St Austell & District ASC

August 2016


We have had another successful year. We had great successesat competitions in all disciplines and continue to show a strong presence in the County and beyond. Fundraising, budgeting and money management have also been successful so we are pleased to say that membership fees remain the same for this training year, with exception of one category. The Junior Performance Squad fees will move to Class 4 fees because these swimmers are now able to access an extra hour training on Friday mornings, 6.30am-7.30am.

Please remember we support swimmers who wish to cross disciplines-Swimming/Sharks, Synchronised Swimming, Waterpolo and Masters swimming-to make use of their number of paid swimming hours or swimmers may stick to one discipline.

Please note, our training begins again on Sunday 4th September.

Angel Sharks, Leopard Sharks, Tiger Sharks

These sessions will take place on Monday night between 6pm and 7.00pm. (Angels 20min, Leopards and Tigers, 30 min sessions). Please ensure that children with long hair wear a swimming cap. These groups fall under Class 1 Fees, which are made up of £55 subs and £165 teaching fees, Total £220

Development Squad and Junior Intermediate Squad

Monday 7.00pm to 8.00pm

Friday 7.00pm to 8.00pm

This squad fall under Class 2 fees, which are made up of £55 subs and £205 coaching fees, Total £260

Senior Intermediate Squad (previously fitness squad)

Sunday 9.00am to 10.00am

Monday 8.00pm to 9.00pm

Friday 8.00pm to 9.00pm

This squad will pay Class 3 Fees of £55 subs and £245 training fees, Total £300

Junior Performance Squad

Sunday 5.00pm to 6.00pm

Monday 7.00pm to 8.00pm

Wednesday 7.30pm to 8.30pm

Friday 6.15am to 7.30am

This squad will pay Class 4 Fees of £55 subs and £305 training fees, Total £360

With any of the above groups, if not all the sessions are taken up, time can be made up in Water Polo or some Synchro sessions, (please see the relevant teachers and please ensure that they do not go over the allotted minutes). If, however, you do swim all your sessions, you will either have to pay up to the next Class fee or pay £3 per session

Performance Squad

Monday 8.00pm to 9.30pm

Wednesday 7.30pm to 9.00pm

Friday 6.15am to 7.30am

Friday 7.00pm to 9.00pm

Sunday 5.00pm to 6.30pm

They will pay Class 5 fees, of £55subs and £385 fees, Total £440.

Please note - Remaining in either of these squads will be continually reassessed and will depend on performance and attendance.

Continued overleaf

All squad swimmers with longer hair must wear a swimming cap and be in possession of a pair of short Zoomer type flippers. Swimmers should bring a full water bottle onto poolside. Squash and fizzy drinks are not appropriate. Please ensure all swimmers are ready on poolside 5 minutes before the start of the session.

We know that not all of our swimmers want to continue on into competitive swimming and therefore the Club also has an impressive Synchro Group (St Austell Synchronised Swimming Club) and a Water Polo section.


Synchro swimmers are classified as Novice, Junior or Senior. Novice swimmers are able to swim a maximum of 2hrs per week and as such fall into Class 2 fees. Juniors and Senior swimmers are able to swim a maximum of 4hrs per week and so fall into Class 4fees.£55 subs and £305 training fees. Any swimmer can opt to use some of their minutes to train in an appropriate swimming group with Sharks to develop their fitness and stamina. Please speak to Brigid to identify which group this would be. The Synchro sessions running in 2016/2017 are as follows:


8.30pm-9.00pm (Masters)

Wednesday7.00pm-8.00pm (Novices/Juniors/Seniors)




Junior Training on Saturday from 8.30-9.30am and Seniors on Monday from 9.00 to 10pm. Water Polo swimmers pay £55 subs only plus £3 per session (unless they are already paying fees for a Squad and are not using all their hours) For swimmers paying Class 1 fees, the £3 per session must still be paid - unless you wish to pay the Class 2 fees for the year.


AllMasters pay £55 subs then pay as you swim £3 per session. Apart from the Sunday morning session, only Monday evening between 8pm and 9pm is available for an extra session.

There is a £10 reduction for a 2nd and subsequent children. Please ensure this £10 is deducted from the third cheque or the last standing order payment.


In order to try to make collection of fees less time consuming, and easier to budget for, we are continuing with the choice of payment methods which most other Clubs use. However we have to receive the subscription charge within the first payment. Failure to make these payments will mean that your child will be unable to swim.


1) A single cheque to St. Austell A.S.C. or cash for the entire amount, paid by 15th September 2016.


2) 3 x post-dated cheques to St. Austell A.S.C. dated before 15/09/16, 01/12/16 and 01/03/17.

Class 1 Fees – cheques of £110, £55 and £55

Class 2 Fees – cheques of £120, £70 and £70

Class 3 Fees – cheques of £140, £80 and £80

Class 4 Fees – cheques of £160, £100 and £100

Class 5 Fees - cheques of £190, £125 and £125

(The name of the swimmer(s) covered should be written on the back of all cheques).


