• Dr. Daniel Byman

Journal articles:

"Why Drones Work."Foreign Affairs. August 2013.

"Outside Support for Insurgent Movements."Studies in Conflict and Terrorism.Volume 36, Issue 12 (2013).

"The Intelligence War on Terrorism."Intelligence and National Security. December 16, 2013.


“The Deepening Chaos in Sinai.” With KhaledElgindy. September 1, 2013. The National Interest.

“Questions and Airstrikes.” Foreign Policy. September 2, 2013.

“The Dangers of Success.”Foreign Policy. September 27, 2013.

“Captures vs. Drones.” Brookings Institution, Up Front.October 10, 2013.

“Iran’s Terrorism Problem.” Brookings Institution,Iran at Saban. November 21, 2013.

  • Dr. Robert Egnell


Gender, Military Effectiveness, and Organizational Change: The Swedish Model. With PetterHojem andHannesBerts.Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2014.

Counterinsurgency in Crisis: Britain and the Challenges of Modern Warfare. With David Ucko. New York: Columbia University Press, 2013.

New Agendas inStatebuilding: Hybridity, Contingency, and History. With Peter Halden. London: Routledge, 2013.

  • Dr. Christine Fair


“Fighting to the End: The Pakistan Army's Way of War.”New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.

Journal articles:

“Insights from a Database of Lashkar-e-Taiba and Hizb-ul-Mujahideen Militants.”Journal of Strategic Studies. Fall 2013.

“Iranians and the Bomb: Religion and Support and Opposition to the Development of Nuclear Weapons.” With Karl Kaltenthaler and William Miller.Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.Vol. 37, No.1 (Fall 2013).

"Lives On The Line.” With SumitGanguly.The Washington Quarterly.Vol. 36, No. 3 (Summer 2013).

“Review of FEROZ HASSAN KHAN,Eating Grass.”Journal of Strategic Studies.Vol. 36, Issue 4 (2013).

Book chapters:

“Pakistan.” In Religion in the Military Worldwide, edited by Ron E. Hassner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.

“Pakistan: Perfidious Ally in the War on Terror.” In Assessing the War on Terror, edited by Mohammed Ayoob and EtgaUgur. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2013.

  • Dr. Bruce Hoffman


Jihadist Terrorism: A Threat Assessment. With Peter Bergen, Michael Hurley, and Errol Southers. Bipartisan Policy Center. September 2013.

Al-Qaeda's continued core strategy and disquieting leader-led trajectory. With Fernando Reinares. ARI, Elcano Royal Institute. September 10, 2013.

  • Dr. Colin Kahl


The Great Unwinding: Iranian Nuclear Negotiations and Principles for Sanctions Relief. With. Elizabeth Rosenburg. CNAS. October 11, 2013.

Inflection Point: Requirements for an Enduring Diplomatic Solution to the Iranian Nuclear Challenge. CNAS. November 15, 2013.


“Zero Sum Enrichment.” With Alireza Nader. Foreign Policy. October 14, 2013.

“A Good Deal in Geneva.” Foreign Policy. November 27, 2013.

“Why New Iran Sanctions Won't Work.” Politico. December 10, 2013.

  • Dr. KeirLieber

Journal articles:

“Why States Won’t Give Nuclear Weapons to Terrorists.”With Daryl G. Press. International Security. Vol. 38, No. 1 (2013).

  • OrianaMastro


"USAF Strategic Approach in the Asia-Pacific: Aspirations and Reality."Banyan Analytics Brief. October 2, 2013.


  • David Betraeu


Structure and Dynamics of the U.S. Federal Services Industrial Base, 2000–2012. With Gregory Sanders and Jesse Ellman. CSIS. September 3, 2013.

How Can We Develop a Sustainable Resource Strategy for Defense?CSIS, Global Forecast 2014. November 12, 2013.

U.S. Department of Defense Contract Spending and the Supporting Industrial Base, 2000-2012. With Gregory Sanders, Jesse Ellman, and Rhys McCormick.CSIS. December 19, 2013.

  • Dr. Jay Carafano


“Obama's Sloppy History Problem.”The National Interest. August 4, 2013.

“Obama's Shredded Foreign-Policy Playbook.”The National Interest. August 17, 2013.

“Omens of a Hollow Military.”The National Interest. September 4, 2013.

“Obama's Syria Policy: Not Off the Hook Yet.”The National Interest. September 10, 2013.

“Playing by Iran's Rules.”The National Interest. September 23, 2013.

