1) Complete all information requested. PLEASE PRINT!
2) Obtain a copy of the latest standardized test results or pre-school readiness test and attach. If test scores are not available, an admissions testing date will be arranged at the interview.
3) Obtain a copy of the latest report card from the present or most recent school attended and attach. Sometimes, report cards from earlier grades may assist in admissions procedures.
4) If the student is entering school for the first time, a copy of the birth certificate or baptismal certificate is required. A complete health and immunization record will be required upon acceptance to Good Shepherd Lutheran School. Call to schedule a student-parent interview when all of the above steps have been completed. Bring the completed application packet.
5) The completed application packet, along with the test results, will be taken into consideration for the child’s
final acceptance to Good Shepherd Lutheran School.
7) Upon acceptance, the non-refundable Registration fee becomes due immediately to guarantee enrollment.
1) Complete contractual agreement update information as needed.
2) Please check your child’s immunizations’ to be sure they are up to date.
3) Attach the Registration Fee.
4) Submit the above by the registration due date to guarantee enrollment.
Good Shepherd Lutheran School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, employment practices admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other school-administered programs.
700 North Air Depot Boulevard
Midwest City, OK 73110
Notice to Parents: . Please supply ALL information requested, and sign in all areas where a signature is required. Please either print or type. Thank You!
Student Information(please list each child enrolling)
Student’s Name __________________________________________________ Grade ______Birthdate_____________
(Last) (First) (Middle)
Student’s Name___________________________________________________ Grade _______Birthdate____________
(Last) (First) (Middle)
Student’s Name ___________________________________________________ Grade ______Birthdate ____________
(Last) (First) (Middle)
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________
(Street) (City) (State) (Zip)
Home Phone: ___________________________________ Cell Phone ____________________________________
Child Lives with: ________________________________________________________________________________________
(Name) (Relationship) (Social Sec. #)
(Employer) (Occupation ) (Work #)
(Name) (Relationship) (Social Sec. #)
(Employer) (Occupation) (Work #)
Brothers and Sisters Date of Birth Brothers and Sisters Date of Birth
_____________________________ _________________ ______________________ _________________
_____________________________ _________________ ______________________ _________________
Church where family currently holds membership ________________________________________________________________
(Church Name) (Pastor)
Has student been Baptized? ____________ If yes, please give date and name of Church __________________________________
Please list any physical, emotional or psychological needs and/or limitations:
How did you become acquainted with Good Shepherd?
School applicants only
Last School Attended _____________________________ Reason for Transfer ________________________
Special Education Needs (Reading, speech, etc.) ________________________________________________________________________________________
Has this child experienced any discipline or conduct problems, school suspension, grade retentions. Etc.? _____________
If yes, please explain: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Will your child need before and after school care through the GSL Child Development Center? ___Yes ___ No
Is your child’s before and after school care provided by an individual or a commercial day care provider other than the parent? _____ Yes ______ No If yes, please list the name and phone number of your child’s care provider.
Will this day care provider be delivering and picking up your child on a daily basis?
_______ Yes _______ No
We compile a Student Telephone Directory each year listing students’ names, addresses, and home telephone numbers. This is used by our homeroom parents, coaches, and fellow students. Under the Student Records Privacy Act, permission is needed from a parent or guardian to release this information for any student under the age of 18. Please mark the appropriate line below.
______GSLS may release my child’s name, grade, address and phone number in the annual directory.
______Good Shepherd Lutheran School is to omit my child’s name from the published directory.
Good Shepherd encourages parents to become an active part of their child’s school. Listed below are a few areas whereby parents may wish to involve themselves. Please check the appropriate lines and your name and activities will be forwarded to the appropriate party(ies)
_____Parent Teacher League Officer _____Substitute Teacher
_____PTL Supporter _____Room Parent
_____Field Trip Parent _____Fund-Raising Projects
_____Phone Parent _____Office Volunteer
_____Sports Coach _____Playground Supervisor
_____Brownie or Daisy Leader _____Musicals
_____Classroom Aide _____Other __________________
_____Library Aide
Signature of Parent/Guardian__________________________________ Date ______________
Child’s Name _________________________ Date of Birth _____________________
Entering Grade_______________________ Phone # __________________________
We, the undersigned, do hereby certify this information to be complete and factual, do hereby agree to fulfill all financial obligations, and agree to adhere to the policies and regulations as required by Good Shepherd Lutheran School.
