Sports and Entertainment Marketing Chapter #2

When most skate-board-related companies were maintaining an uncivilized street edge, Ken Block and Damon Way took their skate-shoe company in the other direction. The two friends started DC Shoe Company in a San Diego, California, apartment in 1994, aiming to use nothing less than the highest-tech materials and unique fashion-forward designs. They styled their advertising with slick concepts, challenging the “street” style that dominated skateboard magazine ads at the time. A serious approach to shoemaking combined with a team of highly respected skaters-including Way’s brother Danny, who endorsed the product. The company quickly expanded its shoe line, started making clothing, and began branching out to other sports. Ken and Damon even considered distributing products outside the skate-shop world. Historically, this kind of expansion has been bad luck for a skateboard company. So how could DC find ways to market its shoes, grow as a company, and keep its street credibility?

Do you think that champion skateboarder Danny Way helped sell DC Shoes? Why?

If you were going to tie DC products to an entertainment market, what strategies might you use?

Questions from the Text:

1 - Name 2 inventions that helped to enable more equal access to entertainment for the wealthy and the working classes by the 1890’s.
2 - Who was a key figure in the development of sports marketing?
3 - How did Adolph Zukor help the entertainment market grow?
4 – What is celebrity endorsement?
5 – What is the difference between a core and an ancillary product?
6 – Give an example of synergy:
7 – List 2 differences in consumer loyalty between sports and entertainment:
8 – What are differences between marketing sports products and entertainment products?
9 – Describe 1 way in which the stream of revenue in sports differs from the stream of revenue in entertainment.

Expanding Products

Name 3 favorite movies as core products and list some ancillary products for each film. Think of some ancillary products that would help market each film and create more revenue.

Core Product:

Film Title Film Title Film Title

1.  ______2. ______3. ______


Ancillary products:


New ancillary products:


Marketing Sports vs. Entertainment – Give examples of the differences between marketing sports and marketing entertainment.

Marketing Sports- Marketing Entertainment-

Consumer loyalty Consumer loyalty
Product Product
Revenue stream Revenue stream

Find 5 careers in sports and entertainment marketing that interests you or may be unfamiliar to you. Do the following exercises.

1.  List 5 Careers:

2.  Use the internet to explore at least 1 of them, describe that career:

3.  List your skills and interests. Then list the jobs that match these skills and interests. Create names for the jobs if they are applicable.

Skills/Interests Possible Jobs


4.  Describe an ideal job that involves your skills. Include the location of the ideal job and the kinds of co-workers, customers, and employees you would meet: