29th Annual F.E. Woodall

Spring Conference for Helping Professions


The Division of Counselor Education & Psychology, DeltaStateUniversity, is proud to host the 29th Annual Spring Conference on Wednesday, April 7, 2010. By providing a wide variety of informative and useful workshops at a nominal cost, this conference serves counselors, social workers, mental health therapists and marriage and family specialists throughout the state. Sponsored by the Delta Sigma Upsilon Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Honor Society, the Spring Conference for Helping Professions provides a continuing education opportunity to 100+ attendees annually. Carol Buchanan Jones, LPC Board Chair, coordinator of Project Relief, and coordinator of the counseling program at William Carey at Biloxiwill provide the keynote address.

The Counselor Education Faculty asks you to consider being a part of this exciting conference by offering a 50-minute presentation on the topic of your choice related to helping professions. All program submissions must be received by January 15, 2010. Due to the nature of providing contact hours in a number of disciplines, program and presenter/faculty information, as well as specified learning objectives, must be included with each submission. Each presenter must complete a Faculty Data Sheet. While the inclusion of this information may look daunting, it is necessary for the organizations that certify continuing education credits. If there are any questions regarding this application process, we will be happy to assist.

Please return the enclosed forms by the January 15, 2010 deadline. Address all information to:

Sally R. Lawes, M.Ed., NCC, LPC

Division of Counselor Education & Psychology

PO Box 3142





Program Information

Presenter name(s) including title, place of employment, etc, as you would like it listed in the bulletin:

Title of Proposal:

Abstract to be included in program bulletin:


Biographical Data Form

29th Annual F.E. Woodall Spring Conference for Helping Professions

Conference Title

NAME: / Planner
Phone #:
Email: / Presenter


Degree/Major / Year / Institution

II. PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION (Please list relevant employment starting with most current)

Present Employer/Dates / Title

If Presenter please complete all the sections

Title of Session:
Presentation date: / April 7, 2010
III.Approved training must be provided by professionals with specific expertise in the subject area. Describe subject expertise (exp./pub./presentations).
IV.Describe research for this presentation.
  1. Each session will be evaluated. Explain how you will use the evaluation results from this activity.
All research was conducted by the presenters and the evaluation results will be used to develop future programs.

Documentation Form


Educational Design

Title of Activity:

Total number of minutes of training _60___ (all sessions must be at least 60 minutes thereafter, credit is awarded in increments of at least 30 minutes (i.e. 60, 90, 120)


/ Content (topics) /

Time Frames

/ Presenter(s) /

Teaching Strategies

List 3 learning objectives.
(use action verbs..i.e. discuss, explain, define, integrate, list, appreciate, demonstrate understanding) / Provide at least 2 topics for each of the 3 learning objective listed in the 1st column. / Indicate number of minutes for each topic in 2nd column / Name of presenter for each content area. / List the teaching strategies for each content area.
At the end of this activity the learner will be able to: