Club & Principals Conference – Sunday 25th February 2018

Sportscotland National Centre Inverclyde, Burnside Road, Largs, KA30 8RW


* If the affiliated club/centre pays for 2 places, they get a 3rd place free *

Includes refreshments & lunch


Session Time / Programme for the Day
09.15 / Assemble and Coffee
09.30 / Welcome & Introduction
9.40 – 10.30 / Plenary Session 1
Retention and Development
10.30 – 12.00 / Workshop Session 1
Breaking down the Barriers / Update on Governance / Volunteer Management
12.00 – 12.45 / Networking lunch
12.45 – 14.15 / Workshop Session 2
Growing your Racing / Alternative Models / A Targeted Approach to
Push the Boat Out
14.15 – 14.30 / Tea & Coffee
14.30 – 16.00 / Workshop Session 3
Retaining Members and Customers / Alternative Funding / Future Proof Your Training
16.00 – 16.45 / Plenary Session 2
Developing Your Club
16.45 / Round-up and disperse


Plenary Sessions (for all delegates):

Welcome & Introduction

Plenary Session 1

The first session shall introduce the theme of the day “Retention” and talk about what information you need to know and be aware of in order to develop your club or centre.

Plenary Session 2

The final session of the day shall be led by a club discussing their process and plan to develop a ‘Vision’ for the whole club and their progress so far. This shall lead into the launch of the RYA Scotland Club Development Framework and supporting resources.


Open to both Clubs and Training Centre personnel – you shall be asked to pick one workshop for each session.

Session 1 = 10.30 – 12.00:

Breaking Down the Barriers

Is our sport truly open to all? We say it is but we know there a number of hard to reach groups that we often don’t engage well with. This workshop shall hear from representatives of some of those groups and shall look at how to ensure we are more inclusive within our sport removing any potential barriers for everyone to get involved!

Are You Fit for Purpose – an Update on Governance

This workshop shall take a practical look at governance ensuring your club/centre is fit for purpose – e.g. Up-to-date constitution & policies and give a Club’s example of how to streamline your meetings. It shall also give a brief update on how the new General Data Protection Regulations shall affect clubs and centres from May 2018!

Volunteer Management

This workshop, delivered by a sportscotland National Trainer, shall look at volunteer management for clubs and delve into ways to recruit new volunteers, how to get volunteers working effectively together as well as how supporting, developing, recognising and rewarding leads to better retention of volunteers and personnel.

Session 2 = 12.45 – 14.15:

Growing Your Racing

This workshop, led by RYA Racing, shall take the format of a forum for discussing and exchanging ideas about how to grow club participation through racing activities.

Alternative Models

There are various legal entities that clubs and centres can look to become. This workshop shall take a whistle-stop tour around the benefits of each with some practical examples.

A Targeted Approach to Push the Boat Out

There were over 40 clubs and centres in Scotland who took part in Push the Boat Out 2017and the initiative is being extended for the whole of May 2018! This workshop shall look at how you can target different markets and ensure that you retain as many of those who try boating for the first time, including a tried & tested approach by a club!

Session 3 = 14.30 – 16.00:

Retaining Members and Customers

A lot of hard work goes into gaining new business and memberships, however in RYA ‘club-land’ data shows that Scotland is the worst area for retaining members across the UK. This workshop shall look at this in detail and share some good practice from centres and clubs as well as discuss potential ideas on how to approach retention.

Alternative Funding

This interactive workshop shall look at the present landscape for funding including the processes and opportunities available, as well as discuss how to meet funder’s expectations.

Future Proof Your Training

Training is often a key element for clubs and recognised training centres. This workshop shall look at how to ensure you safeguard this element by discussing how to keep instructors, get young sailors involved and look at potential boats and equipment as well as how all clubs (regardless of training recognition) can deliver quality training opportunities.


Name (Capitals please)
Address and postcode
Email address
Contact tel. number
Any additional support needs for accessing the venue or the workshops? If yes please give details / Yes/No
Any dietary requirements – please detail?
Club/Training Centre Name
Role at Club/Training Centre

Workshop Choices – please tick (in the appropriate box) what workshop you wish to attend for each session:

Session 1
10.30 – 12.00 / Breaking down the Barriers / Are You Fit for Purpose – Update on Governance / Volunteer Management
Session 2
12.45 – 14.15 / Growing Your Racing / Alternative Models / A Targeted Approach to Push the Boat Out
Session 3
14.30 – 16.00 / Retaining Members and Customers / Alternative Funding / Future Proof Your Training

I enclose a cheque made payable to RYA Scotland for: £……………OR

Made a BACS payment to RBS 83-19-04 Account Number 00248637£……………

(Quoting your name and Club Conference please)


Please ensure that you return this form with the appropriate payment to:

RYA Scotland, Caledonia House, 1 RedheughsRigg, South Gyle, Edinburgh, EH12 9DQ

by Tuesday 13thFebruary 2018