Hyderabad Electric supply Company (HESCO) a power Distribution Company; its core function is to supply, distribute and sell power (Electricity) in the area of 13 districts of Sindh Province invites sealed bids from the firms, who have valid PEC license in relevant category and field of Specialization “EE05” and having experience of two similar works; registered with Sindh Sales Tax (SRB), Income Tax Department and who are on Active Taxpayers List of the Federal Board of Revenue for the following work.
Tender No. / Name of Work / EarnestMoney / Bid Submission
Date & Time / Bid Opening
Date & Time
GSC-03/2018 / Erection of Towers/Steel Tubular Poles for 132KV Hala Road – Hala Transmission Line (from 220/132KV Grid Station Hala Road End) / 3% of Bid
Price / 29.01.2018
(02:30 pm) / 29.01.2018
(03:00 pm)
GSC-04/2018 / Erection of Towers/Steel Tubular Poles for 132KV Hala Road – Hala Transmission Line (from 132KV Grid Station Hala End) / 3% of Bid
Price / 29.01.2018
(02:30 pm) / 29.01.2018
(03:00 pm)
Bidding documents containing detailed terms and conditions, etc can be obtained from the office of Project Director GSC HESCO Hyderabad WAPDA Water Wing Colony Hussainabad Hyderabad during office hours by eligible contractors on submission of attested copies of CNIC, PEC License and other requisite documents along with Affidavit in which it should be undertake that the information provided is true and correct and bidder has not been Black listed by any government /autonomous body.
The tender will be issue only to the owner of firm or his authorized representative. Dead line date for issuing the tender documents is one working day before opening date. Price of bidding documents is Rs. 2,000/- each (Non refundable).
This advertisement is also available on PPRA website at www.ppra.org.pk
Ph: 022-9260123/Fax 022-3402565