St Albans HSA Meeting Minutes

2nd February 2017

1.  Welcome

Attendees – Katie Hyett, Jackie Symmonds, Vicky Macey and Samantha White

2.  Apologies


3.  Review of Last Terms Activities and Funds Raised

  1. Calendars and Tea Towels – After several hiccups everyone finally received their orders. The invoice is still to be paid which Jackie will sort.

Lessons Learnt

1.  Organise everything before October half term instead of waiting till November.

2.  Draw up a procedure of how to distribute the items in a more efficient way.

ACTION 1 – Samantha to speak with the office and agree a suitable date when we can start these projects.

  1. Father Christmas – Everything went smoothly.
  1. KS2 Concert – Refreshments – Everything went smoothly. All refreshments with a short date were disposed of.
  1. Nativity - Refreshments – Everything went smoothly.

4.  This Terms Activities

  1. Cake Sale – 15th February 2017. Samantha has typed up a note to go home to the parents and emailed it to Mrs Boxall.

ACTION 2 – Jackie Symmonds and Sandra Harris are to lead. Jackie will organise a text to go out that week.

  1. Film Night – 3rd March 2017. Everyone was in agreement that we would show the film “Trolls”. Sarah Charlesworth usually leads with Claire Kelly organising the snacks.

ACTION 3 – Vicky Macey to purchase a copy of the film. Vicky also agreed to speak with Sarah and Claire to ensure they were happy to organise this event again.

  1. Easter Egg Hunt – 6th April 2017. Jackie suggested that Katie liaise with Emma Jewitt as to what happens and where the puzzles and word searches are kept. Jackie stated that we needed 7 large eggs (one for each year), 220 crème eggs or similar and approximately 10 haribo bags for the children who have dietary requirements. Ask at next meeting for a volunteer to buy the supplies from local supermarket. We will ask for a donation of £1.00 per child.

ACTION 4 – Katie to liaise with Emma Jewitt

5.  Future Activities

  1. Evening Event – It was suggested that we hold an adults only Quiz and Curry Night on a Friday evening in May, 7pm-9pm, £10 per tickets and everyone can bring their own drinks and we’d have a raffle as well.

ACTION 4 – Vicky Macey to be Quiz Master and organise the supply of curry.

ACTION 5 – Samantha White to speak with the office to organise a suitable date.

  1. KS1 Event – The committee came up with the idea of having Mr Spaghetti and a tuck shop. Ideally we would like the party at 5pm.

ACTION 6 – Samantha White to speak with the office regarding dates and times.

  1. KS2 Event – Not sure what to do for KS2 so we will look on the memory stick and see what we did before.

ACTION 7 – Vicky Macey to speak with Mrs Donovan about having an evening disco.

6.  Review of Meeting with Mrs Donnovan - The meeting went very well with everyone who attended leaving feeling positive.

a)  Books – Waiting on Mrs Donovan.

Defibrillator – As the school have received a £500 donation they would like to pursue this. Katie has suggested selling paper hearts for £1.00 each and then displaying them on a board in the reception area. The committee all felt if we did raise the funds the defibrillator should go outside the Co-op or somewhere that is accessible 24/7.

ACTION 8 – Katie to speak to Mrs Hordell and Samantha to speak to the Co-Op.

b)  Friendship Bench – Not required.

c)  Outdoor Chairs and Tables – Not required.

d)  Sound and Light System – Katie has spoken to Mrs Hordell about the £5,000 cap for HSA spend and she was in agreement. She said that the school would also contribute towards it.

e)  Year R Equipment – Year R needs a complete overhaul. Vicky has received a wish list from the teachers and has investigated prices etc. It was felt that the budget should be in the region of £1,000.00.

Sand and water tables - £114.00 from Plums

Role play equipment – house/kitchen etc

Tuff trays

Blackboards (pack of 5) - £110.00 from Cost Cutters

Free standing blackboards - £262.00 from Cost Cutters


Giant connect 4 - £174.99 from Amazon

Climbing structure - £400.00 from Tesco

Wooden Ramp - ?

Wooden pirate ship - £250.00

Wooden see saw - £119.99 from Plums

ACTION 9 - Jackie is to speak with the school accountant Angie to find out what the schools budget it before we commit to this figure.

f)  Wet play games for all classrooms – All agreed that there would be a budget of £50 for each class. The class teacher is to provide a list of their requirements, the school will purchase and we will then refund the school.

g)  Shed for sports equipment – Had a quote from Jennifer Banners husband of £300.00 for the concrete base. Martin to find out size and we can go from there.

7.  Any Other Business - None

8.  Future Meeting Dates

Wednesday 8th February 2017 at 9.00am in the Library

Agreed that meetings would alternate between a Wednesday morning being chaired by Katie Hyett and a Thursday morning being chaired by Vicky Macey for the remainder of the year.

ACTION 10 – Samantha to book meeting with the office.

St Albans HSA

Schedule of Events 2016-2017

Event / Date / Named Lead
Cake Sale / 15th February 2017 / Jackie Symmonds
Film Night / 3rd March 2017 / Sarah Charlesworth
Easter Egg Hunt / 6th April 2017 / Katie Hyett/Emma Jewitt
To Organise
Fun Mats???
Event / Date / Named Lead
Evening Event – Quiz and Curry / May 2017 / Vicky Macey
KS1 Magic Show / June 2017
KS2 Party / June 2017
Cake Sale / Jackie Symmonds
Jolly Jam Jar Day / July 2017
Summer Fair / Sports Day / July 2017
Summer Fair / Sports Day ( Reserve ) / July 2017
Concert KS2 – Daytime / July 2017
Concert KS2 – Evening / July 2017
New Parents Meeting / July 2017
Things to Organise
Event / Date / Named Lead
Tea and Tissues (week one) / September
Tea and Tissues (week two) / September
Harvest Festival Display – Prepare / October
HSA AGM / October
Calendar Photo Shoot / October
Cake Sale / October
Film Night / November
Jolly Jam Jar Day / November
Christmas Fair Sorting Days / November
Christmas Fair / November
KS2 Christmas Concert (raffle)A/noon / December
KS1 Nativity / December
Santa / December
KS2 Christmas Concert (raffle) Eve / December
To Organise
Christmas Cards / October
Tea Towels / October / Vicky Macey
Calendar / October
Mugs and Coaster / October / Vicky Macey