University of Canberra Service Delivery Plan Consultation – Summary of Feedback


The Service Delivery Plan (SDP) for the University of Canberra Public Hospital (UCPH) defines what services will be delivered by the facility, in what physical setting, by what group of staff, and sets out the interrelationships between these services. The SDP is the basis from which more detailed work is undertaken on the physical layout and design of the facility, and is a starting point for development of models of care for the facility.

On Wednesday 4 June 2014, the SDP was publicly released, commencing a consultation period that closed on 16 July 2014. However, a number of extensions for submissions were granted, and informal consultation has continued well beyond the closing date.

As part of the consultation, ACT Health extended invitations to key stakeholders for one on one meetings, and staff also attended a forum convened by the Health Care Consumers’ Association (HCCA) of the ACT.

A range of matters were raised by individuals and have been addressed via direct contact with the stakeholders. All such feedback has been provided to the model of care team and project team for consideration as the models of care for the facility are progressively developed. All feedback was incorporated into astakeholder feedback register that formed part of the documentation provided to theHead Contractors for the final design phase of the project.

Team Responsible:

M = Incorporated in Model of CareO = Refer to operational area N = No further action

P = Project Team for further actionC = Communication Strategy

The table below presents feedback, and has been grouped around commonly occurring themes.

Theme / Team Responsible / Response
-access to
-plans for hydrotherapy at Canberra Hospital / C / The hydrotherapy pool at UCPH will be able to be accessed by approved external providers under contractual arrangements.
No decision has been made by government as to the future of the Hydrotherapy Pool at the Canberra Hospital
As part of the Health Infrastructure Program (HIP) to meet future health care needs, a decision may be made to demolish Building 3 at the Canberra Hospital. If this occurs alternative arrangements will be made for the users of this facility until the pool at UCPH opens in 2018.
Palliative Care
-to be delivered at the UCPH
-inclusion of inpatient palliative care beds at the UCPH / M / There will not be dedicated inpatient palliative care beds at the UCPH. However, depending upon clinical assessment, there will be the ability to provide palliation if required. Consultant in-reach from speciality services will be available, as will the ability to transfer patients to a specialist service.
-proximity of public transport routes
-proximity of bus stop
-proximity of taxi rank
-provision for community transport / P
C / The project team is in consultation with Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS) regarding the access road and public transport to UCPH.Discussion includesthe accessto Aikman Drive and Ginninderra Drive and consultation on future bus routes.
Name of the Facility / N / The name of the facility is as per the 2012 Heads of Agreement between the Territory and the University of Canberra.
-access and egress
-for wandering patients
-cultural and linguistically diverse groups
-wayfinding and signage / P
M / Safety will be addressed both in the design of the facility and through the models of care to be deployed in running the facility.
In relation to the design of the facility, it will be designed using contemporary design principles based on best practice. These include:
  • safety & security
  • simple and provide good visual access
  • reduce unwanted stimuli
  • highlight useful stimuli
  • provide opportunities for both privacy and community
  • domestic and familiar
  • wayfinding and signage
A register detailing all design associated risks will be managed by the project team.
Traffic during construction / P / A detailed traffic management plan prepared by the head contractor will be developed for the Project. It will include methods for access and egress to the site and include emergency procedures inconsultationwith surrounding neighbours and including the University of Canberra (UC).
Parking arrangements
-location and proximity to facility
-number of parking spaces
-consumer involvement in parking planning / P / Parking will be provided as per the 2012 Heads of Agreement between the Territory and the University of Canberra. Provision has been made for designated car parking spaces close to the main entry to comply with the accessibility code to provide good access and connection to the facility.
Provisions have been made for drop off/pick up zones at the entry.
Parking requirements for UCPH were based onparking demand studies benchmarking against similar facilities. The demand for car parking spaces took into consideration the number of Day Places, Inpatient Beds, Workforce & Visitor numbers and the support services such as the Hydrotherapy Pool, Equipment Loan service and fleetcars.
Model of Care / M / Extensive planning has been undertaken to define the requirements of UCPH which included a strategic level MoCAdditional work was undertaken to further develop the Model of Care (MoC) for Rehabilitation Aged and Community Care (RACC) services that will operate out of UCPH , as is the Adult Mental Health, Justice Health Alcohol and Drug Services (MHJHADS)MoC. Following the current work on these an overarching Model of Service Delivery (MoSD) for UCPH will be developed. A range of matters were identified that will be considered during the development of the models of care for the facility. These issues have been passed on to the models of care team. Some examples include:
  • use of interpreters
  • workforce planning
  • role of, and relationships with general practice and other health professionals such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Mental Health practitioners
  • relationship with community sector organisations
  • relationship with acute facilities and specialist services
  • pet therapy programs
  • patient transport arrangements
  • admission criteria
  • concepts of recovery to applied across mental health services
  • bed block with people waiting to access residential aged care
  • delivery of cardiac rehabilitation across the Territory
  • foods that are culturally appropriate

Stand alone Birth Unit / N / Not in scope for UCPH.
Workforce / P / ACT Health has commenced a project to develop innovative workforce planning and development for the new hospital to meet the demand driven by an ageing population and rising prevalence of chronic conditions.
Multi-faith Space / P / UCPH will have a centrally located multi-faith space with direct access from the main entry and foyer.
Design to support people with cognitive impairment / P / Spaces have being designed to support people with cognitive impairment of different etiologies.Key features of the design include that the facility be safe, secure,simple design able to be navigated easily and provide good visual access, reduce unwanted stimuli and highlight helpful stimuli, provide opportunities for privacy and community and be of domestic and familiar feel.
Single to shared room ratios / N / A workshop in 2013considered evidence that a mix of single and shared rooms is required to meet a range of factors relevant to clinical care. Shared rooms generally cater for those who need closer observation and for socialisation. The recommendation of the workshop was to adopt a ratio of 60 % single bed rooms and 40% 2 bedded rooms in the RACC Inpatient Units and 100% single rooms in the Mental Health Rehabilitation Unit.
Café / P / A café will be provided at UCPH.

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