SSR Procedure Notes
What is SSR and why do it?
SSR stands for ______.
Increasing reading ______(level of difficulty) and ______(how much you can read and how long you can read without a break) is essential to growth as a student and an individual.
SSR will allow you to see results as a ______.
SSR allows you to have time to read what you want during the ______, which doesn’t happen very often.
SSR Procedures
SSR is the first ______minutes of every day. It is not ______.
You need to read the ______time.
You should NOT have a ______book every day.
There are no electronics allowed during SSR (headphones, ______, computers). The only exception is an ______.
You are welcome to ______a book off of my shelf, but let me know so I can check it out to you.
SSR is NOT the time to visit the ______. If we visit the Media Center as a class, it will be before SSR.
Setting a Weekly Reading Goal
You are expected to read ______hours or more per week at a comfortable pace. One hour will be completed in class, the other hour must be ______.
A “______” means something different for every person.
How to determine your reading goal for the week:
Read at a comfortable pace for ______minutes and record how many pages you read.
If you read 9 pages in 10 minutes, then in an hour, you should be able to read 54 pages (______).
If you read for the required two hours per week, you should have read 108 pages in one week (______).
The college expectation is at least ______a week—and those 200 pages will NOT be in a book of your ______…
Reading Outside of Class
If your reading stamina is not great at first, that’s ______. Start at 10-minute reading chunks. However, you should work toward being able to read ______or more without stopping or needing a break.
You will see growth in your reading ______if you stick with it!
More ______books affect reading rate (duh!). Obviously it takes more concentration and effort to read War and Peacethan it does to read Harry Potter.
There is ______for not reading outside of class. EVERYONE has time to read for 10 minutes a day—before ______, at lunch, when you first get home from school, in the ______(gross, but true), on a break at work, etc.
Keeping Track
To receive your grade for the week, you need to ______or ______your reading rate for the week.
Keep track of what you read ______of class.
I will also keep track of what you’re reading during SSR and what progress you’re making.
After SSR on ______, we will set your goal for the week. On ______, we will turn in your ______.
If you cheat on your reading records, you’re only cheating ______. It’s only 5% of your overall grade, but if you do it the right way, you will benefit throughout your ______.
Sample SSR Schedule
Monday- Get weekly ______, set weekly ______after SSR, complete reading log.
Tuesday-SSR and______, complete reading log.
Wednesday- SSR and Conferences, complete ______.
Thursday- ______, complete reading log.
Friday-SSR, complete reading log and ______.
*This is subject to change based on______, book talks, etc.
Other Fun Facts
Keep track of your books on the ______. This will be kept in your ______.
Upon completion of the book, fill out the book ______and submit to me. This will be placed in the review folder, and can been seen by other students who need ______of new books.
We will have a class ______to see which class reads the most books. I will tally books based on ______submitted.
The winning class at the end of each semester gets a super awesome prize. (Think ______. Think ______. Think ______.)