Ss. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church /Assumption B.V.M. Church
131 North Beech Street, Mount Carmel, Pa. 17851
Very Reverend Archpriest Michael Hutsko, Pastor
Rectory 570-339-0650 Church Hall 570- 339-4333
Web Site- - E-Mail: - Fax 570-339-2715
Prayer Line: Louise Cuff 339-3660 – Eleanor Stebila 339-2353 – Louise Troyan 339-1565
Please notify the rectory office if you or a loved one is hospitalized or admitted to a nursing home.
Office Hours: Mon. Tues. - 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM - Wed. Thurs. 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
1st Collection: Candles 2nd Collection: Regular Offering
Saturday 05- 07-2016
3:15 PM – Confession
4:00 PM – For the Living & Deceased Mothers of Our Parish
Sunday 05-08-2016
Sunday of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council
Mother’s Day
8:15 AM – Confession
9:15 AM – For the Living & Deceased Mothers of Our Parish
11:00 AM – Assumption B.V.M. – For the Living & Deceased Mothers of Our Parish
Monday 05-09-2016
8:00 AM - +John & Helen Cheddar r/b Son, Joseph
Tuesday 05-10-2016
No Divine Liturgy
Wednesday 05-11-2016
8:00 AM - + John (Krynitsky) Kent r/b Richard & Patricia Gidaro
Thursday 05-12-2016
8:00 AM - +Judith Sposato r/b Ed & Michele Teevan
Friday – 05-13-2016
8:00 AM – +Rev. John Bambrick r/b Ruth Spece
Saturday– 05-14-2016
8:00 AM – For the Souls in Purgatory
3:15 PM – Confession
4:00 PM – For the Parishioners
Sunday 05-15-2016
Pentecost Sunday
8:15 AM – Confession
9:15 AM - +Russell Goretsky r/b Wife Ellen & Family
11:00 AM – Assumption B.V.M. – For God’s Blessing on Our Parish
MAY 08, 2016
Welcome: We the people of SS. Peter &Paul/Assumption Churches, are a catholic community that worships God, spreads the Good News of Christ, and serves those in need. Come
into the house. Bring all you are, no need to check your failures at the door. There are no perfect people here. You are invited: come. Come in seeking, come in wondering, come in hurting. Come into this house of companionship and compassion. Come in. You are welcome here.
Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption Churches open their doors to you.
Bulletin Requests:
Any requests or any information to be placed in the bulletin must be in writing and submitted to the church office by 12:00 Noon on Mondays. Thank you for your cooperation.
The Vibrant Parish:
A place to encounter the living Christ through the Word of God, the Holy Mysteries & Prayer, Serving One’s Neighbor, Leadership, Fostering & Serving Unity & Missionary Spirit
Upcoming Events:
Mark your calendars and plan to support the following events:
May 08 – Mother’s Day
May 08 - Mother’s Day Breakfast
May 29 – Memorial Day Services - Cemetery Services at Assumption BVM - 12 Noon
May 30 – Memorial Day Services – Ss. Peter & Paul Cemetery - 10:00 AM
In Your Prayers:
Please remember to pray for the sick & infirm of our Parishes.
Please Remember:
To pray for vocations to the Holy Priesthood & Religious Life.
Rosary Intention
For the Week of May 08, 2016 for the sick & infirm of our Parishes.
Ss. Peter & Paul Replenish Fund Donations as of May 01, 2016
Total To Date: $67,694.54
Replenish Fund: None
Rebuilding Fund: $2,613.00
Halupki Dinner Income
Your Stewardship: We thank you for your financial support of our parish communities.
Weekly Parish Financial Report:
Ss. Peter & Paul Church
Sunday, May 01 2016 $2,790.00
Expenses - $1,645.79
Sunday - May 3, 2015 - $1,833.00
Assumption BVM Church
Sunday, May 01, 2016 $1,318.00
Expenses- $ 1,175.03
Sunday , May 03, 2015 $ 465.00
New Boiler Donations- Assumption BVM
$500.00 – Michael & Alice Hutnick
$250.00 In Memory of +Luke & +Anna Masinick r/b Daniel Yastishock & Mary Ann Kitzer
“Say What”
We set the sail, God makes the wind.
