District Level Improvement Committee
Meeting Minutes
May 21, 2015
4:30 p.m.
- Welcome - The Meeting was opened at 4:35 p.m. by Darla Clark. There were 20 members present.
- Review Minutes from April 2, 2015 - Committee members were asked to look over the minutes from the April 2nd meeting. There were no changes or corrections. A motion was made to accept the minutes by Dr. Harrington and seconded by Mick Sandoval.
- Federal Programs Consultation - Darla Clark introduced Dr. May Morris an update and consult on Title One funds for the 2015-16 school year. She explained how Title One funds are categorized and expended using the example of a cupcake. The base of the cupcake is local funds, the frosting is state funds and the sprinkles on top are Title One funds. Title One is broken down as:
1. Title One – Improve student achievement in our low income families
2. Title Two – Professional Development for staff/teachers
3. Title Three – ESL/Bilingual needs
She presented an overview of statistics from 20 years ago to today:
Category / 1994 – 1995 / TodayEnrollment / 19,668 / 22,416
Ethnicity – white/Hispanic/African American/Asian/Pacific Islander / 79.4%/ 8.6%/ 5.6%/
.7%/ 5.8%/ combined with
Asian / 40.51%/ 29.25%/ 17.5%/
.49%/ 6.68%/ 2.22%
Disadvantaged Students / 35% - in 2007 / 44% - today
Economically Disadvantaged / 22% / 52%
At Risk Students / 30% - in 2001 / 44% - today
McKinney-Vento Act
(Homeless-Total) / 514 - in 2007 / 763 - today
In looking at our homeless population, Mary stated that 19% of our homeless are living in a hotel/motel, 2% of them are in shelters and 1% are unsheltered. Our social workers and school counselors have been doing a fabulous job of linking these students/families to services available to them in the community. We now have 70 languages identified in HEB with the Spanish speaking population growing to 90% of our LEP students.
The Title Budget for this past school year was 3.9 million. The campuses received 2.6 million and 2.5 million of that was spent on personnel. It was stressed that personnel is where most of the Title One funding is spent. In Title I personnel constituted 72% of the budget, Title II used 95% and Title III spent 91%.
The Priorities for Title I, II and III were discussed and slides showed where the committees voted in the past and where the focuses were actually for each categories. The categories that are looked at in each Title Area are Personnel, District Professional Development, Campus Professional Development and Materials/Supplies. Each committee member was asked to vote on a scale 1 – 4 for each area in Title I – III.
- Student Code of Conduct Revisions – Dr. Joe Harrington
1. There will be no Code of Conduct Book next school year. There will be a sign off sheet that parents have been made aware of where to locate this information online.
2. The following Student Handbook changes were to policy 99, 100 and 101. The changes were as follows:
- Remove Substitute assessment page 29. Information moved to the Course Selection Guide
- Add Exam Exemption Policy
- Add New Medicine pages for Physician’s request Elem. And Secondary and Medication at School form
- Add new signature page
3. Lydia Martin informed the committee that by not printing The Student Handbook/Code of Conduct the district will save approximately $10,000. It is hoped that this added revenue to our budget can be used to help support our Junior High choirs as well as other needs in the district. A motion was made by Darla Clark to approve the changes to policy and any future changes needed to follow any State (TEA) changes. It was approved by Mike Harris and seconded by Stacey Herron. Vote results – approved, none opposed.
- Waiver Update – Dr. Joe Harrington
4. A waiver application to the state is proposed to allow the district to modify the schedule for classes for students who are not being tested to report to and attend school after the state assessment testing period has ended; therefore, reducing the interruptions during testing period. This waiver request may be approved for up to three years. A motion was made by Darla Clark to approve this waiver request. It was approved by LaDonna Schwobel and seconded by Sue Traver. Vote results – approved, none opposed.
- Recognizing Committee Members – Lydia Martin
1. Lydia recognized all those committee members who have served for the past two years and will be coming off the DLIC. She thank everyone for their service to the committee and district and presented each member with a gift of appreciation.
2. Lydia also introduced Mike Harris as the new chair of the committee and Heather Peters as the secretary.
- Adjournment – Darla reminded everyone of the upcoming events and meetings listed at the bottom of the agenda. Our meeting was closed at 5:01 p.m. by Darla Clark.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, September 10, 2015 at 4:30 p.m. in the Seminar Room at BCTEA.
Respectfully submitted – Denise Campbell