Steps to Setting Up Your
WeCo LinkedIn Profile

For WeCo Staff and Interns

  1. Add your full name, formal job title with the words: “at WeCo”, The Wehrman Collaborative, LLC
  2. Your last previous employment and education institution will display below this
  3. Complete the summary. This part is the one most people read so it’s important to keep it short, concise and relevant only to your current position with WeCo. Also include:
  4. Brief company description; we recommend copying the below text.
  5. Brief description about your role at WeCo
  6. Your WeCo department email and phone number
  7. If you have been assigned a personal email and phone number at WeCo, at it below per the sample text below

Sample Summary Section: (do not copy italics)

Founder and President of The Wehrman Collaborative, LLC or WeCo. User-experience testing firm that trains people who live with disabilities to test electronic venues for access in accordance with the Section 508 and Americans with Disabilities Act legislation and WCAG web standards.
Service Inquiries: or 855-849-5050 x1
Professional Inquiries: or 855-849-5050 x705
WeCo's is a mission-based for-profit company, based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which empowers organizations with the knowledge they need to provide accessible communications to the public and perform due diligence in regards to access legislation. WeCo's work also facilitates the financial independence and professional development of people who may have been overlooked by traditional work environments.
Specialties: Accessible communications and user-experience testing in regards to how people living with disabilities user electronic formats and the internet. Section 508, Americans with Disabilities Act and WCAG compliance assistance. and workplace/customer sensitivity training.

  1. Add your work experience. This section is vital as it determines your profile rank and searchability. Describe your work experience in a way that adds value to your work with WeCo. Example: Nicky has done product assembly work at Opportunity Partners. She can highlight that her work there has enabled her to collaborate closely with people living with a wide range of disabilities and has broadened her understanding of how they work with information.
  2. Add your skills and expertise. Again, this is important in enabling people seeking WeCo services to locate you and our company. You do this by adding keywords in the form of skills and expertise. Add the skills to your profile that are related to your work at WeCo, or from other workplaces that add value to the work you do for WeCo. “Endorse” other people for the skills you know they have and they will begin to endorse you.
  3. Some keyword examples: accessibility, UX, UX testing, user experience, user experience testing, Section 508, Section 508 Accessibility, W3C accessibility, W3C accessibility testing, Americans with Disabilities Act.