Ss. Peter & Paul Church Lector Schedule
Sat – May 7
Ellen Goretsky 4:00 PM
Sun – May 8
Justina Eisenhart 9:15 AM
Sat – May 14
Ellen Goretsky 4:00 PM
Sun – May 15
Christine Bogner 9:15 AM
Assumption BVM Church Lector Schedule
Sun – May 8
Kianna Rizzo 11:00 A M
Sun – May 15
Bryce Fiamoncini 11:00 AM
Mystery (Sacrament) of Penance:
Is available before each Divine Liturgy on Saturday, 3:15 PM to 4:00 PM and on Sunday in
Ss. Peter & Paul Church 8:15 AM to 9:00 AM, and at Assumption BVM Church on Sunday before 11:00 AM Divine Liturgy in the confessionals.
New Boiler In Centralia:
The cost of purchase and installation of the New Boiler is $8,978.00. As of May 01, 2016, we have received donations in the amount of $8,352.00 and have made the final payment as of April 04, 2016. We are still accepting donations to offset the cost of the new boiler in Assumption BVM Church. Please consider making a special donation for the new boiler. Thank You!
Sunday Social:
Sunday Social is held at Ss. Peter &Paul immediately after 9:15 AM Divine Liturgy.
All are welcome. Donations are accepted and appreciated.
Inspiring Words from Pope Francis:
“If you hoard material possessions, they will rob you of your soul.”
May 8: Forever Easter
If Jesus forgave and prayed for those who were nailing his hands and feet to the cross, how much more does he love us who turned to him in repentance during Lent? This is a most welcome thought as we journey through this Jubilee Year of Mercy. As Eastertide draws to an end, we should pay attention to the urging of Saint Leo the Great, who was pope from 440 until his death in 461. In one of his sermons, he said, “What is to happen to our bodies should now take place in our hearts.” In other words, not only should we keep the reality of Christ’s resurrection alive in spirit, but we should also conduct ourselves as resurrection people who someday will be citizens of heaven. As members of the Body of Christ, we can take comfort in Pope Leo’s promise that, “the body that ascended above all the heights of heaven to the right hand of the Father’s glory is ours. If we walk in the way or his commandments, we, too, will rise to share in the glory of Easter” Our prayer today: Jesus, we thank you today for sharing your Resurrection with us and making us forever an Easter people.
All are reminded that it is our tradition to stand in prayer during the Easter season. There are two postures for prayer during the period from Easter to Pentecost standing or sitting. We all kneel again in prayer fifty days from the Resurrection of Our Lord to the special Pentecost “Kneeling Prayers.” This tradition gives a visible sign of our belief that God revealed something wonderful by the Resurrection of Christ, namely that the human life is eternal and immortal because it is sharing in the life of God Himself. We stand during this period to proclaim our awareness that we are not “slaves” but “children” of the heavenly Father—we are the sons and daughters of the Most High. Unlike most slaves, who in the lands of the East, had to kneel when they were in the presence of their master, we stand in the presence of our Father. We are, because of His gift of Life, His heirs. We stand in recognition of this great honor
Pyrohy for Sale:
We have frozen pyrohy for sale, if anyone would like to purchase them, please stop at the church hall after Liturgy or call the church office at 570-339-0650 during regular business hours and we would be happy to fill your order. Thank you!
Ukrainian Day Meeting:
The first planning meeting for the upcoming 82nd Annual Ukrainian Day is scheduled for Tuesday, May 10th at St. Michael’s Hall in Frackville beginning at 7:00 PM. This is a very important meeting as we begin to lay the groundwork for this year’s event. The faithful from all the parishes of our deanery are cordially invited to attend, to offer input and suggestions and to convey information back to each parish. Please feel free to bring your children along as there will be supervised activities for them during the meeting. This is a wonderful opportunity to get involved, get to know each other and support a very important cause—our seminary. Mark your calendar now and plan to attend. Refreshments will be served following the meeting. We hope to see you there!
