Los Angeles Unified School District



Preparation / Downloading of software is not required for desktop or laptop computers. Schools using iPads for the administration of
SRI should download the free SRI College and Career App for iOS8 and above from the Apple App Store.
For SRI product support, please visit the SRI website at .
Communication & Scheduling / Trained SRI Designeemeets with administrator to share training information, identifyteacher training date(s), and student testing schedule.
Inform teachers and staff of SRI administration window and school training date(s).
Inform parents of the new assessment through bulletin, newsletter or letter.
See sample letter on the MMED website at .
Place the testing date(s)in the school’s master calendar and weekly bulletin.
Regularly update the principal and staff members about testing related issues.
Training / Identify dates& provide teacher training. Testing administration window opens January 26.
Maintain agendas and sign-ins for school records.
Before conducting training, review the SAM User Guide.
Review testing directions, procedures and use of buttons.
Scheduling / Print MiSiS rosters and identify the students to be tested.
Create and communicate Testing Schedule. Address the logistics for administering the test based on:
  • Number ELs in each class- if needed, identify teaming or pull-out schedule when the whole class is not testing.
  • Number and location(s) of computing devices available for testing
  • Student needs and accommodations/modifications needed, per IEPs.

Log on to Scholastic Achievement Manager (SAM) atto schedule tests.
  • Test group nameshould include the following at the beginning:
  • Reclass.First Initial Last Name.2014 (e.g., Reclass.Smith.2014)
  • Proctors- include out-of-the-classroom coaches/coord./admin and teacher(s). It is not appropriate for Title III Coaches to proctor the SRI.

Prior to starting
Testing / Print out students’ log-in credentials and prepare for distribution.
Establish a positive testing environment, review testing procedures and features of the test and remind students to ask for assistance as needed.
Review SRI testing procedures by showing the SRI-CC Presentation for Studentsto students.
Proctor test- Teachers and other staff verify students are answering questions and clicking on correct buttons.
Scoring & Reports / Run reports to ensure students completedSRI assessment. Reschedule any classes/students that need to complete the test prior to the end of the testing window.
Teacher and student to review SRI assessment results (available immediately, once students complete the test).
Review and run data reports via SAM . Identify students who scored basic for their grade level, as they may be eligible for reclassification.
Identify students who have met the reclassification criteria by running the English Learner Report in MiSiS.
Schedule and conduct PD for SRI data reports and its implications for instruction.