3) 10 x Monthly payments by Standing Order, starting in September (any date but before the 26th of each month.) The first payment must include the £55 subs. Class 1 - First payment of £71.50 followed by 9 payments of £16.50. Class 2 - First payment of £75.50 followed by 9 payments of £20.50. Class 3 - First payment of £79.50 followed by 9 payments of £24.50. Class 4 - First payment of £85.50 followed by 9 payments of 30.50. Class 5 - First paymentof£93.50 followed by 9 payments of £38.50.

Please make a standing order mandate to St Austell Amateur Swimming Club at NatWest Bank, St Austell,

Sort Code 54-41-12, Account Number 19374216. Your reference should be the surname and initials of your child(ren). Please note that any standing order that commences after September needs the specific agreement of the Treasurer.

Ninette Hibbs, President of St Austell ASC


To ensure that we keep a place for your child from September, we would appreciate the posting of your paperwork and cheque(s), or preferred payment method, to the following address asap. – Membership Secretary, St Austell ASC,

121 Retallick Meadows, St Austell PL25 3BZ. This helps us plan and prepare for the following year, and ensures that we know which swimmers are returning. It will also guarantee your child’s/children’s place.

If we do not receive your membership application and confirmation of payment by 30th September, at the latest, we will have to assume that you are not returning to the Club. We have many swimmers who are currently waiting to join the Club and we need to offer them any spaces available as soon as possible.

***We have had some difficulties collecting some of the payments last year. If you decide to pay by standing order, this needs to be set up correctly and it is an easy procedure. Failure to ensure that monies are paid monthly will mean that this option will be withdrawn and full payment will be required. Likewise, if you choose the three payments we need to have the three cheques, post- dated, as required. We regret that we have to be so firm, but our volunteers do not have the extra time to chase those who haven’t paid correctly and it is not fair on those who have. If you have any difficulties, please speak to one of the Committee.***

**If you do not intend to renew your membership, could you please let us know before the new term starts. You can either ring Kat on 07737 512915 or Brigid on 07866 607049**

We are always in need of volunteers to help with the running of our club. If you feel you could spare a small amount of time to help in any way, we would love to hear from you. Most of us started without knowing much about the club!

We are in desperate need for someone to take over as Competition Secretary this year. All our competition entries need to be co-ordinated and submitted in one batch. Our current secretary has been doing the role for a number of years and new blood is now needed. Without this role, our swimmers may not get the chance to enter any competitions!

Remember that you can find more information and a copy of this letter on our Website – All forthcoming events, news and galas etc can all be found there, so do try it out! We also have a facebook page – St Austell ASC

St. Austell Swimming Club Membership Form 2016/17

Group / Payment / Upgrade

1)Applicant Information.

First name: Last name:



Phone number:

Date of birth:

Gender:Male: Female: (Please Tick)

2)Parental/Guardian Information.

(If under 18 please complete the section below. If over 18 this section is not required)

Parent/Guardian. 1)

First name: Last name:



Mobile number:


Parent/Guardian. 2)

First name: Last name:



Mobile number:



Medical Condition.

Does the Applicant have a Medical condition?Yes:No:(Please Tick)

(If ‘Yes’ ticked, please complete the information below.)

Medical condition(s):

Medication required:

Doctor’s Name:

Doctor’s Phone:

Applicant’s emergency contact:

Membership Fee £ Date paid

Payment method: - Please circle

  1. By single cheque – attached. One cheque for the full amount under today’s date
  2. By 3 cheques – ALL 3 attached to this form, dated today, 1st December 2016 and 1stMarch 2017.
  3. By standing order – 10 monthly payments. Use your child’s surname and initial as reference.

All swimmers must have re-enrolled with one of the three payment alternatives by the end of September.

•I apply for 12 months membership of St Austell ASC until end of July 2017

•Membership fees are not refundable outside exceptional circumstances (injury, moving away)

•I agree to abide by the club’s constitution and code of conduct, and treat coaches and swimmers with respect.

•In the interests of safety and good behaviour, I agree to follow the instructions of club officials and pool side staff at all times.

****We would like to remind parents of our and your “duty of care” responsibilities**** –

Please would parents remember that you are responsible for your children once swimmers have left the poolside area. The changing rooms are not their playground and we request that you do not allow your children to play outside Polkyth. Parents of children aged under 11 years are expected to collect their children in person.

Club policy is that club officials have a duty to report any child protection or welfare concerns.

Unless parents delete the bold writing below this form, parent’s consent to official photographs of club swimmers appearing in local newspapers or on the Club website. These photographs will fully comply with the Child Protection Regulations and the ASA guidelines, and will not knowingly be used for any other purpose than appropriate publicity of St Austell ASC.

Any person who is concerned or has knowledge of any suspect behaviour should report this to St Austell ASC Child Welfare Officer, or other available Club or Recreation Centre official immediately.

I consent to this member being appropriately included in club publicity

Signed (applicant) …………………………………………………………….. Date……………

Signed by parent (if member under 18)………………………………………..Date……………

In order to ensure we can continue to teach and coach your children to the best of our ability, we need to maintain a level of discipline within the swimming pool. Could you please ensure that all swimmers read the codes of conduct (attached) and sign them appropriately.