Susan B. Shimanoff, Vita, Page 11
Professor, Speech and Communication Studies
Graduate Coordinator, College of Humanities
San Francisco State University
San Francisco, California 94132
(415) 338-6544
December 20, 2006
1978 PhD in Speech Communication, University of Southern California
1974 MA in Speech Communication, San Diego State University
1972 BS in Public Address, Northwestern University
8/02-present Professor, Speech and Communication Studies
Graduate Coordinator, College of Humanities
8/99-8/02 Associate Dean, College of Humanities, SFSU
9/96-8/99 Chair, Department of Speech and Communication Studies, SFSU
9/94-8/96 Acting Chair, Women Studies, SFSU
Professor, Department of Speech and Communication Studies, SFSU
Liberal Studies Coordinator for Area I: Comm., Lang., and Lit., SFSU
1/94-8-94 Professor, Department of Speech and Communication Studies
8/93-12/93 Professor, Department of Speech and Communication Studies, SFSU
Assistant to the Dean of the School of Humanities, SFSU
Liberal Studies Coordinator for Area I: Comm., Lang., and Lit., SFSU
8/90-8/93 Chair, Department of Speech and Communication Studies, SFSU
9/88-8/93 Associate Professor, SFSU
8/86-8/88 Assistant Professor, SFSU
9/79-7/86 Assistant Professor, University of California, Davis (UCD)
6/79-8/79 Visiting Assistant Professor
University of Southern California (USC)
9/78-6/79 Assistant Professor, California State College, Stanislaus (CSCS)
7/76-8/78 Editorial Assistant, Western Journal of Speech Communication
Graduate Teaching Assistant, USC
9/75-6/76 Graduate Teaching Assistant, USC
1/75-6/75 Instructor, Long Beach City College
Lecturer, San Diego State University (SDSU)
9/72-6/73 Graduate Teaching Assistant, SDSU
Graduate Seminar in Gender and Communication at SFSU and UCD
Gender (Sex Roles) and Communication at SFSU, CSCS, and USC
Oral Interpretation of Children’s Literature at SFSU
Fundamentals of Oral Communication at SFSU, CSCS, USC, and SDSU
Introduction to Graduate Studies at SFSU and UCD
Small Group Communication at SFSU
Performance Evaluation in English/Speech at SFSU
Conversational Analysis at SFSU and UCD
Speaking Without Fear at SFSU
Work Study in Feminist Projects at SFSU
Graduate Seminar in Communication Theory at UCD
Graduate Seminar in Discourse Analysis at UCD
Rhetorical Research (research writing course) at UCD
Senior Thesis at UCD
Analysis of Message Systems at UCD
Group Discussion at Long Beach City College, CSCS, and UCD
Communication Strategies for Women in Management at UCD Extension
Graduate Seminar in Research Methods at CSCS
Language and Speech Development (language acquisition) at CSCS
Psycholinguistics at USC
Introduction to the Study of Women and Men in Society at USC
Shimanoff, S. B. (1994). Gender perspectives on facework: Simplistic stereotypes vs. complex realities. In S. Ting-Toomey (Ed.), The challenge of face-work: Cross-cultural and interpersonal issues, pp. 159-208. SUNY Press.
Shimanoff, S. B. & Jenkins, M. M. (1992). Leadership and gender: Challenging assumptions and recognizing resources. In R. S. Cathcart & L. Samovar (Eds.), Small Group Communication (pp. 504-522). 6th Edition. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown. Reprinted in 7th edition (1996) and the 8th edition (2003, R. Y. Hirokawa, R. S. Cathcart, L. Samovar, & L. D. Henman).