Summer Camp:
Our Annual Summer Camp for the youth has been scheduled for the week of August 8th – 12th , 2016. Mark your calendar now, share this information with your family, friends and neighbors and plan to join us. More information will be published as the date draws near. We look forward to welcoming the youth of our parishes as well as the youth of our community for a week of fun and learning.
Registration forms are available in the vestibule of our churches.
Attention 3rd Degree Knights of Columbus!
Don’t wait any longer to become a 4th Degree Knight and become an even greater example of Catholic manhood to your family, your Church and your community. Be proud to wear the regalia as evidence of your faith and love of your country.
This year’s induction ceremony will be held on Saturday, June 11, 2016 in Fogelsville PA near Allentown. To learn more contact Edward Teevan (570-339-3853) or George Kroutch (570-221-2222
And to all of you men wanting to join the Knights of Columbus……a truly Catholic Fraternal Organization for all Catholic men like yourself, wait no longer. Just talk to any Knight you may know or call Dave Berezovske (570-285-4818); Peter Avellino (570-373-3695) or Henry Zuech (570-339-3555).
*** The Knights of Columbus*** will be collecting donations for the annual ARC drive after Divine Liturgies on May 21 and 22 in Mt. Carmel. Thank you in advance for your generosity helping these individuals.
Holy Name Society & Mother’s Day Breakfast:
Ladies, mark your calendars! The Holy Name men will be preparing and serving a very special breakfast for all of you on Mother’s Day, May 8, 2016 immediately after the 9:15 AM Divine Liturgy. The breakfast will be free of charge. We hope all the ladies will enjoy this special treat.
Ss. Peter & Paul Meatloaf Dinner:
Ss. Peter & Paul Altar Rosary Society is sponsoring a Meatloaf Dinner:
Sunday, May 22, 2016
11:00 AM to 2:00 PM in the Church Hall.
The menu will consist of:
Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy,
French Cut Green Beans,
Salad, Dessert, Coffee or Tea.
Donation – Adults $10.00;
Children 12 and under $6.00.
Eat in or Take out available.
Tickets can be purchased in the church vestibule or by calling the church office at 570-339-0650 during normal work hours.
Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption B.V.M. Catholic
“Go and Make Disciples of All Nations”
Our Ukrainian Catholic Church is responding to Christ’s command to “go and make disciples of all nations”. Patriarch Sviatoslav and the Bishops of our Church endeavor to provide ministry to people residing in developing missions in eastern Ukraine, in Europe, in areas of the Middle East and Africa, and North America. Your generous assistance is needed to support clergy and religious to serve these missions and to aid in the development of these new missions. The annual collection for this purpose will be taken up at all Divine Liturgies on Pentecost Sunday weekend May 14-15 in all of our parishes. You may also send your gift to the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia, 827 N Franklin Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123. Tax receipts will be issued. Please be generous in your offerings and may God bless you for caring for the spiritual needs of your brothers and sisters in Christ!
Financial Report Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption B.V.M. April Pyrohy Sale:
Total Income: $ 4,827.00
Expenses:/Supplies: - 1,547.00
Utilities: - 400.00
New Pots & Lids: - 400.00
Total Profit: 2,4850.00
603 dozen pyrohy pre-sold
Ss. Peter & Paul April 30, 2016
Halupki/Pigeon Financial Report:
Total Income: $2,613.00
Expenses: 965.00
Total Profit: $1,648.00
Children’s Liturgy Announcement:
During the recent conference of clergy of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia, our clergy favorably embraced the proposal of each priest offering a homily directed at children in every parish at least once during the month of May, 2016. The priest is to offer the homily regardless of the number of children which may be present. Parents and grandparents are encouraged to ensure the presence of their children, who will gather around the priest as he speaks with them offering his reflection and teaching. We are hopeful that such children’s liturgies would become a regular occurrence within all of our parishes. Please assist and support your pastor in this endeavor. This is to occur in every parish. We are grateful for the willingness of our pastors to reach out to the youngest amidst us.
Altar Flowers:
Altar Flowers this week are in memory of Anna Unger, Margaret Harris and all forgotten Mothers requested by Christine Harris.
Looking for Assistance: