SSG. Manuel R. Puentes Middle School
SIT Meeting Minutes
August 29, 2017
- Direction 1: Safe and Supportive Learning Environment- Mr. Rendon
- David’s Law- Overview of the specifics of the new law that will take effect on
September 1, 2017
*One significant event
*Cyberbullying- on school or on school owned transportation
*Difference between conflict and bullying
*Felony- of sending and receiving and sending photos of compromising pictures of other students
*Encouraging students to “kill themselves”
- False Reporting- Threatening other kids of accusations that are not based on facts.
- Safety Video- Have already done our first Lock Down. Some changes and improvements will be implemented. Fire Drill was good. September we will have a Reverse Evacuation in August. Shelter in Place drill in September. October fire drily.
Entrance and exit procedures need to improve. Mrs. Castro has addressed the 7th Graders. They will have consequences until they improve their behavior. We have hired new Cross guard. New crossing guards will be hired for our schools. Bike riders have been notified of the rules and that has improved. Students are not hanging out afterschool in front of the school. Safety Video was created by Mr. Chase and Mrs. Torrance has been created and shared with district.
- Direction 2: College and Career and Readiness-Counselors/Luna
- Social Emotional Concentration-Homerooms have been giving lessons about Social and Emotional learning sent by the counselors
- College Thursdays- Students and Teachers can wear college t-shirts or jerseys with uniform pants. One Thursday of the month there will be a special presentation on college readiness. Next lesson will be about the differences and benefits colleges and technical schools. Generation Texas activities in October.
- Direction 3: Highly Qualified, Effective Faculty and Staff
- EPAC-Update
- Technology Budget Committee- Mr. Chase- members will need to be selected. This committee will make decisions on new technology purchases. Replacement of Surface Tablets for our campus with laptops. Committee will determine timeline of purchase. We also need to purchase new COWS for lap tops. There has been allocated some of our funds for this endeavor. *5 years technology is old * Committee will consist of 1 representative per content. Mr. Chase will send an email for volunteers. Technology monies have to be spent by January.
- LMS (Edsby, Canvas, Schoology, Blackboard)- Learning Management Systems- Teachers and students can communicate with each other, flipping and blending instruction. The committee is reviewing the these systems and will determine which one is the best by narrowing it down to 2 systems to determine which system will be used by the district for the next couple of years. We need some more technology trainings after school for things such as SWAY or EDMODO.
- Technology Training with our District Technology Specialist- Ms. Murillo
- Direction 4: Home Community Partnerships- Mrs. Torrance will make sure to get our parents and community to participate in our school environment. Military parents are being identified and this population will be increasing. Blackboard information notifications sent out such as school events. We also send out Newsletters every month. We will be having classes in the evening for parents. We need to increase the numbers of parents participating. *Ms. Murillo is offering a program or training of the parents in events such as “Parent Technology Nights”. Puentes is willing to host the first night. Mrs. Burdan will also provide library information nights.
- Family Fun Night- Activities and Information for our families through fun activities on October 23rd, 6:00 to 7:30 PM. September 12 a Parent Drive Through in the morning.
- Updates
- Direction 5: Accountability for All- Mrs. Castro
- STAAR Data- 2017 STAAR Score Comparison for 2016 and 2017 we made some substantial gains, but we need to improve in some of the other areas. We had a lot of gains, but we need to keep up with the other campuses. We will meet this challenge and be successful next year. We are implementing strategies and activities to insure the progress of our campus. (Purposeful Tutoring, Homework Lab)
- Accountability Ratings- We dropped in Distinctions. We will be implementing systems to regain our distinctions.
- Socorro ISD Report- Region Accountability Ratings we have some significant ratings and some areas we will need to work on. We are one of the higher ratings.
- Additional Remarks:
- Torrance- Parenting Classes are free (AVID and ) Tuesdays and Thursdays
- Murillo- Will be training at half day teacher PD tomorrow August 30, 2017. Teachers will be asked to take a Technology Survey to identify by campus, technology needs. Then this information will guide our training.
- Gallegos- SIT Responsibilities- after meeting share with their content group the information given in the SIT meeting.
- Estrada- Timeless Legends Celebration on September 29, 2017. Invitation was sent out to campus and will be resent to the campus so teachers can RSVP. There will be four recipients. (Tidwell, Giorgi, Joosie, Rivas)