Canadian Association for Spiritual Care Atlantic

Association Canadienne de Soins Spirituels Atlantique

Annual General Meeting Minutes

Sunday October 26th, 2014 beginning at 6:30pm

Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia

Pam welcomed us to the meeting followed by Paul reminding people about phone etiquette.

The opening Reflectionwas lead byDeborah Everettwho talked about the 2 soldiers slain these past two weeks in Canada and also about the first world war, and the bravery of others.

The agenda was approved. In attendance: Pam Driedger president, Gary Myatt treasurer, Paul Wilkie secretary, Sandra Morrison vice president, Renee Clarke, David Maginley, MonicaPrice,Deb Everett, Tamara Kotenko, Peg Noseworthy member at large, Chris Coffin, (By Phone) Sue Cummings member at large and PP, Denis Belliveau

Regrets: Kimberly Bustard, Heather McGregor, Deborah Orton, Penny Alderdice, Louise Boussinnault, Adrien-David Robichaud, Peter Barnes

Approval of the minutes from AGM October 6, 2013 Paul moved 2nd Chris Coffin. MC

Business arising from the minutes

a)Prison Chaplaincy – Peg shared that they have completed a unit with 4 students this past year. The correctional Institution has been grateful that they were able to put on a unit. Kairos Pneuma Chaplaincy Inc has a two year contract from now to March 2016. Following that the Fed Gov,t will decide where to go from there. Due to this change the churches no longer have contracts with correctional services Canada. Denominational Endorsement is still the first requirement when chaplains are hired for Corrections. This is also a CASC requirement. It was asked if the inmates are getting the faith coverage they did previously? Peg said she believes the inmates are receiving the support they require from Kairos Pneuma and the faith based chaplains. Can these CPE students be employed by corrections? Chris said he believes most of them will apply, feeling they are more qualified than others, because they took their training units in house.

b)Visioning and Strategic planning– what is it we should be doing as a group besides sharing information.See Pam’s report. David moved that the executive move forward with the 2nd by Sue. formulating the mission statement, and strategic planning. MC


1] Chairperson Pam will share her report electronically next week. This includes the Vision discussion. We will work on our bylaws when national completes their revision because we are tied to them. We also had to incorporate in NS in order to have a not-for-profit bank account.Former CAPPE Atlantic and CASC National were also incorporated in NS. Discussion ensued. It was clarified that any member of the organization of any status could hold office in the organization. We were already doing this. Pam moved, Deb 2nd the report. MC

2] Treasurer. Gary led us in discussion of this report. Reports was circulated and is attached, included is last year’s reviewed report, and budget comparisons’ from the last three years. At present we have $7722.37 in account. The books were reviewed. Gary moved adoption of his report. 2nd David M. MC

4] Professional Practice Report from Sue. The circulated report was from last year so we will disregard it. What Sue wanted to talk about was how to gather information to generate a report for National. This has been a challenge because she has not been receiving responses to her requests. Sandra suggested designating people from each province/region to be contacted by Sue and they would feed back to her. In NB Pam said she and Denis could do the NB section, maybe Kim and Paul could do PEI, Sandra and Buffy could do the report with one more person from Halifax, perhaps Patricia O’Halloran, and Peg from Prisons, Newfoundland, Peter Barnes, Betty Morrissey, Betty Smythe all have been helpful for Sue.

5] Education Report done by round table. Patricia’s father in law just died and Pam offered to send a card. No units in NFLD. Gary in Halifaxhas a blended unit with 6 extended and2 intensive(one beginning in January). NB Pam is provisional supervisor leading one basic unitwith 5 students, Adrien-David will do an intensive unit beginning in May pending approval. There are no unit in PEI at this time. Peg; no units at this time in corrections, possibly one in the spring.

6] Round Robin Reports From Provinces: Sandra said with the new health authorities in NS they are working to get on gov’t agenda but have not arrived there yet. She is working with Evelyn Schaller and a person from Acadia University. Sandra shared some anecdotal evidence that there are people in gov’t that are supporting Spiritual Care and looking for research into spiritual care. David added that the dept. of health has been in touch and he has informed them of the professional standards of spiritual and psychosocial care. David suggested, and Sandra agreed, sharing the White Paper and how spiritual care improves the health of the patient would be a good source of info.

In NB, Denis shared there have been lots of transition in the province and with two health regions has caused progress in Spiritual Care to stall. The new concern he is hearing is that dept of health is revising privacy laws which may affect clergy listings etc. Sandra spoke to that saying that if the Clergies denomination gave approval to have a Patient report for their clergy, than it was approved. Pam shared that there is work afoot on benchmarks for spiritual care along with other areas. If we can’t benchmark we will not show up on any reports.

In PEI, Paul shared that we have denomination, faith listings but they are only accessible to clergy. Paul believes the QEH in Charlottetown is supporting Kim’s work toward Supervisor. Pam spoke on the need to work in this area that we are not working at cross purposes, balance out?

