Emerging Young
Leader of the Year

Sponsors Submission for Emerging Business Person of the Year Candidate

Type your comments in the boxes provided. (Please restrict the entry to a maximum of two pages)

Employee Name / Employer
Sponsor / Relationship to Employee
Sponsor Phone number / Sponsor email address

Please attempt to answer all questions. If the sponsor is not a fellow workmate or employer, some detail may be unknown. Please enter ‘unknown’. Answers to that question may come out in the interview.

Give details of personal leadership characteristics.
Give details of effective leadership and management achievements to date.
Explain the extent of nominee’s success.
Show how the individual has demonstrated leadership in the wider community.
What individual characteristics does this person possess which have contributed to the financial success of the organisation?
What success has been achieved through effective leadership and management of the organisation’s activities?
Please explain the extent to which the nominee has been a success?
How has the nominee demonstrated alignment of practices, systems and processes of the organisation?
How has this individual demonstrated innovative practices and entrepreneurship in the wider arena of the organisation?

Entries should be kept to two A4 pages. Please email