St Anthony's Nursery

Newsletter - October 2017

First of all a big thank you to all Mums and Dads for being so patient as your child has been settling into Nursery life – it has been very much appreciated by all the Nursery Staff. As you were informed at the Parent Meeting in May, we see every child as unique and an individual and as such, your child's Teacher will discuss with you as and when your child is ready to increase the length of their Nursery Day.

Theme: We are continuing with our “Getting to Know Each Other”. Halloween is nearly upon us so we will be making some exciting preparations for “ghosties and ghouls”. Have fun singing our October/Halloween songs and rhymes with your child.

Autumn, Fruit and Vegetables are some of our many learning focuses this month .

You can help reinforce your child’s learning by encouraging him/her to look for different Autumn treasures such as coloured leaves, conkers, acorns, blackberries, whirlybirds.

Please encourage your child to bring their Autumn treasures into school to discuss with their friends. Remember - No nuts in school!!

Settling In: If any parent has concerns about their child, or any other children regarding Nursery life, we would ask that you approach a member of staff in confidence. Please remember that this is a very important time for the children settling into a new social environment, we would ask you to be patient with your child and other children. The transition from home to Nursery school is a very difficult and demanding time for all concerned especially as your child learns to interact, “fly solo” and develop social relationships with new adults and children.

If your child is not fully settled in Nursery, they may need a little more time before they are ready to stay for dinner.

Toileting Independently: Please help your child to become independent in toileting, ie. Pulling up and down underwear/trousers, cleaning themselves, flushing, washing and drying hands.

Clean Noses: Please also help your child to blow their nose and use a tissue independently.

Dinners and Lunches will begin Tuesday, 3rd Octoberfor the children

inGroup 1.

The children will eat in school at 12noon and are to be collected at 12.30pm.

Children in Group 2 will join Group 1 and stay for dinner from Thursday 5th October.

Children in Group 3will start dinners on Tuesday 10th October.

We see every child as an individual - Your child's Teacher will decide and discuss with you when your child is ready for their extended day.

Reminder: No Nuts: Please ensure you check the packaging of all items in packed lunches to see if they contain nuts. This is a very important issue, thank you for your co-operation.

Please ensure that your child can open their own lunch boxes and that all lunch boxes/bags are named.

Dinners cost £2.50and may be purchased daily or weekly, in advance. Please ensure money is handed over in an envelope, clearly labelled with your child's name and amount. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept cheques.

If you are entitled to free meals and we have not received notification from the Education Authority, you will have to pay for dinners or provide your child with a packed lunch until we receive notification.

Healthy Lunches: In keeping with our Healthy Eating Policy we would ask you to refrain from crisps, sweets, chocolate and fizzy drinks during lunch times. has some very good lunch box ideas. Such items will be returned to you - in keeping with our policy.

Parent Teacher Meeting: Parent Teacher meetings will take place throughout the week 23rd - 26th October to discuss how your child is settling into Nursery. A timetable will be outside your child's classroom for you to select a 10 minute slot that suits you. All parents will be given a Settling In Report. If you and your child's teacher do not have any concerns, it is possible to arrange a phone call interview. Please arrange this with your child's teacher.

Bedtime Read/Pyjama Night with Mr Hullabaloo

As part of our initiative to promote literacy and love of books & stories, we will be having a Bedtime Read/Pyjama Night with Mr Hullabaloo (interactive puppet show), on Wednesday, 18th October at 6.30 pm. You are cordially invited to attend this performance along with your child. (All children must be accompanied). Due to health and safety reasons, unfortunately we must limit the number of adults to one per family. Please complete the attached proforma and return to the Nursery by Wednesday, 11th October.

Parent Lending Library: For your information, we have a Parent Lending Library with a wide selection of books available for you in our Reception Hall on shelves under the display table.

Larne Times: We are arranging for the Larne Times to come along and photograph our children. If you do not want your child included, please speak to your Class Teacher.

Halloween Celebration

We will be having our Fancy Dress Party on Friday, 27th October. Children can wear fancy dress into school. Please be aware of your child being able to toilet in their costume. No scary costumes please and sensible footwear! Children will go home at 11.30 am. There will be no lunches or dinners. Have a Spooktacular Halloween!

Board of Governors: The Board of Governors play an important role in the organisation and running of our school. The members of the Board of Governors are as follows: John Byrne, Paddy McKeown, Rosaleen Westland, Michelle McGoogan, Alexis Hay, Nora Evans, and Stephanie Short.

Car Parking: The Board of Governors have expressed their concerns regarding parents parking directly outside the Nursery in the mornings and at pick up time. This is unsafe practice and inconsiderate. This includes taxis. Please also observe good practice when using the car park, do not block other cars in or cause an obstruction and follow the one way system by driving round passed the Primary School, do not turn right when you turn into the entrance as this is exit access for all St Anthony's traffic. Please inform other family members/childminders etc who may be using the car park. Thank you.

Change of Clothing: Some parents have not left in a change of clothing for their child. We’d appreciate if this could be rectified immediately as we are already running short of our own spare clothing. Please do not leave the change of clothes outside on your child’s coat hanger as they have their own changing bag hook in the bathroom area. Thank you.