Shimanoff, S. B. (1988). Degree of emotional expressiveness as a function of face-needs, gender, and interpersonal relationship. Communication Reports, 1(2), 1-8.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1988). Book Review of Communication Strategic Action in Context, by Beth Haslett. Quarterly Journal of Speech Communication, 74, 368-370.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1987). The portrayal of conversation in "Cathy" cartoons: A heuristic tool for rules research. In M. L. McLaughlin (Ed.), Communication Yearbook 10 (pp. 788-807). Newbury Park, California: Sage.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1987). Types of emotional disclosures and request compliance between spouses. Communication Monographs, 54, 85-100.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1985). Expressing emotions in words: Verbal patterns of interaction. Journal of Communication, 35 (3), 16-31.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1985). Rules governing the verbal expression of emotions between married couples. Western Journal of Speech Communication, 49, 147-165.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1985). Verbal references to emotions. Psychological Documents, 15, 9, #2689, 21pp.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1984). Commonly named emotions in everyday conversations. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 58, 514.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1984). Coordinating group interaction via communication rules. In R. S. Cathcart & L. A. Samovar (Eds.), Small Group Communication (pp. 31-44). 4th Edition. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown. (This was also reprinted in the 5th (1988) and 6th (1992) editions.)
Shimanoff, S. B. (1983). The role of gender in linguistic references to emotive states. Communication Quarterly, 31, 174-179.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1982). The importance of deviations and rules: A response to Cappella and Green. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 68, 434-437.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1981). Book Review of Everyday language: studies in ethnomethodology, edited by G. Psathas, and Studies in the organization of conversational interaction, edited by J. Schenkein. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 67, 122-123.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1981). Book Review of Linguistic communication and speech acts, by K. Bach & R. M. Harnish. American Anthropologist, 83, 431-432.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1980). Communication rules: Theory and research. Beverly Hills: Sage.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1977). Investigating politeness. In E. O. Keenan & T. L. Bennet (Eds.), Discourse across time and space. Los Angeles: University of Southern California.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1977). Man =/ human: Empirical support for the Whorfian hypothesis. ORWAC Bulletin: Women's Studies in Communication, 1, 21-25.
Shimanoff, S. B. & Brunak, J. (1977). Repairs in planned and unplanned discourse. In E. O. Keenan & T. L. Bennet (Eds.), Discourse across time and space. Los Angeles: University of Southern California.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1977). Sex as a variable in communication research 1970-1976: An annotated bibliography. ORWAC Bulletin: Women's Studies in Communication, 1, 8-20.
Shimanoff, S. B. “Predicting and Maximizing Leadership: The Salience of Gendered Perceptions and Communication.” Oxford Round Table, University of Oxford, Oxford, England, August 2004.
Ozeki, K., & S. B. Shimanoff. “American and Japanese Subordinates’ Perception of Information Inadequacy in Japanese Organizations.” National Speech Communication Association, Seattle, Washington, November 2000.
Shimanoff, S. B. “Assessing Oral Communication Skills at San Francisco State University.” California State University Conference on Assessing General Education Learning Outcomes, Los Angeles, California, March 17, 2000.
Shimanoff, S. B. “Multiple Modalities for Learning: Honoring Diverse Strengths.” California State University Regional Synposium on University Teaching, San Marcos, California, February 26, 2000.
Shimanoff, S. B. Responses to adjusting the social mirror. Western States Communication Association Convention, Monterey, California, February 17, 1997.
Shimanoff, S. B. To Gender or not to gender: Identity (mis)management among males and females. Speech Communication Association Convention, San Diego, California, November 25, 1997.
Fukumura, Y., S. B. Shimanoff, & D. C. Barnlund. Culture and gender in assertiveness and restraint among Japanese and Americans. Speech Communication Association Convention, San Diego, California, November 23, 1997.
Shimanoff, S. B. Enhancing learning by commissioning different types of tapestries in the classroom. Western States Communication Association Convention, Portland, Oregon, February 1995.
Blackstone, D., and S. B. Shimanoff. Women and mentoring. Speech Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, CA, November 1994.
Shimanoff, S. B. Taking rules research both across and to the streets. Western Speech Communication Association Convention, San Jose, CA, February 1994.
Shimanoff, S. B., Wong, K., and Auletta, G. (1993) Bibliographic sources for the development of a multicultural public speaking curriculum. Western Speech Communication Association Convention, Albuquerque, NM, February 1993. Also coordinator/chair of panel on multicultural perspectives on public speaking at this convention.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1991). On beyond requests and back again: The explanatory power of a face-needs model in communication. Western Speech Communication Association Convention, Phoenix, Arizona. (invited)
Shimanoff, S. B., & Jenkins, M. M. (1991). Leadership and gender: Challenging assumptions and recognizing resources. Western Speech Communication Association Convention, Phoenix, Arizona. (One of the top three competitive papers for the Organization for Research on Women and Communication Interest Group.)
