Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 14 January 2015 at the Community Hall, Rydon Road, Kingsteignton, at 7:00 pm


Chairman of the Committee: Councillor D Rollason

Councillors: K Jones, R Peart, L Rose, M Stevenson, B Thorne

Ex Officio: Councillors: C Meathrel and R Harris

Admin Assistant: Mrs S Simmons

01/15 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr B Austen & J Morris, who were absent due to health reasons.

02/15 Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

03/15 Minutes

Cllr Rollason signed the minutes of the meeting held on 10 December, 2014 which had been approved at the Full Council meeting.

04/15 Town Crier Update

Cllr Jones advised that permission had been granted from Mr John Stacey to hold a competition at the Ram Roast in May 2015.

Cllr Peart advised that Mr Ken Purchase is head of The Guild and that he has agreed that he would be able to assist with judging a competition.

The appointed person would need to be CRB checked in order to attend events with children.

Cllr Stevenson volunteered to be a contact to make investigations.

Cllr Rollason proposed that Cllr Stevenson contacts Mr Ken Purchase at The Guild of Town Criers to take the necessary steps to put ‘A Plan’ of what’s involved to run a competition, as well as ‘An Application Form’ to be presented at the next Full Council Meeting, for approval. Seconded by, Cllr Meathrel. All, agreed.

Cllr Harris advised that in the 2015/2016 budget there is £5,000 set aside for publicity, which this would be taken from.

05/15 Community Hall Car Park Update – Report from Cllr Rose

Cllr Rose reported that she, accompanied by Mr N Banwell (Headteacher of Rydon Primary) & a DCC Highways Officer had patrolled the car park on 7 January, 2015. PCSO Pike did not attend. Unfortunately, the people that were spoken to about possible ways of encouraging parents and children to walk to school were not compliant to leave the Community Hall Car Park for hirers and users of the Community Hall. From this patrol, a petition was started on Facebook to allow school parents to park.

Cllr Stevenson said that this petition was completely one sided and did not state the reason why the Council are requesting school parents not to use the car park. The reason being, because people who pay to hire the hall also pay to hire the car park and during term time the Pre-School parents need to drop off their children at the same time as school parents and pick up at 3 pm in the afternoon, the problem being that a lot of school parents are already taking up spaces from 2:30 pm.

Mr N Banwell invited a small group of 4 x parents to attend a meeting with him and Cllr Rose at the school on Tuesday 13 January, 2015 to discuss a possible solution.

Cllr Rose reported that from this the following suggestions were made:

·  Permits could be issued on a needs basis.

·  Time slots could be allocated to the school parents.

·  More spaces could be made in the car park for hall users.

·  Mr Banwell may be able to release a member of staff to walk children from the car park to the school.

Cllr Meathrel reported that he had also had a meeting with Mr Banwell which proved that the problem has arisen from DCC not having allowed for any space for dropping off and picking up school children and from a school now having far more pupils than when it first opened. Mr Banwell had requested that the petition be taken down as it was using the schools name without permission, but this request was ignored.

Cllr Jones advised that the grass area to the rear of the car park used to be a water cress meadow and is very boggy ground.

Cllr Peart re-iterated that Councillors are not permitted to park in Staff Parking.

Cllr Rollason said that we should not be funding any alterations and that DCC should be consulted.

After discussion Cllr Thorne proposed that Cllr Peart, Cllr Rollason and Cllr Rose work together by re-drafting an options plan, liasing with DCC and Cllr T Dempster regarding funding. Cllr Rose is to feedback to Mr Banwell that he will be updated later. Also, for Cllr Harris to investigate costs, of possibly extending the car park. Seconded by, Cllr Meathrel. All, agreed.

Cllr Rollason thanked Cllr Rose for her assistance.

06/15 CCTV Camera Quotes for Community Hall Car Park

·  Screwfix @ £129.99 inc. VAT

·  Amazon @ £99.00 inc. VAT

·  Maplins @ £119.99 inc. VAT

After discussion, Cllr Harris proposed that a total budget of £300 be made available for the purchase of additional cameras including installation at the best price from any of the above suppliers, for additional coverage within the car park area. Seconded by, Cllr Rollason. All, agreed.

07/15 Chubb Alarm – Keyholding Services discussed

Cllr Harris requested Mrs Simmons to find out the amount of incidents/call outs there have been within the last 12 x months. Cllr Rollason also asked for Chubb to be asked if they have a camera system which can view our premises internally from their premises.

08/15 Capital Programme review

Cllr Rollason deferred this item until the next meeting to be held in February when further information would be available from the Finance Committee.

09/15 Bills for Payment

·  A2Z Leaflets – December Newsletter Delivery @ £276.00 (no VAT)

Payment was approved by all.

10/15 Correspondence for Information

·  Copy of answerphone complaint regarding parking passed to Cllr Rollason.

The meeting closed at 8:20 p.m

Signed:……………………………………. Dated:……………………….