Why Do I Need Them?
TEACHING AIM: To teach the biblical principle of implementing certain spiritual practices and habits into our lives in order to conform us more into the image of Christ.
WHY STUDY THIS LESSON?Though we are saved by grace through faith alone and not by any self-effort, we are called to cooperate with God’s work in our lives and live out certain biblical practices as a means to allow God to make us more like Jesus.
DESIRED OUTCOME/PRACTICE: The goal of all the spiritual practices is not to win “brownie points” with God, but rather to put us in a position to hear from Him and allow Him to transform us so that we become more like Jesus.
Background Passage:1 Timothy 4
FocalPassage: 1 Timothy 4:6-10
- Training in the faith and in good teaching should lead us to be good servants of Jesus Christ (v. 6).
- Training for godliness has benefits in this life and the life to come (vv. 7-8).
- Though we are saved by grace through faith, we train and labor to cooperate with God to become godly people (vv. 9-10).
Memory Verse: But have nothing to do with irreverent and silly myths. Rather, train yourself in godliness(1Tim. 4:7).
Introduction to Spiritual Practices
Welcome to the beginning of our study of spiritual practices. You have the distinct privilege and responsibility of leading a group of adults in the exploration of the untold riches available to all believers—the riches of living and practicing disciplines that enhance and deepen our personal walk with Christ.
This study will be unique. It is a Bible study but much of the study will be done as individuals work their way through the Venture In Travelogueusing their own Bibles. Your role will be to facilitate a group discussion that probes deeper, investigates the Scripture, and validates the value of the particular practice or discipline for each study. Yes, you will teach—from the overflow of what God is teaching you. Yes, you will need to study in advance and be prepared to clarify and interpret Scripture. Yes, you will need to spend much time in prayer for each group member. But spiritual practices are personal—and while you can guide, encourage, and inform, you cannot coerce or dictate how learners will respond.
Invite God to invade your own life as you study daily to facilitate these studies. Prepare knowing that some learners will think they’ve already mastered spiritual practices. Work through the Travelogue for your own benefit and so you can fully participate with other group members. Bathe your study in prayer, asking God for His supernatural wisdom as you lead the people He has entrusted to you for this season.
Teaching Suggestions
To launch into the study of spiritual practices, bring sand, seashells, photographs, or other reminders of the ocean. Display the items and enlist learners to share why they love the ocean. Ask: How does the ocean soothe your spirit? Does it beckon you as the writer described in “Go Deep” of the Venture InTravelogue(p. 9).In what ways?How does this analogy relate to your spiritual life?
Guide a discussion of learners’ responses to the question from the Travelogue(p. 10). Is the deep calling you?
Teaching Option
Go online to find a video and the lyrics of“Oceans” (Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsong United. Play the video of the song as learners arrive and get settled.Discuss the lyrics as they relate to the study of spiritual practices introduced in “Go Deep” in the Travelogue(p. 9).
Write the phraseSpiritual Practices on the board. Ask learners to define the term. Enlist a volunteer to record responses on the board. Refer to the Travelogue explanation(p. 10): Spiritual practices are disciplines we put into our lives that place us in a position to hear from God and allow Him to take us deeper into life with Christ.Emphasize the value of spiritual practices or disciplines. Share this definition: Spiritual practices are those disciplines we put into our lives that place us in a posture to hear from God and allow Him to transform us more into the image of Christ.Point out the spiritual practices that will be included in this 13-week study: Bible reading, prayer, sacrifice, giving, worship, sharing your faith, Bible study, journaling, love, time, fellowship, and service.
Relate a personal example of the value of spiritual practices in your own life. Ask: How do spiritual practices help launch you forward toward spiritual maturity?
Begin the study time with a prayer for God’s guidance.
Teaching Option
Group learners into four teams and assign each team one of the questions about spiritual practices from the Travelogue: What? Why? How? Who? Direct each team to serve as investigative reporters, delving into the essence of their assigned question, using information in the Venture In Travelogueas well as their own knowledge and experience. Guide the group time by asking each team to report its findings, filling in information as needed. Be sure to include examination of these Scripture passages: 1 Timothy 4:6-10; Galatians 4:19; Romans 8:29; 2 Corinthians 3:18; and 1 Corinthians 9:26-27.
Direct learners to 1 Timothy 4. Emphasize that the most compelling reason we have to invest in the spiritual disciplines is the instruction from God’s Word to do so. Enlist at least two learners to read 1 Timothy 4:6-10 from two different translations. Discuss Paul’s command to young Timothy and the reason behind the command.