In NFLD, Sue spoke to the health care authorities and the questions a person is asked upon admission to hospital are: their faith background and then their church etc and if they want a visit, but the clergy do not get a list, only the chaplains which are denominational chaplains. Some chaplains have training and some do not, which is a concern. Pastoral Care and ethics are often the same department. There is a new hospital in the planning for mental health and the groups planning it have placedspiritual care front and center. There are still denominations who hire people to do their chaplaincy work without training. Queens College no longer requires a CASC unit but has put in place a spiritual educational unit that has no value elsewhere. Sandra asked if there is an opportunity for National CASC to address advocacy on this issue? Sue said she will be speaking to the RC Bishop and may raise this, Sandra shared some other suggestions of people who she may talk to.

Election of Officers:

A] Officers sheet.ATTACHED

B] Election of Secretary and affirmation of those offering for a second term. Sandra shared her report following discussion with other members of CASC Atlantic. Sandra moves to the chairs position and Pam will move to the past chair position. With Deb nominated for the secretary position 2yr term. All other officers have allowed their name to stand for a second term. See list below. Also confirmed Kim Bustard as a member at large 2yr term. Peg added that she will stay as member at large but has been unable to attend meetings due to it being on her day away from work. Question re \Buffy’s position as Regional rep on the CASC National Foundation, Clarification was made that she is not our rep but independent from us. Sandra moved, 2nd Sue. Nominations requested three times and slate of officer approved by acclimation.

New Business

a)Report from each province re: spiritual care. Sue will lead this.See previous round table.

b)Bylaw changes: reduce quorum to 5 people and place our executive as board of directors Gary brought this forward in order to bring us in line with Registry of Joint Stocks for Nova Scotia, Notices of Motion:

1.That the quorum for the Annual Meeting shall be “those who are present at the meeting” be changed to read “five,” and the quorum for any meeting of the membership duly called, the quorum shall be “those who are present at the meeting,” be changed to read “five. See Bylaws Article VIII-Meetings. Gary moved to adopt the motion, Denis 2nd MC.

2.Article IV, Executive Committee.

A new statement be added at the end of this section that reads, “Members of the Executive Committee shall act ex-officio as directors of the Association for the purposes of any registration with provincial Joint Stocks related to the maintenance of banking privileges for the Association.” Second motion re bylaws, Gary said this motion is asking that members of our executive be called directors, reflecting more accurately those who run the organization. Gary moved the second motion, Peg 2nd. MC.

Pam said we need to have our cheque signers in Halifax, so Pam Estey and Adelle Crowell were suggested and we would make them “members at large” for this purpose. Paul moved that we make them MAL 2nd by Chris, for the purpose of signing CASC Atlantic Cheques. MC

c)Professional Practice Awards of Excellence and the Professional Practice Research Awards. Sandra shared that new award be set up, a senior research award, new researcher award, group research awards, need to be sent in by Feb 1st2015 so they can be presented at the AGM CASC national. There will also be a call going out for Professional Practice awards, please think of who can be nominated from Atlantic Canada.

d)Final Notes: New book The Emerging Church Revised and Expanded: A Model For Change & a Map For Renewal. By Bruce Sanguin. Sue said this was an excellent book. Denis asked about National Advocacy group, Sandra added that it was changed to the national marketing and advocacy committee. Evelyn is the chair but due to a concussion this past summer has been unable to get the committee organized.

9. Tentative date and time of next AGM :

- Sunday October 25th 2015, retreat Monday October 26th, 2015

Next executive meeting –Friday Dec 5th 2014 (12pmMaritimes – 12:30pm NFLD)

10. Adjournmentat 8:40pm, Sandra moved

Current Officers:

Chair: Pam Driedger NB (term as past Chair 1yr, AGM 2015)

Vice Chair: Sandra Morrison NS (completed term as Vice Chair, moving to Chair AGM 2014- AGM 2016)

*Secretary: Paul Wilkie PEI (completed term not renewing)

Treasurer: Gary Myatt, NS(1yr remainingin term)

Professional Practice: Susan Cummings NFLD (2nd term AGM 2014 to AGM 2016)

Educational Standards and Regional Admitting: Patricia O’Halloran (2nd term AGM 2014 to AGM 2016)

Regional Admitting/Education: Patricia O’Halloran NS (2nd term AGM 2014 to AGM 2016)

Communications: Peter Barnes NFLD (2ndterm, remaining in term 1yr)

Member at Large: Karen Thorne NFLD (2nd term AGM 2014 to AGM 2016)

Member at large: Peg Noseworthy (1st term, remaining in term 1yr)

Member at large:Kim Bustard, confirmed (1st term, 2yrs remaining)

NationalEthics: Pam Driedger ( 2nd term AGM 2014 to AGM 2016)

CASC National Foundation: Buffy Harper (Term?)

Nominations for 2yr positions are as follows.

Secretary: Debbie Everett (2 yr term, from AGM 2014 to AGM 2016)

Vice Chair: (to be elected next year at AGM 2015 for 2015- 2017)