We as parents/guardians, desire for our child an education which will include the study of God’s Word and the application of the Word into the daily life of our child. To assist us in attaining this goal, we desire to have our child enrolled as a student at Good Shepherd Lutheran School. We shall, therefore, support the school staff to maintain the high academic and citizenship standard. We shall provide a suitable place for our child to complete his school work. We understand that all children are expected to participate in weekly chapel services as well as daily devotions.
We hereby invest authority in the school to correct our child when his or her behavior of conduct interferes with learning activities. We will cooperate with the school staff in this area. We understand that if , for any reason, our child does not confirm to the school’s academic or citizenship standards, his or her enrollment could be terminated. Should the child’s behavior not be in harmony with the policies or intention of the school as a Christian institution, we shall withdraw him or her and not expect the school to fit the needs of the child.
We hereby grant permission for our child to use all of the play equipment and participate in all the activities of the school, including athletics. We also grant permission for our child to leave the school premises under the supervision of a staff member for neighborhood walks or any school sponsored trip away for campus unless the school receives written notice to the contrary.
We understand that the Registration Fee of $_________________ is only refundable if our child(ren) is not accepted for admission and that our child(ren)’s enrollment is not final until the registration fee is paid. We also understand that our total tuition of $_______________________ is payable in (check one)
12 monthly payments of $__________________ beginning June 1st
10 monthly payments of $ __________________ beginning August 1st
that it becomes delinquent after the 10th, and termination of enrollment shall occur if payment is not made by the 10th of the following month. We also agree that in the event that our account becomes more than 30 days delinquent, Good Shepherd Lutheran School tuition will be charged to my Credit Card # _____________________________________ Visa or Mastercard (circle one)
Exp. Date ______________________ We also understand and agree to pay a late fee of $20.00 to be added to all payments made after the tenth of each month, and a $25.00 service charge added to all returned checks. We further understand that any monies still owed at the termination of our child(ren)’s enrollment shall be reported to the Credit Bureau until such obligations to Good Shepherd Lutheran School are met.
We understand that grade placement is determined by testing and teacher recommendation and/or ability to function in the classroom and the staff has full authority concerning promotions, retentions, etc.
We hereby grant permission for the Administrator or Acting Administrator to take whatever steps may be necessary to obtain emergency medical care if warranted. These steps may include but are not limited to the following: 1) Attempt to contact a parent, guardian, or any person listed on the emergency information card, 2) Attempt to contact the child’s physician, another physician, an ambulance or have the child taken to an emergency hospital in the company of a staff member. We understand that any expenses incurred under the above circumstances will be billed to us as the child’s parent/guardian.
We hereby give consent to treatment and hospital care which is deemed advisable by, and is to be rendered under the general or special supervision of any physician and surgeon licensed under the provisions of the Medicine Practice Act on the medical staff of any available medical facility. It is understood that this authorization is given to provide authority and to give the aforementioned physician the power to exercise what his best judgment may deem advisable.
We will strive, through word and action, to cast a positive reflection on the school, including the purposes, the staff and the daily administration.
We, as parents/guardians of the student applicant, do prayerfully and sincerely give our pledge and agreement to all items as stated above.
Signatures ___________________________________________________ Date __________________________
(Please read very carefully before you sign)
Each child who enrolls in Good Shepherd Lutheran School for the FIRST time in Grades 3 year old preschool – 8th will be accepted on a probationary basis for a period of four (4) weeks. At the end of this period the probationary status will be removed if the child demonstrates satisfactory performance in the following areas:
1. Ability to perform satisfactory work at the assigned grade level.
2. Shows acceptable behavior in the classroom and on the playground.
3. Shows respect for fellow students, teachers and other adult on our campus.
4. Does not create any other difficulties in the functioning of the school.
A notice will be sent home at the end of the probationary period to notify the parent”s) of acceptance of children. If a child has not demonstrated satisfactory progress in one of the above areas, the following steps will be taken:
1. Parents will be notified of any difficulty before the end of the probationary period.
2. The teacher will give a written report to the principal explaining the difficulty.
3. The principal will select a person to observe the child and turn in a written report.
4. The principal will have a conference with the parent(s) and others involved.
5. The School Board will receive a copy of the teacher’s report and the observer’s report. The principal will relate to the School Board any important information about the conference with the parent(s). The School Board will then do one of the following:
a. Remove the child as a student at Good Shepherd.
