Ben’s Tech Talk:

He uses a bamboo tablet and a program called scribbles. The tablet hooks into your usb, and allows you to “draw” onscreen during a presentation.

Conversion Prophet and Web analytics, allow you to “see” where people are clicking, what’s being effective, etc. If you are doing any paid traffic, it is IMPERITIVE.

Visual Web Optimizer:

Has a free 30 day trial. Will randomly cycle different versions of your page, so you can Optimize. Don’t get it just yet. Wait until all other things are in place, such as conversion prophet, etc.

Membership Site:

Pricing: Look at market, test variations in pricing. Be aware of the “seasonality” of your market when analyzing data (IE tennis better in the summer)

B2B product: Linked-in paid traffic may be a great source.

Fastest Method loading video: Drop raw URL into Optimize Press. Slow loading on a squeeze page will lose you traffic. Ezs3, etc gives you better analytics, more control over look of the video player.

Tool: “pingdom” monitors all of your sites to tell you which may be down, also tells you load time of pages. Video always slows you down

Good Professional Font: Myriad Pro

Ideas: 1.2 million realtors. Can you niche target sales training to them? Bent? Is doing Did a JV, have a bunch of videos they shot, are targeting corporate sales training.

Clickbank: one problem with putting a product on clickbank, cannot put in upsells.

After you design your site, put a footer link for affiliates. A simple: Interested in becoming an affiliate? Enter your email below. Build an Aweber list of these.


Have 3 pricing boxes, Premium, Plus, Basic. See pricing for an example. How would you do this?

DirectLink in Conversion Prophet. Allows you to track traffic you are driving to an affiliate site. Can rotate different affiliate offers from your site (ie: do a sandwich site, when a person clicks the CTA button, it will rotate the different affiliate products to find which will do best.

Facebook Paid Apps: has a bunch of these.

When you develop a site, contact the big hitting sites in that market, find if you can buy banner ads on their sites. “Re you overwhelmed? there is so much information out there, its hard to know what to do. That is why I have put together this program……”

Market research:

Do a keyword search

Then do a google search (ie type 2 diabetes diet)

The google type 2 diabetes diet forum, blog, facebook, etc to find sites, see if they are doing banner ads, etc.


Quantcast: tells you how much traffic is going to a site, and income range of demographics

Google Ad Planner

Baseball Swing Improvement niche: is a site:

Keywords: Baseball batting, hitting baseball, baseball hitting drills. Consider $9.95/month send video drills every month, different levels.