St. Anthony's Sacred Worship Committee Meeting
April 18, 2013
Present: Janet Boh, Mary Hoesly, Karen Rossow, Beth Kaiser, Father Brice, Marie Walter, Grace Genteman
Absent: Allan Walter
Meeting called to order at 7:04
Opened with a prayer
Reviewed the March 21, 2013 meeting minutes. No corrections were made.
Approved the agenda
Review the Mass Book - one item discussed was taking up of the gifts. Could a list be established of people who wish to do that. The ushers could ask the family of whom the mass is being offered. The ushers seem to fill in more at the 10:30 mass. It was suggested to place a note in the bulletin ask the family of the person the mass is intend for, contact the usher prior to mass. Ushers should be reminded to find people prior to starting church. Father will talk with Margie about getting it in the bulletin. "Mass intention"
It was asked if we were going to start with the "Reason for Celebrating" or "Mass Intention". Father provided an example of the request sheet and how it could be incorporated into the introduction. We will hold off until the joint meeting to see if this was something the other parishes would be interested in doing.
A letter was created and sent asking the Bishop about having both species only for special occasions.
Easter Week:
Palm Sunday: Picking up palms and blessing worked well. Will review outside procession for next year. Comments were made that they liked sitting during the reading of the Passion, and the music during the reading.
Holy Thursday: Comment of washing feet was better than washing of the hands. Six people were used verse twelve because of space. It was suggested that people be called to stay or sign up sheet for adoration.
Good Friday: What will happen with three churches and scheduling of mass? Possible fill in priest? Good complements were heard from Good Friday mass. Suggested to have a microphone when reading petitions throughout the church. People liked to stand next the cross verses kissing the feet.
Holy Saturday: Could we close the street for the Easter fire so it is in the dark? Safety in the dark should be considered. Could a fountain be added with the sound of running water. Good comments were made on the new Easter candle.
Easter Sunday: at 10:30 was the incense to strong? No.
Father would like to get a committee to begin planning Holy week for next year.
At some point, Father would like to update the baptismal font, to have it larger and deeper.
The raising of hands during the Our Father should be explained to the parishioners.
Joint Committee Meeting: St. Mary's and Holy Family were willing to find five people for the committee heads. Prior to the May 22 meeting, we need to get head usher and greeter head. Shirley & Terry Weyer or Keith and Pam Eibergen were suggested for greeters. Suggestions for usher were Jim Helm.
Committee updates:
Marie - There are three new lectors. She now has nine for 10:30 mass, and seven for 6:30 mass.
Grace - The choir will be singing for First Holy Communion. A job description for our music ministry will be made at the next joint meeting. Grace could start on outline now, or guides.
Beth - Beth will update her list to see what mass schedule they wish to attend.
Mary - Nothing to update
Father closed with a prayer.
Closed at 9:00