Shimanoff, S. B. (1990). Gender related needs and experiences in general education courses in speech communication. Workshop on equity and diversity: Resources for general education courses. International Communication Association, Dublin, Ireland. (competitively selected)
Shimanoff, S. B. (1989). A rule-governed approach to gender and communication: Should we continue, abandon, or change our quest. Masters Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. (invited paper)
Shimanoff, S. B. (1989). Responses to compliments and criticisms: From accuracy to legitimacy. Western Speech Communication Association, Spokane, Washington. (competitively selected)
Shimanoff, Susan B. (1988). Evaluating issues in qualitative methodology: The probability and fidelity of the stories told. Speech Communication Association, New Orleans, Louisiana. (invited paper)
Shimanoff, S. B. (1986). The portrayal of conversation in "Cathy" cartoons: A heuristic tool for rules research. International Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois. Rated as one of the top three papers for the Popular Communication Interest Group. (competitively selected)
Shimanoff, S. B. (1986). Types of emotional disclosures and request compliance between spouses. International Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois. (competitively selected)
Shimanoff, S. B. (1986). Advances in interpersonal communication theory: A rules perspective. Western Speech Communication Association, Tucson, Arizona. (invited presentation)
Shimanoff, S. B. (1985). Identifying rules within an organization. Western Speech Communication Association, Fresno, California. (invited presentation)
Shimanoff, S. B. (1985). Verbal expressions of emotions in everyday life. Western Speech Communication Association, Fresno, California. (invited presentation)
Shimanoff, S. B. (1984). Disclosures of some emotions are preferred over others: Rules between spouses. International Communication Association, San Francisco, California. (competitively selected)
Shimanoff, S. B. (1984). Distinct and "interchangeable" uses of "feel" and "think". Speech Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois. (competitively selected)
Shimanoff, S. B. (1981). Verbal expressions of emotions in conversations: Two investigations. Summer Conference on Conversational Interaction and Discourse Practices, University of Nebraska.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1981). The gender variable in the verbal expression of emotions. Speech Communication Association Convention, Anaheim,California. (competitively selected)
Shimanoff, S. B. (1980). Rich interpretation, professional significance, and rhetorical clarity: Criteria for judging conversational analysis. Speech Communication Association Convention, New York, New York.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1980). A rules approach to the study of language behavior. Western Speech Communication Association Convention, San Jose, California.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1979). Communication and the sexes: Instructional strategies -- A linguistic and interpersonal perspective. Speech Communication Association, San Antonio, Texas.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1979). Identifying rule-related behavior. Western Speech Communication Association Convention, Los Angeles, California. (competitively selected)
Shimanoff, S. B. (1978). Sexist language: Detection and elimination. Pacific Southwest Women's Studies Association Conference, Los Angeles, California.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1976). I don't remember. Were you the rib or me?: Portrayal of the women's movement in graphic humor. Western Speech Communication Association Convention, San Francisco, California. (competitively selected)
Shimanoff, S. B. (1976). A rule governed model of communication. Doctoral Honors Seminar: Rules-Based Approaches to Communication Theory and Research: Their Form, Value and Feasibility, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Shimanoff, S. B. (1976). The tyranny of politeness or how to get the fence white-washed. Western Speech Communication Association Convention, San Francisco, California. (competitively selected)
Shimanoff, S. B. (1975). Defining social movements rhetorically: Another perspective. Western Speech Communication Association Convention, Seattle, Washington. (competitively selected; runner-up debut award)
Shimanoff, S. B. (1975). English lexical gender and the perception of sex markedness. Western Speech Communication Association Convention, Seattle, Washington. (competitively selected)
Developed instructional materials for SPCH 364: Oral Interpretation of Children’s Literature (
Prepared iLearn instructional materials for SPCH 700: Introduction to Graduate Studies (
Content consultant for College of Humanities Advising website (, 2000-2001. Website designed by Debra Blackstone in consultation with Susan B. Shimanoff.
