MAY 22, 2012
Item 1. President Hobbs called the regular meeting of the Board of Directors to order at 5:00 pm in the community room of AQUA Texas.
Item 2. A quorum was present with Vice President Bradley not in attendance. Johnny Tabor and members were welcomed to the meeting.
Item 3. Members were given the opportunity to address the Board at this time. Daniel Lasher is purchasing 101 Elaine in Moses Manor and asked the Board to consider allowing him to make is membership and hook-up fees by paying 50% down and the balance over one year. President Hobbs asked that this item be put on the agenda for next month. No other members spoke at this time.
Item 4. Alexander read minutes of the April 24, 2012 meeting. Motion by Mays to add Pat Kultgen’s full letter to the minutes. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion by Alexander, second Moore to accept the minutes as presented. Motion passed with Hobbs voting against.
Item 5. Mr. Tabor gave a report on the Horne Hill situation noting that there are currently 8 connections over the currently allowed maximum on Bubert Lane. Tabor has discussed this with Breton and Breton has agreed to add the 14,460’ of 4” pipe to the current contract and finish the job in 45 days. Mays reported that there are approximately 10 meters awaiting installation in this area and it will correct the existing problem and allow for future expansion. Motion Alexander, second Mays to add this to the existing contract based upon the recommendation by Tabor, pending receipt of acceptable financing. Motion passed with Lewis voting against.
Item 6. Alexander will get with American Bank to obtain a loan quote as soon as possible. Mr. Still has indicated that the Bank is very interested in helping us with the expansion of the system.
Item 7. Hobbs reported that the Aqua contract expires next April and he has nothing to report at this time.
Item 8. Neither Mr. Dutschmann nor his representative were in attendance. No action required.
Item 9. Alexander reported that the information regarding the Rancho Lorena amendments have been given to Bo Routh for drafting into the agreement.
Item 10. Dr. Bradley was not in attendance so this item was tabled until a later meeting.
Item 11. Mays reported that the truck has been sold and the $18,500 deposited into the bank. He also reported that while cleaning the truck before delivery to the purchaser, he and Mr. Judd found meters in the truck valued between $1,800 and $3,000. Alexander read the two bids received on the sale of the excess pipe. Motion by Lewis, second Moore to sell the pipe to the high bidder for $1 per foot. All approved.
Item 12. Mays reported that the painting of the Tate plant will be finished as soon as the wind stops blowing!
Item 13. Mays reported on the recent meeting of the Bluebonnet Board. The slush pits are now online and additional improvements continue. No action is needed at this time.
Item 14. Motion by Alexander, second by Lewis to pay the monthly bills. All approved. Alexander also reported that the electricity contract for the Moses plant has been signed at 5.9cents for 36 months with Hudson Energy. At this rate, SVWSC will save over 50% over the current TXU rate.
Item 15. Report by Aqua on the monthly operations of the system. No action required.
Item 16,17,18. No action needed.
Item 19. Next meeting of the Board will be held on June 26, 2012 beginning at 5pm in the Aqua offices.
Item 20. Meeting adjourned. .
Respectfully submitted:
Frank Alexander, Secy-Treas.