Teacher Helps
For additional commentary on 1 Timothy 4:6-10, go to enter the Scripture reference, and then click on the Video Player Tool. Dr. Gene Getz provides an 8-minute explanation of these verses and spiritual disciplines.
Teaching Option
To reinforce the physical training metaphor, upload and share images of a gym that include treadmills, weights, a stationary bike, and more. Or bring weights, running shoes, a gym bag, and other easily-transportable items that represent physical exercise. As you guide the discussion of spiritual practices and disciplines, compare the work and commitment that is required for spiritual training to the various images or pieces of workout equipment needed for physical training.
Refer to the benefits of physical training that learners recorded in their Travelogue(p. 12). Solicit volunteers to share their thoughts on how godliness benefits relationships, work, family, and other areas of their lives.
Compare the value of physical training and spiritual training. Ask: In which area are you most intentional: physical or spiritual? Why is training and exercise necessary for good, overall spiritual health?
Read aloud 1 Corinthians 9:25-27. Direct learners to identify the athletic terms in this passage. Write responses on the board.
Enlist group members to read aloud these three verses: Galatians 4:19, Romans 8:29, and 2 Corinthians 3:18. Reinforce the instructions contained in these verses by reviewing the responses in the Travelogue(p. 15). Call on volunteers to define formed, conformed, and transformed in relation to spiritual practices.
Teaching Option
Conduct an informal debate by grouping learners into two teams. Debate today’s Desired Outcome/Practice statement: The goal of all the spiritual practices is not to win “brownie points” with God, but rather to put us in a position to hear from Him and allow Him to transform us so that we become more like Jesus.
Ask a learner to read 1 Timothy 4:10 aloud and identify the two verbs used to describe how Paul trained for godliness (labor, strive). Ask: Why do you think hard work is always involved in worthwhile efforts? Enlist someone to read aloud the quote from Coach Dugan in A League of Their Own(Travelogue, p. 16): “It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard…is what makes it great.” Ask: How does that quote relate to the practice of spiritual disciplines?
Emphasize this statement from the Travelogue (p. 16): “Spiritual practices do not form, conform, and transform you into the image of Christ. God transforms you by His grace through the power of the Holy Spirit.” Stress that developing spiritual practices requires work, not just talk. Ask learners how the Venture In Traveloguecan be used to help them incorporate spiritual practices into their lives. Encourage learners to not only spend time on the practices that fit their personality but to make a concerted effort to experience them all as the study progresses.
Teacher Helps
For additional insight into spiritual practices, read Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth by Richard J.Foster (HarperOne) and Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald S. Whitney (NavPress).
Guide discussion of this section of the Travelogue(pp. 19-20) by asking:
- In what ways have you “dabbled in everything” instead of becoming spiritually disciplined?
- Do you agree with Donald Whitney’s evaluation that some Christians are “a mile wide and an inch deep”? Explain.
- Which statement(s) did you check that describe you (Travelogue,p. 19)?[The spiritual practices are for Christ-followers who: are not satisfied with the status quo, desire an ever increasingly intimate relationship with Christ, want to make a difference in their world and influence souls for eternity, long to be more like Jesus and less like themselves, and are ready to go deep.]
Emphasize that all believers will benefit from a study of spiritual practices, from the newest Christ-follower to the most seasoned saint in the group. Express your own commitment to work through the weekly studies along with the rest of the group.
Direct attention to pages19-20in the Travelogue. Spend time reviewing the steps necessary to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ. (Don’t assume that every person in your group has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.) Offer to speak privately with anyone who has additional questions about making this first step of commitment.
Summarize today’s study: Though we are saved by grace through faith alone and not by any self-effort, we are called to cooperate with God’s work in our lives and live out certain biblical practices as a means to allow God to make us more like Jesus.
Challenge learners to commit 1 Timothy 4:7 to memory.
Encourage learners to spend some extended time in silent prayer, asking God for strength and wisdom as they begin this journey into the spiritual disciplines. Close the prayer time after allowing sufficient time for personal reflection.
Teaching Option
Play the video of “Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)” again softly as learners are praying.
Follow Through
- Make individual contact with each group memberto assure them of your prayers as they seek to move forward to a more Christ-centered life. Remind them of prayer requests that were shared during the Bible study time last week.
- In the middle of the week, use email or social media to encourage group members to memorize 1 Timothy 4:7.