“Obama's Afghanistan Soap Opera.”The National Interest.December 3, 2013.

“Obama's House of Lords Fumbles Defense Budget.”The National Interest.December 9, 2013.

  • Dr. Michael Dennis

Journal articles:

"Tacit Knowledge as a Factor in the Proliferation of WMD: The Example of Nuclear Weapons." Studies in Intelligence.Vol. 57, no. 3 (2013).

  • Dr. Dieter Dettke


“After the German Elections: A Diminished Future.” AICGS. September 9, 2013.

“Euro-Skepticism and the Future of the Common Security and Defense Policy.” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs. October 30, 2013.

  • DaveedGarterstein-Ross


“Put a sock in it!” Politico. August 6, 2013.

“Gitmo's czar speaks out.”Politico. August 8, 2013.

“The Cuban in the Desert.”Foreign Policy. August 14, 2013.

“How Syria's Jihadists Win Friends and Influence People.” With Phillip Smyth. The Atlantic. August 22, 2013.

“How We Killed Privacy -- in 4 Easy Steps.”Foreign Policy. August 23, 2013.

“Turkey's Mixed Messages on Syria.” With Jonathan Schanzer. The Atlantic. August 30, 2013.

“Why Qatar Is Quietly Supporting a U.S. Strike in Syria.”The Atlantic. September 3, 2013.

“The Westgate Mall Attack and the Future of Terrorism.” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs. September 23, 2013.

“Al-Qaeda's Offensive Against Iraq's Sahwa.” With Bridget Moreng. War on the Rocks. September 30, 2013.

“The Arab world’s dimmed revolutionary fervor.” The National Interest Review. October 4, 2013.

“Tunisia's War with Ansar Al-Sharia: New Revelations about Al-Qaeda's North African Network.” With Bridget Moreng. War on the Rocks. October 21, 2013.

“The Anatomy of an Evolving Threat: Publication of Classified Information.” War on the Rocks. November 20, 2013.

“Benghazi and Al Qaeda.”War on the Rocks. November 27, 2013.

“Is the terrorist threat declining? The use and abuse of statistics.” War on the Rocks. December 16, 2013.

“Al Qaeda's Big Year.” Politico. December 29, 2013.

  • Dr. Lawrence Korb


Twice Betrayed Bringing Justice to the U.S. Military’s Sexual Assault Problem. With Lindsay Rosenthal. Center for American Progress. November 6, 2013.


“All in moderation: The US, Iran, and the way forward.” With Matthew Duss. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. August 6, 2013.

“Speaking with the Enemy.” Foreign Policy. August 15, 2013.

“Mission creep: A short history.” With Max Hoffman. Politico. September 5, 2013.

“The Wrong Way to Criticize Obama.” The National Interest. September 30, 2013.

“Korb and Laich: Sex assault and the chain of command.” With Maj. Gen. Dennis Laich (ret.). Army Times. November 19, 2013.

“How Ash Carter Oversold DOD’s Savings Record and His Role.” Defense One. November 26, 2013.

“Here’s Why the Proposed Military Retiree Benefit Cuts Are No Big Deal.” With Katherine Blakeley. Defense One. December 16, 2013.

“Op-Ed: Helms should be considered for next JCS opening.” Air Force Times. December 17, 2013.

  • Steve Levine


“Vladimir Putin extracted two crucial promises before releasing a former oil baron from prison.” Quartz. December 24, 2013.

“How Quartz’s geopolitical forecasting algorithm fared in 2013.” Quartz. December 26, 2013.

“The two big men behind the huge corruption row in Turkey.” Quartz. December 27, 2013.

  • Dr. Tom Lynch


"Crisis Stability and Nuclear Exchange Risks on the Subcontinent:Major Trends & the Iran Factor." INSSStrategic Perspectives.Vol. 14, December 2013.


"Its Not About al-Qaeda Anymore.”War on the Rocks. November 26, 2013.

  • Dr. Sean McFate


Building Better Armies: An Insider's Account of Liberia.Strategic Studies Institute monograph series.November 2013.

Law and Order: Tools for Building State Protection Capacity.Stanley Foundation. Winter 2013.

  • Dr. Denise Natali


“Iraqi Kurdistan’s Silent Revolution.” Al-Monitor. August 16, 2013.

“Prison Break, Suicide, Bombing Rock Iraqi Kurdistan.” Al-Monitor. October 8, 2013.