A coat, with a hood, is a must for everyday in the Nursery as the children will have an opportunity to play outside most days – our Nursery site experiences cold winds. Please ensure your child brings a coat to Nurseryevery day. Please help your child in learning how to put on and take off their coat.

Shoes/Trainers: It would be appreciated if shoes without laces could be worn by all children ie. velcro or pull on shoes/trainers. Our staff are extremely busy dealing with all the childrens needs and tying laces on childrens shoes can be very time consuming.

Collection from Nursery: If someone new is collecting your child from Nursery, please ensure you inform your Teacher or our Secretary in advance.

Nursery Fund: Thank you so much to all our parents for your contribution of £5 weekly for the Nursery Fund. Your contribution helps us to provide many essentials and extras for your child eg, snacks, educational visits, resources to name but a few. The Nursery Fund can be paid weekly or monthly etc. All payments should be put into an envelope and marked with your child's name. Envelopes are available in the reception hall of the Nursery.

MacMillan Coffee Morning: Thank you to everyone who helped/attended/provided items for our MacMillan Coffee Morning. We had a great turnout. Thank you! We would like to thank the Co-Op, Linn Road also for their kind donations!

Parent Board/Info

The Information Board in our reception hall will be updated as we make our way through the Nursery year. Please remember to read the information when you are in the Nursery.

Remember to check your child's drawer daily and keep us updated with mobile numbers for emergencies and text messaging purposes.

Social Media

As confidentiality is of utmost importance, our school policy requires that staff may not be 'friends' with parents on any form of social media. Thank you for your co-operation.

Happy October Birthday to

Don't forget, if you have any queries or concerns,

please speak with your child's Teacher or contact us on 028 2827 8645

Bedtime Read/Pyjama Night with Mr Hullabaloo

Wednesday, 18th October 2017 at 6.30 pm

We will be attending the above event

Total number attending

We will not be attending the above event

Child's Name ......

Parent Signature ......


Mon 2nd / Children back
Grandparents Day
Tues 3rd / Group 1 Dinners
Thurs 5th / Group 2 Dinners
Tues 10th / Group 3 Dinners
Wed 18th / Evening Mr Hullabaloo
1830 / Please return form
Week 23rd - 26th / Parent Meetings
Fri 27th / 1130 finish
Fancy Dress Party / No Dinners/lunches
Mon 30th & Tues 31st / HOLIDAYS
Wed 1st – Mon 6th / HOLIDAYS
Tues 7th / Children back
Fri 10th / Children in Need
Fri 1st / National Romanian Day
Fri 8th / Woolly Jumper Day
Save the Children / £1 donation per child
Wed 13th / 1130 finish
Open Day / No Dinners/lunches
Fri 15th / Nursery Closed
Mon 18th / Children back
Tues 19th / Santa Visit to Nursery
Wed 20th / Mr Hullabaloo 1230
Christmas Party / No dinners/lunches
Thurs 21st / Christmas Concert
1130 finish / No Dinners
Fri 22nd – Fri 29th / HOLIDAYS

Autumn's here – (tune Frere Jacques)

Autumn's here,Autumn's here.

Yes it is,Yes it is.

All the leaves are falling,All the leaves are falling.

Crunch, crunch, crunch, Crunch, crunch, crunch.

Leaves are falling – (tune Jingle Bells)

Leaves are falling,Leaves are falling,

One fell on my nose.

Leaves are falling,Leaves are falling,

One fell on my toes.

Leaves are falling,Leaves are falling,

One fell on my head.

Leaves are falling,Leaves are falling,

Yellow, orange, red

It is Autumn and it’s time to rake the leaves-

(tune she’ll be coming round the mountain)

It is autumn and it’s time to rake the leaves,

It is autumn and it’s time to rake the leaves.

It is autumn, it’s the season,

We don’t need another reason.

It is autumn and it’s time to rake the leaves.

Halloween Songs and Rhymes

The Witch

Witches’ cauldron,Witches’ hat,

Witches’ broomstick,Witches cat.
Fly over here,Fly over there,

Wham bam alacazam,

Then she disappears

Witches of Halloween

We're the witches of Halloween wwwooohhhh

The ugliest you’ve ever seen wwwooohhh

We fly around at night and we’ll give you such a fright

We're the witches of Halloween wwwooowww

I'm A Little Pumpkin

Sung to: "I'm A Little Teapot"
I'm a little pumpkin short and stout (squat down with hands on hips)
Here are my eyes and here is my mouth (point to eyes and mouth)
When it's Halloween and you are out, (point out)
Just lift my lid and hear me shout (pretend to lift lid)
BOO! (jump up and shout boo)

Halloween is Coming

Halloween is coming/Halloween is coming

Skeletons will be after you

Witches, cats and big black bats

Ghosts and goblins too

Flap, flap, flap go the big black bats

Uh uh uh uh uh

Miaow, miaow, miaow go the witches cats

Uh uh uh uh uh ...... boo!!!

5 Little Witches

Stirring at their pot

It steamed and it bubbled and it got quite hot

They threw in some magic and stirrd it very well

And then with a


They made a magic spell!!