Content consultant for Department of Speech and Communication Studies website (, 1999-2000. Website designed by Debra Blackstone in consultation with Susan B. Shimanoff.
"Top Three Paper" Honors (1986) from the Popular Culture Interest Group of the International Communication Association for "The portrayal of conversation in 'Cathy' cartoons: A heuristic tool for rules research."
"Book of the Year" Award (1981) from the Speech Communication Association for Communication rules: Theory and research.
Runner-up Debut Award (1975) from the Western Speech Communication Association for "Defining social movements rhetorically: Another perspective."
Graduate Student Research Award (1974) from the Speech Communication Department at San Diego State University.
“Multicultural Curriculum and Pedagogy in Communication: Challenging Unexamined Privilege and Infusing the Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, Sexuality, and (Dis)ability.” 1999-2000. (Gust Yep was the project director on this grant. I work with him and others in writing the grant and I prepared materials on storytelling.)
Discipline Coordinator for Speech Communication for Curriculum Mainstreaming and Teaching Initiative Bay Area Consortium to Mainstream the Scholarship on Women, funded by the Ford Foundation, 1993-1994.
Institute for Teaching and Learning Grant, California State University System, "Multicultural Perspectives on Public Speaking" (With Gail Auletta), Spring 1992.
Faculty Assigned Time Grant, SFSU, "Enhancing the Effectiveness of Positive and Negative Feedback." (research project)
Educational Equity Grant, SFSU, "The Role of Gender in Communication: A Comprehensive Bibliography for the 1980's". (With Mercilee M. Jenkins)
Faculty Development Awards, UCD, 1980-1986, various research projects
NIH completion certificate for online course on Human Participants Protection Education for Research Teams, January 13, 2004
“Best Practices in Assessment Award.” Certificate received at an event sponsored by Academic Planning and Assessment, the Center for the enhancement of Teaching, and Faculty Affairs and Professional Development at SFSU, November 7, 2003.
Offices in Professional Organizations
Local Host Committee, Western Speech Communication Association, 2005.
Life Membership Task Force, Western Speech Communication Association, 1994.
Chair of Finance Committee, Western Speech Communication Association, 1993-1994.
Finance Committee, Western Speech Communication Association, 1991-1993.
State-Wide Steering Committee for the Discipline of Speech Communication in the CSU, April 1991-1993
SFSU Representative to Discipline Seminar in Speech Communication of the Institute of Teaching and Learning in the California State University (CSU) System, April 1991.
Member of CSU Chairs in Speech Council, November 1990-August 1993
Member of the Advisory Committee for the Selection of Editor for Communication Reports, 2/90-2/91.
Member of the Nominating Committee, Western Speech Communication Association, 2/90-2/91.
Chair of the Distinguished Service Award, Western Speech Communication Association, 2/89-2/90.
Executive Council, Member-at-Large, Western Speech Communication Association, 2/88-2/90.
Coordinator of Directory of Conversational Researchers and Transcripts, 8/81-9/83.
Chair of the Language Behavior Interest Group for the Western Speech Communication Association, 2/80-2/81.
Vice-Chair of the Language Behavior Interest Group for the Western Speech Communication Association, 2/79-2/80.
President of the Organization for Research on Women and Communication, 2/79-2/80.
Vice-President of the Organization for Research on Women and Communication, 11/77-2/79.
Editorial Service
Referee, Violence Against Women: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal, 2002.
Editorial Board, Women's Studies in Communication, 1/77 - 1995.
Associate Editor, Western Journal of Speech Communication, 1/90-1993.
Referee, Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 2/1993.
Referee, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 4/92.
Evaluator, Theories of Human Communication, Wadsworth, Spring 1990
Referee, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 11/88.
Referee, Western Journal of Speech Communication, 10/88.
Consulting Editor, International and Intercultural Communication Annual, 7/87 9/88.
Associate Editor, Human Communication Research, 11/85 - 11/88.
Associate Editor, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 11/82 - 11/86.
Editorial Assistant, Western Journal of Speech Communication, 9/76 - 8/78.