SPTG Class Liaison Guidelines

The role of the class liaison is to act as a bridge between the classroom teacher, the SPTG, and the parents in the class. The goal of the liaison is to facilitate the SPTG Mission.

SPTG Mission

The SPTG Mission is to provide a support network to the students, Shrewsbury Board of Education, faculty, and administration, as well as promote unity between parents, students, teachers, and administration by encouraging cooperation and understanding within the school community.


  • Each class will be assigned ONE class liaison and there will be no assistants.
  • The class liaison must be a paid SPTG member in good standing.
  • All parents in each class will be given equal opportunity to participate and volunteer throughout the school year.
  • The liaison is responsible for communicating to the parents during the course of the school year.
  • A parent may only be a liaison for ONE class per year.
  • The class liaison will be chosen by the SPTG, with final approval of the Superintendent.

SPTG Meetings

  • A class liaison from each grade is responsible for attending monthly SPTG meetings.
  • Within 48 hours of an SPTG meeting an email will be sent to parents summarizing the meeting and relaying pertinent information.
  • The class liaison will encourage parents to attend monthly SPTG meetings.

Class Parties

  • The number of parties and dates/times will be determined by the classroom teacher.
  • Each party will have no more than 3 volunteers.
  • An email will be sent to all parents once a schedule of dates/times has been created by the teacher, asking parents if they would like to volunteer for a particular party.
  • A class party volunteer schedule will then be made based upon the responses received. If more than 3 parents volunteer for one party, the parents will be chosen at random to assist with that particular party.
  • The finalized party schedule for the school year will be given to the front office before the first party.
  • The front office must be made aware of any changes to the schedule throughout the course of the school year.
  • The goal is to have a different set of parents at each party and only 3 parents per party.
  • The class liaison is responsible for creating a sign-up genius for each party, asking for donations of items needed.
  • Please reach out to the teacher asking for suggestions and requests before creating the sign-up genius.

Class Dues

  • Each liaison is responsible for collecting $40/student for class dues by October 15th (this amount is a uniform suggestion to be used throughout the year for holiday presents, teacher appreciation week, end of year teacher gifts, etc. and is not mandatory).
  • If there is more than one teacher in the classroom, the money collected will be divided between those teachers.
  • The class liaison is responsible for holding the money and properly spending it on the teacher(s).
  • An email will be sent to the parents in the class when money is spent, describing what was purchased and a breakdownof how it was spent.
  • If any money is left over at the end of the year, it may be used toward the Class Gala Project and/or the End of the Year party.

Class Trips

  • The Class Liaison in grades Pre-K through 5thwill be allowed to attend the class trip. The Superintendent determines which parents are chosen to attend the trip in grades 6th – 8th.
  • If a child in the class has allergies or a medical condition, the Superintendent will determine if that parent will attend the trip.
  • An email request for volunteers will be sent to the parents with the date/time/location of the trip, once determined by the teacher.
  • The teacher will determine how many volunteers will be allowed to go on the trip.
  • The teacher will be given a list of names of parents that would like to attend the trip, other than the class liaison, and the teacher will be responsible for pulling the names of those who would like to attend randomly out of a hat.
  • The teacher will then contact the class liaison with the names of the volunteers for the trip and the class liaison will email all of the parents with the names of those parents who were chosen to attend.

New Students

  • A welcome email will be sent to the parent(s) of new students who enter the class mid-year.
  • The email will welcome the family to Shrewsbury, SBS, and the SPTG. Please encourage the parent(s) to join and participate in the SPTG as we are looking to offer support for these new families and involve them in our organization and school.

Thank you so much for volunteering your time and taking on this responsibility. We are looking forward to an amazing year and making SBS the best school possible!