b. Extend the probationary period for a certain amount of time and request another evaluation at the end of that time.
c. Accept the child as a regular student.
NOTE: Other factors which may have caused the difficulty will be handled through other channels.
Important Notice: Immediate discipline from the teacher or the principal may be necessary in some instances.
_________ Check here to indicate that you have read this agreement completely.
Date _________________________________
1. Has your child been receiving services from Special Programs?
________YES ___________NO
2. If yes, please check the following.
________ Title 1 (Chapter1) Reading
________ Title 1 (Chapter1) Math
________ English as a Second Language (ESL)
________ Gifted and Talented Program
________ Adaptive Physical Education
________ Developmental/Transitional 1st grade
________ Counseling
________ Special Education: Check which classes below
________ Speech and/or Language Services
________ Seriously Emotionally disturbed (SED)
________ Mentally Retarded (MR)
________ Occupational Therapy/Physical Therapy
________ Learning Disabled
*Resource Lab Classroom
*Self –contained
*Regular Classroom with IEP
________ Special Kindergarten
________ Other ___________________________________
(please specify)
3. Do you have special education records from previous school?
_________ YES ________NO
STUDENT’S NAME __________________________________
TEACHER’S NAME __________________________________ GRADE __________
PARENT’S NAME ___________________________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER _________________________________________
(where parent can be reached during school hours)
PREVIOUS SCHOOL ___________________________________________
(City and State)
DATE _________________________
1. The play area designated for students of Good Shepherd consists of the gated areas east and south of the Family Life Center. All outside play is restricted to these areas.
2. At no time are children allowed to play outdoors unsupervised. A teacher or other adult playground
supervisor must accompany the children to the playground.
3. Children are to always remain in sight and ear shot of the playground supervisor.
4. During recess periods or other outside activities, children needing to return to the building must first
receive verbal permission from the playground supervisor. Upon return to the play area, children must
“check back” with the supervisor. Dawdling or taking unnecessary time to return is not allowed.
5. Games and activities played during non-organized recess periods are the children’s choice. Unnecessarily
rough or dangerous games will not be allowed, as well as those games which include mock hitting, punching, or kicking. During organized games and activities, all children are expected to participate.
6. Playground equipment, including balls, jump ropes, swings, bars, slides, etc., is to be used in the manner
for which it was intended.
7. Some children prefer to bring toys and games from home for use during recess periods. This is only
allowed with permission from the teacher and such toys and games are only to be used during recess
periods. Good shepherd Lutheran School does not take responsibility for loss or damage to property
brought to school from home.
8. Children are to be dressed appropriately for outdoor play during hot weather. Children are allowed
to wear summer clothing including shorts, (no shorts shorter than mid thigh). Also appropriate foot wear must be worn for physical activity. In winter, children should be dressed warmly including sufficient outer wear. Children are never allowed to go barefoot while at school.
9. It is assumed that children well enough to attend school are well enough to take part in all activities,
including outside play.
10. At all times, children are to play and interact with others in a good Christian manner. Failure to comply
with the rules and regulations covering outside play will first result in a warning to the child. If the warning
does not halt the behavior, a time out period will follow. If the incorrect behavior continues, notification
to the parents shall be in order.
_______________________________________ ____________________________
Waiver Form
[ photos | video | artwork | profiles | stories ]
Good Shepherd Lutheran School has permission to use my child’s photograph, likeness, artwork, profile and/or stories in publications, web pages and other promotional materials produced, used by and representing Good Shepherd Lutheran School. I understand the circulation of the material could be worldwide and that there will be no compensation to me or my child for this use.