Spring Term 2017
Children In Part-Time Education Or
In Receipt Of Alternative Provision Return

These notes can be used to help complete your return for this return.

All Schools

(including Academies and PRUs)

Submission deadline:20 January 2017

Schools’ Data Team

January 2017



Children who have attended alternative provision (B code)

Children attending part-time or Irregular attenders

Stage 1: Download Excel Spreadsheet from Anycomms+

Stage 2: First Tab – Alternative Provision pupils (B Code)

Stage 3: Second Tab – Part-Time and/or Irregular Attenders

Section 1: Pupil Details

Section 2: Children who fail to attend regularly

Section 3: Children on part-time timetables

Stage 4: Submitting your return

Appendix A: Contacts


Please read these instructions in conjunction with the letter and protocol on Management of Children Missing Education – available on the schools’ extranet.

There are two parts to this collection: Alternative Provision (B-Code) pupils and then Part-Time/Irregular Attendance. These will be provided as separate tabs in an Excel spreadsheet. Note that most schools will need to work on two lists – one for each part of the collection. However, not every school will have pupils listed on the B Code listing.

Children who have attended alternative provision (B code)

Children who have attended alternative provision (an educational provision which is not a school) should be coded as B for each session they attend the alternative provider. A B code should only be used to show that a child is ‘Educated off site’ at an approved educational activity. The school retains the safeguarding responsibility for a child who is B coded. A B code is not appropriate for a child working at home where this is not supervised by someone authorised by the headteacher.

Attendance information (including the B codes) is gathered directly from schools using SIMs and through the School Census for every school. However the provision attended is not included. So, we need to ask you for this extra information.

You will be sent a pre-populated Excel spreadsheet. This is a list of children who were on roll at your school during the autumn term and who have had more than 4sessions coded as B in their attendance during the term.

Children attending part-time or Irregular attenders

Schools should inform the local authority about any child who is on a part-time timetable. (See the Local Authority Maintained School Protocol on Management of Children Missing Education, available on the Schools’ Extranet.)

Irregular attendanceis considered as 10 or more consecutive days of unauthorised absence. It could also include those childrenwho have patterns of poorly explained absence,those not attending school full-time or any poor attendance that is of concern to the school.

Schools using SIMS do not need to complete this section since a child who is an irregular attender will be identifiedthrough the data transferred electronically (e.g. through B2B).

For schools that do not use SIMs please complete the relevant template for those children who have irregular attendance.

Stage 1: Download Excel Spreadsheet from Anycomms+

Open your internet browser and open the Anycomms+ website by typing the web address below into the address bar at the top of the screen:

If you have any difficulties using Anycomms+ or do not know your username or password you will need to contact the Anycomms+ helpdesk on 0116 454 1110 or email

  • The screen below will appear, please enter your username and password.

  • Enter the characters requested for the memorable word
  • Select Download a File
  • Click on Download to download the file

Check Previously Downloaded Files if you cannot see a file waiting for you, as it might be available in that list.

Stage 2: First Tab – Alternative Provision pupils (B Code)

The first tab in the Excel Spreadsheet contains any pupils on B Codes for whom we require extra information.

For each child on the B code list there is some further information we require:

  • The name of the provider of the alternative provision
  • Who monitors the provision
  • Reason for alternative provision – e.g. behaviour needs, curriculum enrichment, vocational course etc.
  • Whether the provision has now ended (Y/N)
  • Whether the provision – together with the time in school is full time (Y/N)
  • If there are no pupils listed in this tab it is because you did not have children who had more than 4 sessions coded B during the autumn term.

If a child was attending another registered school during period they should be coded D for each session attended at their other school.

Stage 3: Second Tab – Part-Time and/or Irregular Attenders

The second tab in the Excel Spreadsheet is a blank sheet for you to add any appropriate pupils.
A row should be completed for each child who is an irregular attender or who is currently attending part-time. There are three sections in this tab:

Section 1: Pupil Details

Please complete the student details for all students for whom a return is being made. Information required:

  • Full name of pupil
  • UPN
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Address

Section 2: Children who fail to attend regularly

Irregular attendance is considered as 10 or more consecutive days of unauthorised absence. It could also include those childrenwho have patterns of poorly explained absence,those not attending school full-time or any poor attendance that is of concern to the school.

For schools that use SIMS a child who is an irregular attender will be identifiedthrough the data transferred electronically so there is no need to include them here.

For schools that do not use SIMs please complete the template for those children who have irregular attendance.

This information should be sent to the LA via the orange spreadsheet ‘Template for Irregular and Part-Time Attenders’. A row should be completed for each child who is an irregular attender or who is currently attending part-time.

Information required:

  • Date last attended
  • Absence reason
  • Action undertaken to date
  • School’s responsible person (name) for this child
  • Contact details (for responsible person) – email/telephone

Section 3: Children on part-time timetables

This should be completed for any child in Reception to Y11 who is not in full-time education.

These children should be recorded as having an authorised absence (C) for the sessions that they were not attending school. If the child is being supervised at home or other suitable location by an adult authorised by the headteacher this could be coded as educated offsite (B).

Information required:

  • Start date (of the part-time timetable)
  • Review date
  • End date (if the part-time timetable has now finished)
  • Number of Sessions out of school per week (out of 10)
  • School’s responsible person (name) for this child
  • Contact details (for responsible person) – email/telephone

There is a final column (column Z) available if you wish to include any notes about a particular child’s situation.

Stage 4: Submitting your return

Please upload the completed spreadsheet to AnyComms+

  • Once logged in, select Upload a File to the Local Authority from the Main Menu
  • Browse to the location of your spreadsheet and select the file to return
  • Complete this screen as described below:

  • Once you are happy with your selection, click Upload All Files – your file(s) will be sent to the LA
  • Once the file has uploaded you will receive an email/acknowledgement of the sent file

Deadline to submit to CYPS info managementby 20 January 2017.

Appendix A: Contacts

In the event of a query, please telephone/email one of the contacts below:

Contact / Details / Type of query
BAS Team / Tel:0116 454 1110
Email: / Problems relating to the Anycomms+ (the LA Secure File Transfer Website) including problems with usernames/ passwords for the site.
Schools’ Data Team / Tel: 0116 454 1130
Email: / Checking to ensure your return has been received by LA
Sue Welford
Head of Service / Tel: 0116 454 1131
Email: / Queries about information required

Submission deadline: 20 January 2017