Contemporary Period I knows…..

You know the drill…..I have tried to put the I Knows in order…i.e. in a sentence it will make sense….


1.Confederation/ Provinces/ Canada/NB/NS/QUE/ONT/ 1867

2.Confederation /Federalism/ Provincial and federal powers/education/language/immigration choice powers Quebec holds

3.1870-1900 period/provincial autonomy/growing pains/ Premiers conference

3. 1870-1900 Period/ the west/Railroad building / CPR

4. Riel/ Northwest Rebellion/Railroad/Taking Metis land/ Metis culture threatened

5.National Policy/ Tariffs/ Rairoad/expand the home market/ immigration to the West / develop the West of Canada

6. Election of 1878/Pacific Scandal/ Alexander Mackenzie took money from CPR head


7.Industrialization/mass production of goods/factories/urbanization/rural exodus

8.Industrialization/ terrible working conditions/women and child labour/60 hour work week/no minimum wage

8.Industrialization/ terrible living conditions/poverty/diseases/housing problems/lack of clean water

9. Migration flow/French Canadian emigration / factories /New England USA


10.Government made changes, passed laws/sanitation system/indoor plumbing/public notices of disease

11. Industrialization first vs second period/steam/electricity/labour force/government action/laws/union involvement/start of unions/Britain vs USA investment/ developing natural resources in rural regions

12. Colonization societies/colonization railroad/church run/moving people to rural communities

13. Imperialism/Britain is at war/Canada is at war too

14. Bourassa/French Canadian nationalist/Le Devoir Editor/anti imperialist/anti Britain

15. Boer War/Naval Issue/Conscription/ww1 / issues that divided Canadians

16.Early 20th century/Great Migration from Europe/ Alberta and Saskatchewan new provinces/Can pop increases / Immigrants from Eastern Europe

prairies developing

17.ww1/nurses/women get the right to vote federal/work on the home front while men are gone

18.Conscription/riots in Quebec city/1917/French Quebecers hated it

19. Canada/more autonomy/Canadian nationalism/Statute of Westminster/signed Treaty of Versailles 1919

1920’s and 1930’s

20. heavy American influence/US businesses/Roaring 20’s/Stock Market/record profits/Speculation/ heavy influence of Capitalism

21.Crash/Oct 1929/Great Depression/trigger

22.Unemployment/poverty/inflation/economic situation worsens

23.No more Laissez Faire policies/ government interventionism/Bennet’s New Deal

24. Socialism/ CCF and other political parties/Nationalization of banks / government regulation of economy

25. Direct Aid/ Soup Kitchens / Work Camps, public works

26. WW2 ends Great Depression / increasing industrial production / war with Germany and Japan

27.Women get right to vote in Quebec / Godbout replaces Duplessis

28. Conscription referendum / yes Canada / no Quebec / Mackenzie King is PM/1942

29. war increases economic production / Canada centralizes production / economy post war booms / Baby Boom period right after war

1945-1960 areas opened in Quebec/ Cote Nord/ Iron Ore/ new resources found

American companies invest heavily in Quebec.

31. Duplessis / church influence/ anti union / American businesses / corruption

32. Quiet Revolution / Maitres Chez Nous / Nationalization of Hydroelectricity /creation of government ministries / economic control of government over economy

1960-Modern Day

Check package given on Quiet Revolution to Modern Quebec.