“How independent is the Iraqi-Kurdish pipeline to Turkey?” Al-Monitor. November 4, 2013.

  • Dr. Kenneth Pollack


Breaking the Stalemate: The Military Dynamics of the Syrian Civil War and Options for Limited U.S. Intervention.Brookings Institution, Saban Center Middle East Memo.August 2013.


“Go Big or Stay Home.” Newsweek. August 30, 2013.

“Short of a Deal, Containing Iran Is the Best Option.”New York Times.September 22, 2013.

“Here's the Deal the U.S. and Iran Should Make Right Now.” The New Republic. September 24, 2013.

“Iran: US Has Time, Rouhani Doesn’t.”Al-Monitor. October 14, 2013.

“An Iran nuclear deal doesn’t have to be perfect — just better than the alternatives.” Washington Post. November 15, 2013.

“Kennedy Showed How to Contain Iran.”Bloomberg. November 17, 2013.

“A Good Step In The Right Direction, But A Long Way To Our Destination.” Brookings Institution, Iran at Saba. November 24, 2013.

  • Dr. Paul Sullivan


“The Water-Energy-Food Conflict Nexus in MENA.”The Prince Mohamed Bin Fahad Program for Strategic Research and Studies. November 15, 2013


“Metanhidratklatrat.”TurkiyeGazetesi. August 3, 2013.
“Günlükhayattaenerjigüvenliği.”TurkiyeGazetesi. August 9, 2013.
“SistDevrimi.”TurkiyeGazetesi. August 23, 2013.
“Four Risks in Energy Security.” American Institute for Contemporary German Studies. August 27, 2013
“Enerji, AlmanyaveSavunmaŞemsiyesi...”TurkiyeGazetesiu. August 30, 2013.
“Kıyışehirleriniistiridyelerlekurtarmak.”TurkiyeGazetesi. September 6, 2013.
“Petrol bazlıinsanlarız?”TurkiyeGazestesi. September 20, 2013
“Ekonomivehayatınız: Türkiyegelişti, amaendişelermevcut.”TurkiyeGazetesi. September 27, 2013.
“A Mutually Dependent Relationship.”Oil Magazine. October 3, 2013.
“Amerikaiçinendişeliyim.”TurkliyeGazetesi. October 4, 2013.
“Hükümetinönemi.”TurkiyeGazetesi. October 11, 2013.
“Gözünütoptanayırma!”TurkiyeGazetesi. October 18, 2013.
“TemsilcilerMeclisiveişlevsizlik.”TurkiyeGazetesi. October 25, 2013.
“SenatoveBüyükTakım.”TurkiyeGazetesi. November 1, 2013.

“Geopolitical and Cyber Risks to Gas and Oil.”Federation of American ScientistsPublic Interest Report.Volume 66 Number 4 (Fall 2013).

“Enerji, suvegıda.”TurkiyeGaseztesi. November 15, 2013.

  • Dr. Ray Takeyh


“Iran's Clerics Remain the Problem.” International Herald Tribune. August 15, 2013.

“Moving human rights front and center with Iran.” Washington Post. September 6, 2013.

“A kinder, gentler Iran?” Los Angeles Times.September 20, 2013.

“The Domestic Politics Driving Iran’s Diplomatic Shift.” Financial Times. September 25, 2013.

“The world must tell Iran: No more half-steps.” Washington Post. October 14, 2013.

“Iran's Weak Hand.” Washington Post. November 6, 2013.

“In talks with Iran, France stood on principle.” Los Angeles Times. November 14, 2013.

“Red lines, allies, and enemies.”International Herald Tribune. November 17, 2013.

“Striking a nuclear deal with Iran is only the beginning.” Washington Post. November 25, 2013.

“How Obama can win Congress on Iran.”Politico. December 1, 2013.


  • David Maxwell


“OPCON transfer and the American-ROK alliance.” War on the Rocks. August 8, 2013.

“Unconventional warfare does not belong to special forces.” War on the Rocks. August 12, 2013.

“The Boy Scout plan for a North Korean collapse: be prepared.” War on the Rocks. September 25, 2013.

“The ROK-U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty at 60 Years: Relevant Now and in the Future.” Korea Economic Institute, The Peninsula. October 1, 2013.

“Is the American experiment under attack, and if so, by whom?” War on the Rocks. October 2, 2013.

“Thoughts on the Future of Special Operations.” Small Wars Journal. October 31, 2013.

“Threats and the words we use: a thought experiment.” War on the Rocks. November 8, 2013.