Charlbury Neighbourhood Forum
Minutes for meeting to be held13th August2015, in the Corner House, Charlbury
Present: Rod Evans, Eileen Kenrick, Liz Reason, Tim Crisp, Catherine Goyder, Lucy Crane-Lupton (Mintes), Graham Terry(chair), Meryl Smith
Apologies:Simon Fenn, Chris Sharp, Chris Morton, Mark Gregory, JamesStyring
Declarations of conflict of interest: As already declared
Previous Minutes: Approved
Matters Arising:
-Spledlove Development Parking. GT and JH meet with the Town Council to meet WODC – Graham Terry reported that the matter now resting with TC. LR reported that the Town Council is writing to West Oxfordshire District Council about parking in and around the Splendlove site. Town Council have now got a traffic subcommittee which will feed information into the Neighbourhood Forum. In addition, he Town Council has come up with a division of responsibility between the Town Council.
-MS and LCL attended ORCC Meeting about Community Led Plans –emphasised need to be in-touch with planers from WODC. RE reassured group that there is a need for a Neighbourhood Plan as the new local plan is not specific enough for Charlbury. TC suggested that everyone on the forum became expert the new local plan or at least the sub-section on Burford-Charlbury.Action: LCL to contact Astrid ask about funding/support and WODC involvement. All to read and become confident in the new local plan core policy 35.
Financial Report
-Charlie Cews has been paid. Existing funds are £7068.
-LCL expenses submitted £100. Action: EK to pass on to Town Council
-TG put forward that LCL be asked to act as a research consultant for the survey/questionnaire – group agreed that happy for LCL to put forward a quote for the work. Action: LCL to Quote for Questionnaire preparation.
-Due diligence has been done on Locality Grant and should now been in the Town Council’s bank account,now been received. Additional £6,000 to existing money. Report needed to be written for 01-12-15. Can re-allocate and re- apply for existing funds at the time the report is due.
Information Management
- Communication sub-group now set up – LR, MG, CS and LCL
-Website – interactive map now on-line, now just needs traffic. Suggested that banners were put at the main entrances to Charlbury with slogan, website address and parts of the visual minutes. Action: All committee encouraged to plug the website at all events and opportunities.
-Charlbury Forum agreed that there is a need to plug the CNF website on the Forum when issues arise.
-Library in Corner House, agreed this was a good place to have hard copied of information. Action: LCL to make the table in the Corner House have the same information as the website and a comment box.
-Social Media Management – website not a standaloneAction: LCL to keep up with all social media bring attention to anything appearing.
-RE raised the issues of communication with external communications. Action: Decided that LCL will be that main contact for all external communication about the Forum and that TM to help LCL with all of these communications.
Legal requirements for NP – (Legal requirements for NP) reminded that Forum group needed Action: EK, CG to look at other Neighbourhood Plans, create core document, analysing and summarising their content to make sure we have included consideration of all the vital aspects . LCL will proved examples of Neighbourhood Plan’s that have passed referendum.
- Housing Needs Survey report on meeting with ORCC – (ORCC-NP service quote, BCS Neighbourhood Plan, Bloxham Neighbourhood plan)Action: Leave to survey group to discuss.
- Progress – new version presented to Froum. Action: Survey Group to meet before 5th September. MG to rework wording both at the beginning of the survey and the questions. RE to arrange meeting for questionnaire group. Questionnaire to go to other bodies, such as Town Council and WODC after 5th September workshop re-working. LCL to put printed copies of other NP in library. On agenda for next meeting other NP. All to look through survey and channel comments/amendments through LCL.
- Distribution of Questionnaire. Action: paper agreed as action(Distribution_CNP_Survey)
- Questions from other organisations. Must get core agreed and ready for others to view. Action: Agreed that there Town Council’s questions to be included LCL to action
- List of street names in Charlbury.Action: LR to send list of street names to LCL.
- Neighbourhood Watch meeting, MS suggested that Wes (the community support officer for Charlbury) is trying to set up more Neighbourhood Watch Groups. Suggested that CNF work with them to support work and see if we can recruit street representatives. Agreed that we would support group both with larger room, if necessary, and other support. Action: LCL to talk to Corner House and do booking.9th September. LCL to put together recruitment flyer.
- Street Fair – Location and Ideas –Action: LCL look at documents for fare come up with versions that could be used or not.
Workshop on 5th September
-Agreed: Printing and refreshments costs will be covered by CNF
Next Steps
- Vision (WestHoathly_NP, Woodcote_NP1, Woodcote_timeline) As discussed above.
Meeting with Councillors – Action: report at next meeting.
Cottsway Housing – are carrying out work on a community led plan CNF must stay in close contact with this group and work with them Action: LCL to contact.
LR raised the issues of consults. Action: LCL to put on agenda for the next meeting
Sothhill Solar – designation of site in NP.
Next meeting: 10th September 2015, 8pm
Meeting closed: 9:30pm
Minutes written by: Lucy Crane-Lupton