70-236, Lesson 1

Exchange Server 2007 Basics

Practice Quiz

Fill in the Blank

1. _________________ is an electronic text message that may contain attachments sent between people on a computer or computer network.

Answer: Electronic mail (email)

Section Ref: How Email Works

2. Microsoft Outlook and Eudora are examples of _____________________.

Answer: Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)

Section Ref: How Email Works

3. The _____________ DNS record is used to indicate the email server for a particular domain.

Answer: Mail eXchanger (MX)

Section Ref: How Email Works

4. When email is sent, the MX record with the lowest ____________________ will be the first mail server contacted to receive email.

Answer: priority

Section Ref: How Email Works

5. _________________ is used to rotate multiple host or MX DNS records.

Answer: Round-robin

Section Ref: DNS and Email Relay

6. The ____________________ handles all email relay within the organization and is functionally equivalent to the MTA and MDA in a generic email system.

Answer: Hub Transport (HUB)

Section Ref: Exchange Server 2007 Roles

7. The ____________ protocol is used to send email.

Answer: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Section Ref: How Email Works

8. The ________________ Exchange 2007 role allows users to access email, voicemail and fax messages from a MAPI client.

Answer: Unified Messaging (UM)

Section Ref: Exchange Server 2007 Roles

Short Answer

1. What command would you use to look up host (A) or Mail eXchanger records?

Answer: Nslookup

Section Ref: Test DNS Name Resolution Using NSLOOKUP

2. What would you classify the email server as that decides where to send the email that it receives from the MUA?

Answer: Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)

Section Ref: How Email Works

3. What is an email server that receives inbound email and simply forwards it to another email server within the organization?

Answer: Smart host

Section Ref: How Email Works

4. Which Exchange 2007 role is used to protect your network by blocking viruses and SPAM?

Answer: Edge Transport (Edge)

Section Ref: Exchange Server 2007 Roles