The Satisfactory Academic Progress Plan is an agreement between ______and Rivier College to ensure successful academic performance. It is understood that the statements listed below are the student’s own submissions. In collaboration with the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs and the student’s Academic Advisor, the student acknowledges that the goals established below will assist the student’s academic success. It is also understood that the Office of Financial Aid and the student’s Academic Advisor will receive a copy of this contract and will be monitoring the student’s progress.

Should the student not be able to maintain all or any of the goals listed below, the student will work with the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs to redefine those goals in order to ensure academic success. Should the student not attempt to carry out the goals set forth in this agreement, and thereby experience another unsuccessful academic semester or year (semester or cumulative GPA falling below a 2.0) the student understands the following:

  1. The student may not be eligible to receive federal financial aid assistance to continue their studies at Rivier College.
  1. The student may be academically dismissed from Rivier College for failing to meet a cumulative GPA of a 2.0 or higher. Academic dismissal will be determined by the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Student to Complete- Please identify the following obstacles that prevented you from succeeding academically at Rivier:

  • Poor attendance
  • Test-taking difficulties
  • Academic rigor of major/program
  • Study skills
  • Difficulty transitioning into college
  • Time management
  • Financial issues
  • Off-campus employment hours
  • Personal issues
  • Other, please explain: ______

Prior to meeting with the Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs, please answer the following questions on a separate sheet (typed) and attach to this form.

  1. How did the obstacles you selected above interfere with your ability to succeed academically at Rivier College?
  1. Explain how you will work with the Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs and your Academic Advisor to reach your academic goals? How will you prioritize your time in order to meet with them on a regular basis to discuss your progress?


Please identify the following resources at Rivier which you plan to work with to support your academic success moving forward.

  • Academic Advising
  • Counseling Center
  • Disability Services
  • Writing & Resource Center
  • Peer Tutors
  • Student Life
  • Residence Life
  • Library Staff
  • Peer Mentors
  • Career Services
  • Other, please specify: ______

GPA Information:

Current Cumulative GPA ______

Current Cumulative Percentage of Credits Completed ______(credits successfully completed divided by credits attempted x 100 = your cumulative % of credits completed)

What cumulative GPA do you intend to attempt to earn by the end of the semester? ______GPA

What cumulative % of credits do you intend to reach or complete by the end of the semester?______%


I, ______, agree to perform the following tasks in order to ensure my academic success at Rivier College. I understand that the goals set forth may change, and should this occur, I will work with the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs and my Academic Advisor to make those changes. By signing this agreement, I acknowledge that these goals are achievable and are goals that will serve to facilitate my academic performance and assist me in achieving a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. Therefore, I agree to the following:


2. ______


4. ______


Student Name: ______Date: ______

______Date: ______

(Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs)

cc: Academic Advisor, Financial Aid Office, Disability Services Office, Student Success Coordinator