PG Meeting 12 July 2017

Notes of Meeting

Present: SS, MMcD, AM, RG, PH

Apologies: DF, SM, CP, MP


17/01014/PAN hotel, restaurant, retail, comm'l, Victoria St/Cowgate exhib still postponed

17/01648/PAN Edmondstone. Exhibs 13, 14, 15 June various locations; PH, DF went, left comments; looks good on the whole; cf 16/05417/PPP, which we objected to; hearing to be held 30 Aug (PH)

17/02100/PAN res dev, 4-22 Lower Gilmore Place. Exhib’n 14 June, 3.30-7.30, Kings Ch.; AM, PH went; DdF wrote developers

17/02471/FUL outdoor leisure complex, access etc Craigpark Quarry 21/7 (PH to check)

17/02477/FUL res dev off Saltire St (Waterfront) 14/7 (PH)

17/02345/FUL re dev (small), W Bowling Gn St 14/7 (PH)

1702658/AMC Phases 3 and 4, Salamander Pl. 14/7 (PH)

CEC Guidance for Housholders: DdF sent submission 1 June

Edin Design Guidance Review consultation: PH sent in response 15/6. LS also responded

CEC 'town' consultations - Nicolson St,(DF), Stockbridge (MMcD), P'bello (RG); we agreed these are not about travel and not worth us getting involved with


Roseburn E-W: Project update from RG 4/7; TROs expected soon; ditto consult'ns for Roseburn and Melville Pl. (4/7)

1 Leith Walk: contractors went bust, but new contractors are working to complete ongoing work before Festival 'embargo'

2 George St: invite to mtg from Project Manager 31 May (DdF, EJ) about Festival closures

3 Causey drop-in; AM, SM, RG, PH went, left comments. Much better than before. Corresp re cobbles, speed humps etc RG, SM, TK, DdF, DF

4 Leith St/St James: Meeting with CEC et al, MMcD, CP attended, 12/7; access for cyclists retained temp'y and during closure after Sept.; CEC won't agree cycle segregation at top section of Leith St. MMcD has circulated notes

4a Picardy Pl: MMcD saw plans today - space for cyclists, but movements may be complex. More plans to come

6 Sheriffhall - Gorebridge CT petition 6/6; Parl'y hearing 29 June; Report, 8/6 (DF); we had chance to state our objection to chosen option. Gorebridge campaigner has joined Spokes and Resources Group!

7 Innocent Tunnel: letter from Cllr C Miller says lighting to be completely renewed, but not immediately (SM)

8 Magdalene Glen: 'no cycling' markings, and humps on NCN1: PH wrote; markings to go but CEC refuse to make any other changes; claiming, falsely, that we and Sustrans “had been consulted” (in fact, we weren't; we objected after the fact)

9 Longstone Footbridge over WoL: Cllr, WoL Trust are pursuing possibility; PH wrote in strong support 4/6

10 Tramline crash death 1/6; corresp, DdF, SM. CEC promise review of tram route

11 Cycle route consultations - Holyrood Pk - Ratcliffe Terr, RG sent submission, 29/6; Saughton Pk-Stenhouse (ER; PH went exhib) ER sent submission 19/6

12 Parking abuse West Tollcross/Lochrin Pl (ER has complained to CEC, 23/6)

13 Committees in new CEC Council (23/6); and Cllr McInnes very promising motion 29/6 re cycling etc; deputation thereto; and meeting for Spokes with new Convener and V-Convener has been arranged; first Tpt Cttee meeting 1st Aug.

14 Fountainbridge cycle lane (26/6) unsatisfactory, but it's short; little we can do at this stage

15 New St 1-way with cycle contraflow (TRO/16/32) already installed, and OK (CP 30/6)

16 Causewayside - appalling surfaces on “QBiC” Preston St - Ratcliffe Terr - ask Cllrs if repair money can be found (RG) (5/7, many contributors)

17 Dundas St re-surfacing; many queries, but the outcome looks good; white lines enhance the chips (MMcD 7/7)

18 Towpath link at Watson Cres. (SM,SS, PH, MP etc 10/7); we agreed no action; the wall is a retaining wall (height differences), which would be weakened if breached; and the exit with no buffer zone would be dangerous to towpath users.

Consultations and Events

1 Canal towpath study 11 May (RG, AM, notes, 6/6) Canal Fest had exhib, 17/6; AM report 22/6

3 Taxi and Hire Vehicles (CEC) by 30 May (PH sent response re 'provision' and Survey re driver behaviour)

4 Meeting with Anna Herriman, City Centre (DdF, MMcD) hasn't happened yet

5 Climate Change Bill - briefing from Transform 22/6; info from SCCS 7/7

6 SG 20mph Bill - 7 Aug. who will lead our response?

7 WCCC Conf 14 June, Gw; DdF went; no comments

8 I/structure ride : PH did another for Steve Melia, 11/6; subsequent article in LTT, and DdF's reply (25/6); PH to circulate this correspondence

9 NCIG mtg planned for June 27th, PH wrote Keith Irving; NCIG not a campaigning group; uncertain what it's for; no-one volunteered to go; PH sent apology on our behalf

10 Pavement Parking Bill consultation (by 30 June); PH sent round draft, then submission

11 Braid Rd consultation (DF, DdF 23/6)

12 Wayfinding Workshop; PH went 16/6; more events to come

14 SE Locality Improvement Plan - exhib's 27 and 29 June - SM went

15 Extra PG meeting 27 June - notes have been circulated

16 Cyclescape - tool for reporting/listing small barriers to cycling (SM, DF, DdF 3/7); we're not sure how useful this might be

17 CEC leader A McVey has offered to host a reception for Spokes' 40th Birthday in autumn

Date of Next Meeting

Wed 16 Aug. 7.30pm, venue tbc