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From Karen Hewitt,

Academic Exchange Officer, Russian and Eurasian Studies Centre

Direct line: +44 (0)1865-515635



The Russian and Eurasian Studies Centre together with the University's Department for Continuing Education is arranging for a group of eight people to visit Perm as guests of the Perm State University. They will live in families with at least one English speaker and will have many opportunities to observe real Russian life. The visit is part of an exchange scheme in which the payment made by you supports the visit of a Perm teacher to Oxford.

The visit is open to anyone but we give preference to people in Oxfordshire or with an Oxford connection such as attendance at OUDCE summer schools. The programme of the fortnight can vary according to individual interests. As guests of Perm University you will be asked to talk to University students, while your activities can include: visits around the city, and to the Urals countryside; canoeing along the Silva river; professional and specialist contacts with economists, lawyers, local politicians, (and lectures if you are willing and able); visits to art galleries, concerts, ballet; studying the work of the city council and local voluntary groups; taking part in family life with your hosts and their friends. Previous visitors on this scheme have seized all sorts of opportunities to see how Russian society works. Several have returned for a second visit.

A knowledge of Russian is not necessary since interpreters will be provided, but obviously you will learn more if you know a little Russian. Participants should be physically fit and willing to walk reasonable distances. Many of our hosts do not have cars, and walking, climbing flights of stairs and public transport are normal. And you should be adaptable...

DATES: Saturday 9th September to Sunday 24th September 2017 (Fifteen nights) The journey is by British Airways scheduled flight to Moscow. You will travel from Moscow to Perm by train - about 900 miles and the first day of the Trans-Siberian route. You will have a few hours in Moscow on the return journey.

COST: £1020 This includes air fares, train fares, other travel in Russia, accommodation with a family, breakfast and many other meals, a programme of activities including two visits to the opera or ballet, and two full day tours. It does not include visas, insurance, and some cheap meals. We will arrange your visas and inform you in June of the cost. Currently official visas are £50 plus admin and special delivery postage – in total about £80. You will need to go to London to give your fingerprints, but otherwise it should be straightforward.

NOTE: The group will be limited to seven or eight people, so if you are interested, PLEASE FILL IN THE FORM OVERLEAF AND SEND IT TO PROMPTLY to Karen Hewitt (address overleaf), For specific enquiries, please ring 01865 515635. For more general information there will be a meeting in late June or early July for those going to Perm in which useful details of all kinds will be passed on.


Please fill in the form below CLEARLY and return it to Karen Hewitt, OUDCE, Rewley House, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JA. with a deposit of £200. This is refundable up to the 15th April, but thereafter will only be refunded if someone else can take your place or in exceptional personal circumstances. The remainder of the cost of the visit (£820) is payable by 31st May 2017. Make cheques payable to ‘St Antony's College’ but send them as above or below, not to St Antony’s. NB Here is an alternative address for the cheque: Karen Hewitt, 6 Rawlinson Road, Oxford OX2 6UE.


VISIT TO PERM 9th to 24th September 2017

The following details are essential for visas. Please write or print CLEARLY.

FULL NAME (as it appears on your passport)______





PASSPORT NUMBER (Must be a full passport valid to the 24th March 2018)

______Please give expiry date______

TELEPHONE NUMBER (home) ______(work) ______

email address (clearly!) ______

WORK POSITION, EMPLOYER, WORK ADDRESS (if retired, please indicate)______


Have you been to Russia/Soviet Union before? (Give approximate dates)______

With this form I enclose a clear photocopy of the main page of my passport (with photo and personal details) and a cheque for £200 made payable to St Antony's College as a deposit. I agree to pay the rest of the sum (£820) by 31st May 2017

Signed______Date ______

Please add any relevant information about yourself and your interests and what you would like to do in Perm on a separate sheet of paper.