</p>
Save, view and test.
According to the book, IE does not support the <q> tag. Did #1 work?
Try taking out the <p> tag inside the blockquote. Did it validate?
- Next, create a sample definition list by inserting the following code after the words - heading level 3:
<ddInternet Protocol</dd
<ddTransmission Control Protocol</dd
Save, view and test.
- Now, create an ordered list (numbered) by inserting the following code after heading level 4:
<li>Apply to school</li>
<li>Register for course</li>
<li>Pay tuition</li>
<li>Attend course</li>
Save, view and test.
- Next, create an unordered list (bullets) by inserting the following code after heading level 5:
Save, view and test.
Memorize these tags and how they work.
- To practice using the line break < br />, <strong> andem> tag, insert them somewhere within your lists and see how they work.
- Create the following table:
caption>Products </caption>
th> Name </th
th> Category </th
th> Price </th
tr<td> Milk </td> <td> Dairy </td> <td> 3.99 </td> </tr
tr<td> Steak </td> <td> Meat </td> <td> 7.59 </td> </tr
tr<td> Celery </td> <td> Produce </td> <td> 2.57 </td> </tr
ADD 2 more rows making up the data to put into the rows.
- Create an email link at the bottom of your website.
<p<a href=”mailto:”> Email Me </a</p>
Save and Test all links to make sure they work. The default email software on your computer should open with your email address in the TO box.
Special XHTML Characters
- Insert a copyright statement at the bottom of your webpage. Use the copyright symbol and the small style element as follows:
<p<small> Copyright © 2008 your name. All rights reserved.</small</p>
Save and test.
- Go to page 37 and 38 of your book. Read about the special characters and practice using several of them from Table 2.6.
Test your public server address and VALIDATE the page.