Cecil Road / · / St Albans / · / Hertfordshire / · / AL1 5EG
Telephone: 01727 866668 / · / Facsimile: 01727 810710
Web Site: www.ssasjm.herts.sch.uk
Headteacher / ·
· / E-mail:
Mr C Soyka
St Alban & St Stephen Junior School
Music Newsletter 16th November 2016
Alban Abbey Christmas Service, 10.30am Thursday 1st December 2016
St Alban Primary School Music Association (SAPSMA) has invited our school to join in with their Christmas service, 1st December 2016 at the Alban Abbey, St Albans AL1 1BY, 10.30am. A selection of children will be chosen to represent the school. They will be given a songbook which they will take with them on the day and a copy can be found on the school website. All parents are welcome to attend.
School Christmas Production, 7pm Thursday 15th December 2016
St Alban and St Stephen Church, 14-16 Beaconsfield Road, St Albans AL1 3RB
The children are rising to the challenge of learning their class songs from memory and are making great strides towards achieving this goal. Any support from parents, carers and family will make all the difference.
This year we will be encouraging the children to play solos, play in small or larger groups on their instruments or percussion. If your child is chosen to play an instrument, please encourage them to practise, practise, practise. This will boost their confidence and musicianship.
Lyric sheets, sing-a-long backing tracks and powerpoint slides can be found on the school website. http://www.ssasjm.herts.sch.uk/children/music/
Young Voices 2017 O2 Arena, Wednesday 18th January 2017
Rehearsals are well under way, Thursdays 12.30 – 13.10 in the hall and the children are having fun and putting lots of effort into learning their lyrics and dance moves with great results.
Lyric sheets, dance moves videos and sing-a-long lyric videos can be found on the school website http://www.ssasjm.herts.sch.uk/children/music/
The deadline for ordering Young Voices tickets, T-shirts etc is this Monday 21st November 2016. There are spare order forms on the table in the Reception area.
Assemblies and Hymn Practices
We are inviting children to play in assemblies and other special occasions. If they would like to participate, all they need to do is show me a copy of the piece/s of music so that I can timetable them in. So far I have had a tremendous response and look forward to hearing lots of children, whatever the instrument/voice or whether they have lessons in school or out of school.
Key dates
Thursday 1st December 2016 – Yr 6 – Alban Abbey Christmas Carol Service, 10.30am
Thursday 15th December 2016 - School Christmas Carol Service, 7pm
Wednesday 18th January 2017- Year 5&6 – Young Voices O2 Arena
Ms Benjamin-Daley
Music Teacher
“Nurturing every child to grow and flourish in Christ”