Spofforth CE Primary School

MrPaul Griffiths
Tel: 01937 590655
Fax: 01937 591078
‘Experiencing Learning Together’ / School Lane
North Yorkshire

Teaching and Learning Newsletter

Class 4 – Summer Term 2

I hope you have had a wonderful rest this half term and are looking forward to all the exciting topics, challenges and activities that we have in store for the children across Years 3 and 4.

Our book thishalf term is called ‘Window’ by Jeannie Baker.This is a very different book for the children as it has no words! This will allow the children to be able to write the story for themselves and use their inference skills to think about different twists and tales that they could include in their own plot. The children will also be creating their own SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) dictionaries so that they can refer to these throughout their learning.

In Maths we will belearning about geometry, including looking at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes and investigating lines of symmetry. We will continue to base the children’s learning around investigationtasks in order to deepen their understanding using mastery tools.Please use the calculation policy to support your child’s learning at home (this is available on the school website or if you would prefer a hard copy please just ask and we will get this to you).

Our Science unit this half term will be based around forces and magnets. The children will be continuing to develop their investigation skills by using trial and error to work out which materials are magnetic and which aren’t. They will learn about the poles and magnetic fields and the importance of these on the world we live in.

Our topic focus this half term is Geographywhich will coverlocal geographical features, landmarks and map reading. The children will be learning about grid references, how to read maps accurately and creating their own route cards to plan and track a journey. We will be taking them on an afternoon walk based on these skills – more information to follow!

Continuing with our theme from the class text, Art and Musicthis half term will be based around emotions, feelings and changes over time.The children will be looking at the works of Claude Monet and creating their own artwork pieces to portray a particular emotion. They will then create a musical composition to further illustrate this particular feeling and perform it to the rest of their peers.

Computing sessions will focus on video and photography skills. As our book portrays the view outside just one window over a space of time, we will be replicating this using our own photographs and will create our own view with a photography-decoupage piece.

In French we will also be looking at emotions and feelings. The children will learn how to talk about their feelings to one another in French and will focus their learning around the pronunciation of new words. To further develop the idea of the Growth Mindset, pupils will also be learning about words to praise one another in French.

In P.E we will be learning about the skills needed to participate in competitive games. The children will develop their skills and techniques further in the run up to a school based rounders tournament. Mr Doey’s sessions will continue to run fortnightly as last half term.

RE will focus around inspirational religious figures, including Jesus, Allah and Ganesh.We will be looking at what the children perceive to be ‘inspirational’ and will unpick a range of religious texts to support and structure their learning.

Our collective worship theme this half term is justice. The children will be learning about the importance of this within the wider world, including looking at examples of when justice has been used in a court of law.

Homework will continue to be given out on a Friday and collected in each Wednesday. Spellings and times tables will continue to run as last term.

If you have any questions regarding anything mentioned in this letter or otherwise, please do not hesitate to ask.

Best Wishes

Miss Moor

Class 4 Teacher