Sponsorship Opportunity

The SeventhSwiMarathon, run by theRotary Club of Market Harborough,is onSaturday 4th and Sunday5th March 2017at the Leisure Centre in Market Harborough.

Our aim is toenlarge on the pastsixyears successful events and again raise many thousands of pounds, whileat the same time provide a fun weekend in Market Harborough.The previous SwiMarathonshave raised a total of over £44,000which has been given to local community organisations and Rotary charities.

An opportunity for you to support the SwiMarathon

If you are a local business theSwiMarathonoffers you an opportunity to support the event and so put something back into the community from which you draw business and employees. Your contributions will assist in covering the running costs of the event, this is alsoa way for you to say ‘Thank you Market Harborough’ by supporting the voluntary effort of our hundreds of swimmers and all their personal sponsors. Feedback from previous business sponsors shows they value the opportunity to be associated with this Rotary initiative, and the publicity they receive.

What is sponsoring the SwiMarathon offering you?

Allbusiness sponsorsget two daysof advertising on posters at the Leisure Centre, regular mention on Harborough FM,mention in all articles in the Harborough Mail, inclusion in the event programme, and visibility on the Swimarathon website for the whole year.Any publicity for individual sponsors will be by agreement with the sponsor. All members of the Rotary Club are also very grateful to you.

Any contribution large or small will be greatly appreciated

What is a SwiMarathon?

The SwiMarathon is open to all comers. Swimmers of all ages take partand 39 teams,took part last year. Teams of up to six swimmers come fromschools, sports clubs, youth clubs, businesses, professions, organisations, families & friends. Swimming teams raise their own sponsorship money. Perhaps you could enter a swim team as well?

If you wish to sponsor this fun event, would like more details, or to discuss anything further, we really would like to hear from you.

Please contact :

Rotarian Doug Woollard,Tangle-Stump, Church Farm Way, Arthingworth, Market Harborough LE16 8NP.

Tel. 01858 525254 Mobile 07753 605566

You can also e-mail

If you decide to become a sponsor please provide the following details:-

Name/Business Name______



Contact person______



Amountof business sponsorship you can offer- £ Make our day!


Many thanks for your support for which we are very grateful!

We will be in touch to obtain details/logos etc. for the posters and arrange a method of payment.

Doug Woollard

On behalf of Market Harborough Rotary SwiMarathon2017